It is a time of peace and tranquility. In the year 2309, Humanity has progressed past the Solar System, and has created several colonies across a new route of travel in the galaxy, known as the Colonial Spine. However, the unsuspecting people of Earth and her colonies will be shaken to their core by a malevolent criminal empire, hellbent on destroying humanity and building it anew...
Entropy is an original Sci-Fi Audio Drama created by REDSKULL AUDIO. *CONTENT WARNING*
Entropy contains depictions of graphic violence, mild language, sudden sounds and depictions of war. Listener discretion is advised.
The dark shadow of the Deneer Syndicate looms over the galaxy as the crew...
Published 05/08/21
Entropy is an original Sci-Fi Audio Drama created by REDSKULL AUDIO.
Entropy contains depictions of graphic violence, mild language, sudden sounds and depictions of war. Listener discretion is advised.
A deadly shadow looms over Earth and her colonies, as Deneer and his...
Published 01/27/21
Entropy is an original Sci-Fi Audio Drama created by REDSKULL AUDIO.
Entropy contains depictions of graphic violence, mild language, sudden sounds and depictions of war. Listener discretion is advised.
Upon the team splitting up, a faint distress beacon is heard by all the...
Published 01/27/21