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Euronews Tech Talks
Euronews Tech Talks goes beyond discussions to explore the impact of new technologies on our lives. With explanations, engaging Q&As, and lively conversations, the podcast provides valuable insights into the intersection of technology and society.‌Join us every other Wednesday, starting from June 14th.‌We delve into the pressing questions that shape Europe's digital future, covering topics ranging from Generative AI and space exploration to blockchain and net neutrality.
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Recent Episodes
Dr. Jessica Studer has spent the last 3 months without seeing daylight. She is spending one year in one of Earth's most extreme places: Antarctica, at Concordia Station. Her research will help us better understand how humans adapt to hostile environments and how isolation impacts their health and...
Published 07/31/24
What is quantum computing? How will it simplify our lives, and increase our productivity? What challenges does it face? Is quantum computing ever going to enter our everyday lives, replacing parts of our laptops and smartphones for quicker computations? And the century's mystery: Is Schrödinger’s...
Published 07/10/24
Published 07/10/24
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