The scenery in front of the eyes of Bohdana is changing every second while Tanel has a still image of Estonian winter in front of him. What is a memory place? Why do we fight for laying flowers to cold stones and not for gifting them to each other? As a follow-up to Tanel’s work as an archivist for Anthropologies of Space project, Bohdana talked with him about memories, remembering, commemorating and the last stop on the tram line number two.  The web-archive of the Anthropologies of Space...
Published 01/06/23
Taavet Jansenil on külas Kelli Gedvil ja Liis Vares. Räägitakse projektist Ruumiantropoloogiad, milles kõik osalesid. Arutletakse selle üle, mis on mittefunktsionaalne ruum, ruum mis voolab oma füüsiliste seinte vahelt välja. Mis tähendab oma kehas olemine ja kuidas toimub virtuaalses ruumis kehast väljumine, vabaduse otsimine. Mõlgutatakse ka, et misasi on digitaalne nahk.
Published 12/23/22
Taavet Jansenil on külas Kelli Gedvil ja Liis Vares. Räägivad virtuaalruumis toimuvate kunstisündmustest, hallist ruumist must ja valge kuubi vahel, vaatajate reaktsioonidest ning selles, kuidas online ruumis etendaja ja vaataja roll omavahel sassi võib minna.
Published 12/09/22
On 9 November the stage of Kanuti Gildi SAAL in Tallinn, Estonia, turned into elektron's public broadcasting station. 2 hours, 9 episodes, birth, investigation, artists in residence, letters to the Ministry of Culture of Estonia, a clown from UK and our inevitable death. The performance is inspired by the 3 years of activity of elektron and the encounters we had with the audiences, artists, institutions, researchers, meat sellers and who's not. However, the main question we're trying to...
Published 11/11/22
Taavet Jansen was visited by the Dutch-Estonian artist and musician Renzo van Steenbergen. They discussed why it is crucial to experience installations live and how Renzo builds his sound sculptures as instruments. They talk about Feedbacksociety, Portal and life in Dutch underground scene. The Chair: https://bit.ly/3CRUKqL Feedbacksociety: https://bit.ly/3yVgyjS Quadra TV: https://bit.ly/3VNqeXQ
Published 11/05/22
An absent translation of the performance that is only yet-to-happen, or a public rehearsal of Episode 1 "Birth" from the public radio play "Something Great", together with Maike Lond and Kaie Olmre. Hosted by Bohdana Korohod. "Something Great" is an upcoming performance created and produced by elektron (co-produced with Kanuti Gildi SAAL). It takes place on 9 November 2022, in Kanuti Gildi SAAL at 19.30. Tickets: https://fienta.com/et/something-great
Published 10/28/22
Bohdana has spent 4 days in Helsinki Central Library Oodi. Working, observing, talking to strangers and eavesdropping. This episode is an invitation to share her experience of being there. For the maximum immersion, it's recommended to listen to the episode while being in a public space where you can observe the strangers together with Bohdana. Sound beacon used in the work was created by the sound designer Aki Päivärinne: https://www.oodihelsinki.fi/en/oodis-sound-beacon-2-0/ An artwork ...
Published 10/21/22
Bohdana and Hendrik on their way to the Biennial of audiovisual arts Aavistus talk about care while walking around the ferry Tallinn-Helsinki.
Published 10/07/22
An audio collage of the texts and the life around the texts from the archives of Kanuti Gildi SAAL, contemporary performing arts centre located in Tallinn, Estonia. Recommended for listening while on the walk or performing some manual activity such as washing dishes, folding laundry etc. Main language is English with interventions in Estonian and Ukrainian. Collaged by Bohdana Korohod as a part of her residency at Kanuti Gildi SAAL during the month of September 2022
Published 10/02/22
Selles tõlkes eemalviibijatele räägib Taavet Jansen lootuse dramaturgiast 10.mail Vene saatkonna ees toimunud aktisoonil “Aktsioon: Viktoria kirjad”. Sellel kuue ja poole tunnisel aktsioonil kanti ette 120 kirja Viktorialt, kes kirjeldab neis oma igapäevaelu Hersonis märtsi ja aprilli sündmuste keerises. Viktoriale andsid oma hääle: Mari-Liis Lill, Tatjana Kosmõnina, Inga Salurand, Natalja Murina, Ursula Ratasepp, Jaanika Arum, Mirtel Pohla, Tatjana Jegoruškina. Aktsiooni korraldasid Liis...
Published 09/21/22
Absent translation where Hendrik and Liisbeth try to surf OnlyFans.
Published 09/14/22
This is the last episode we publish from Baltoscandal 2022. Tomas Gonzalez was warmly welcomed to our radio van to speak about facts, lies and love with Taavet, Hendrik, Maike und Kaie. 9.07.2022
Published 09/07/22
Kolm nohikut - Taavet Jansen, Lukas Jansen ja Kristjan Jansen arutavad Nohikubussis mälestuste digitaalse salvestuse üle, räägivad ka ühest uuest feature’st mida e⁻lektron Baltoscandali ajal Ruumiantropoloogiate raames testis.
Published 08/31/22
Kaie ja Hendrik räägivad Maria Metsaluga, nagu ikka, üsindusest, loomisest, põhiväärtustest. Lühidalt ja ilma keerutamata. Elektron vabandab ebasobiva taustamuusika pärast.
Published 08/24/22
Kaie, Annika, Hendrik and Jaha are talking about family, memories, culture, identity and happiness. And of course loneliness. The talk is inspired by Jaha Koo/ Campo performance “The history of Korean Western Theatre”.
Published 08/24/22
In this episode, Andrus Aaslaid, Louis-Philippe Demers and Bill Vorn discuss the concept of cyborg art. What it takes to make a performance where the spectators are wearing exoskeletons, what ethical and physical limitations and questions this kind of art arises. The conversation takes place in a small van behind Rakvere Theatre at the Baltoscandal’22 festival.
Published 08/15/22
Baltoscandal festival special. Maike and Hendrik try to have a conversation with reluctant loneliness expert Kim Noble. Everyone is quite nervous. After all, we are strangers stuffed into tiny VW campervan. Then again, this is what life seems like most of the time. Baltoscandal, July 8 2022
Published 08/03/22
This sound composition is a part of the scripted walk “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”. Please choose the Walk you are about to read. The sound is meant to be listened to throughout the whole process of reading-walking (or more) on loop. After pressing “play” on the soundscape, please, return to the corresponding walk in the book and start your journey. All of the other details about this journey are inside the book “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”....
Published 07/06/22
This sound composition is a part of the scripted walk “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”. Please choose the Walk you are about to read. The sound is meant to be listened to throughout the whole process of reading-walking (or more) on loop. After pressing “play” on the soundscape, please, return to the corresponding walk in the book and start your journey. All of the other details about this journey are inside the book “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”....
Published 07/06/22
This sound composition is a part of the scripted walk “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”. Please choose the Walk you are about to read. The sound is meant to be listened to throughout the whole process of reading-walking (or more) on loop. After pressing “play” on the soundscape, please, return to the corresponding walk in the book and start your journey. All of the other details about this journey are inside the book “performing inscribed trajectories: a play in walks”....
Published 07/06/22
Maike Lond räägib Priit Rauaga festivalist Baltoscandal 2022.
Published 07/01/22
Bohdana has talked to Liis Vares about the political actions in support of Ukraine she has been co-initiating during the past months. They speculated on how labelling something either a protest or a performance changes the act itself and on artistic texts. They have also danced around the idea of artistic work "happening" rather than "being done"
Published 06/15/22
A sound essay on the undergoing change of the central market Keskturg in Tallinn. New market building will replace the old Soviet one in the near future. The narratives of the past are displaced by the messages of a bright future. But who is excluded from this "bright future"? And is "the change" always good per se?
Published 06/08/22
14. mail toimus ainulaadne aktsioon: Elroni liinil Tallinn-Narva avanes igas rongipeatuses kogukondade loodud kunstiline hetk. Kuidas reageerime, kui meie avalikku ruumi sekkutakse? Mida teame Narvast, millega on seotud hulk eelarvamusi ja müüte?Üritus oli seotud Henri Hüti avaliku ruumi koreograafia residentuuriga STL-is ja kantud Peeter Kormašovi raamatu "Peatusest peatusesse" ideest. Rongiga sõitis ja Kreenholmi nurgatagustes kondas Peeter Kormašov.
Published 06/01/22
Selles episoodis jätkavad Emer, Mikk-Mait ja Taavet vestlust motion capture anduritest teatris, virtuaalsest ja reaalsest, sinu loodud avataridest, meid ees ootavatest tulevikustsenaariumitest. Nad toovad välja ka kolm punkti, millega peaks iga alustav eksperimentaalse motion capture’ga tegelev kunstnik arvestama.
Published 05/27/22