Here is Part 2 with the Administrator of the Rakaviti IG page.. once again.. vinaka vaka levu for your support and see you next season!! Moce!!
Published 06/11/24
Published 06/11/24
For the final week and episode of the EF podcast , we are joined with the administrator of the Rakaviti IG page!! With nearly 15k followers and counting! It was an honour to have the Naita on and share his story, his journey and the origins of Rakaviti.. however bearing in mind this will be Part 1 with Part 2 following straight after.. so in saying , hope you enjoy the last podcast of this season (Part 1) and as the saying goes, save the best till last…
Published 06/11/24
Bula listeners !!!, this week had the honour of having Jesoni Katonivere join all the way from the state of UTAH USA !! Despite the time difference , it was a joy to have boy from Cakaudrove come on and share his story as an everyday Fijian!! Hope you listen and enjoy and take something out of it just as I did, in advance my apologies if during the podcast connection does fall out here and there, but hope you get to salvage the majority of the session.. Vinaka!!
Published 06/04/24
This weeks episodes of the Everyday Fijians podcast features Filimoni Nalohevu!! Even with the short notice was thankful the tagane agreed to come on during his stay in Sydney back in March as we were attending the National Youth conference held at the Pentecostals of Sydney.. but do hope you listen and enjoy filis story of simply being an everyday Fijian.. Vinaka!!
Published 05/28/24
This week we resume Part 2 with Mr Henry Elder.. however I just want to apologise to the Tikina of Tunuloa for misspelling Tunuloa last week but hoping to make amends this week.. but in saying that, hope you enjoy part 2 and the final part of Henry Elder.!!
Published 05/21/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka EF listeners!! This weeks episode features Henry Elder! A man that has been involved with sports in fiji for many years, had the opportunity to finally have the gentlemen on and hear him share his story and beginnings.. the conversation was so long that I’ve broken it into two parts, so this week is part one and next week will be part 2!! But till then, hope you enjoy and listen Mr elder share his story as an everyday Fijian..
Published 05/14/24
This weeks episode of the Everyday Fijians podcast features Siti Rokoqo!! Was a wonderful moment to have the young tagane on the podcast share his story and journey and as well his credentials in Rugby.. Siti shares his moments but as well hope you take out some time to hear the west harbour rep, share on being the everyday Fijian.. Hope you listen and enjoy!!
Published 05/07/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday fijian listeners! Welcome to another week!! This week I had one half of the dynamic comedy duo Roq and Cav , Tui Cavuilati join the podcast , but this time Tui shares his story of being active in the garbage industry.. An interesting insight into the garbage industry but also breaking down the stereotypes of being a garbo and how beneficial the job is.. anyway do hope you listen and enjoy and just like Tui , he’s the everyday fijian sharing his everyday story in the...
Published 04/30/24
Bula everyday Fijian listeners, this weeks episode features Robyn Elenoa Harvey!! With links to Macuata and Cakaudrove in Vanua levu, Radini Harvey shares her story from her upbringing till now being a mother and a pastors wife, many insights into the life of Radini Harvey but I do hope in some way or manner you take something out of her story.. just like any other Fijian trying to strive and succeed for the betterment of her immediate and her church family.. Hope you listen and enjoy. Vinaka!!
Published 04/23/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijian listeners!! This week we have Mr Taniela Bolabiu living out in Sydney’s west!! It was a great joy to have uncle Dan on but also it was a miracle!! 😂😂, the reason being because of the amount of rescheduling that had to be done. Any Uncle Dan comes on as an individual that shares his journey from the beginnings of being in fiji to being one of a very few Fijians migrating to Australia with his family , living in Sydney during the 80s to now being a granddad!...
Published 04/16/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijian listeners!!! This weeks guest is my good friend Lai Bognivalu!! Lai shares his story from being a fit athlete with a six pack to now being heavily involved in work and church with a one pack! 😂😂, despite the humour , Lai shares his story from his humble beginnings to where he is now married and having kids of his own.. Hope you listen and enjoy what my tagane Lai has to share.. Vinaka!!!
Published 04/09/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijian listeners!! Yes we are back for another new season!! And yes it’s been a minute!!! But I do hope that since the last episode last year, you’ve listened to past episodes and gain more insight into the life of past guests, this week it’s an honour to speak on mental health as one of the family members share on mental health in the armed services and especially since it’s from his view and perspective… to those wanting to join the army , do take a listen and...
Published 04/04/24
Ni sa bula Vinaka!! This weeks episode and the final episode of this season features Mr Stevan Ivic!! Stevan has links through his mothers side of the village of Viria in Naitasiri but as well a mixture of European blood as well.. Stevan shares his story and journey, his upbringing, his boxing and many other things as well.. at the time of the recording Stevan was preparing for one of his fights so to see him come away with 4-0 is very wonderful to see.. hope you enjoy the podcast and once...
Published 04/27/23
Had my 1st cousin (Mothers side) Mr Josh brown , join the EF podcast !! Was thankful and blessed to have Josh on and share his story, yarning away and having a few laughs with family, as well giving you the listener an insight into our relationship as cousins and moving on after our loved ones have passed on as the years have gone by.. not only that Josh has aboriginal blood as well but still repping the Fijian side as well.. Hope you listen and enjoy Josh sharing his story as an everyday...
Published 04/19/23
Ni sa bula Vinaka!! This weeks episode is a continuation of Podcast featuring Mr Qalulu, we continue on where we left off and get straight into the conversation.. Ladies and gentlemen here is part 2!!
Published 04/12/23
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijians!! This weeks episode features Mr Waisale Qalulu where he shares his story as the everyday Fijian.. this is the 1st part of the episode but hoping in some way or manner this 1st part will make you look forward to the second part of the story.. As a rugby veteran and playing his rugby , wise lays it all out and gives you an insight of his own perspective on the game that they play in heaven and the game which is like the way of life back home in Fiji.. hope...
Published 03/29/23
This weeks episodes feature Laura Coriakula, the person behind the Meke Movements Instagram and Facebook page!! Laura shares her story and journey, the creation of Meke Movments, the importance of preserving the Fijian way of life and her part showcasing Fijian craft and dance.. Hope you enjoy the podcast and realise just like Laura, she’s the everyday Fijian!!
Published 03/21/23
This weeks episode is a continuation of last weeks guest featuring Junior Roqica!! Junior continues on his story especially entering the field of advertising with companies such as BIG W and McDonald’s.. Hope you enjoy the second part of the podcast in which just like Junior, being the everyday Fijian, sharing his everyday story in the everyday world!!
Published 03/14/23
Ni sa bula Vinaka Everyday Fijians listeners and welcome to another week!! This weeks episode is a two parter featuring former Fiji bati rep and rugby league veteran Junior Roqica!! Junior shares his beginnings from attending High school in Homebush (Sydney ,Australia) to the well known Rugby league stomping ground of Holy cross college which also was the school of Eloni Vunakece, Junior gives insight into his life but as well other facets in his life that he shares on this episode. Hope you...
Published 03/07/23
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijian listeners and welcome to another season of the everyday Fijians podcast!! To start off the new season we have Ms Sophie Ravatudei as our first guest.. Sophie lays it all out and shares her story and journey, her ups and downs, her trials and triumphs.. but in a way Sophie wants share her story as there may be others going through the same situation.. Hope you listen and take out something from this podcast.. just like Sophie, she’s an everyday Fijian sharing...
Published 02/28/23
Ni sa bula Vinaka everyday Fijian followers and welcome to a special podcast episode!! This is just a talanoa session featuring the last guest we had with Ryan Mara, in where we just talk on topics that are totally random and also he asks me questions as well.. Just a way to finish 2022 and hoping you have a safe 2023!!
Published 12/31/22
Ni sa bula Everyday Fijian listeners and welcome to another week but the final episode of season 2022! We continue on with Ryan Mara , as he continues to share his story and his views and thoughts, as well hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are preparing for new years. But in saying that here’s the second and final part of Ryan’s story as an Everyday Fijian.. enjoy!
Published 12/29/22
Ni sa bula Vinaka Everyday Fijian listeners and welcome to another episode of Everyday Fijians! For this weeks episode, which is the final episode (but broken in two parts) it was a privilege in having Ryan Mara! Ryan shares his story from being born to a Fijian father and Japanese mother to earning two degrees from university and also being in the Australian army.. Ryan shares his ups and downs but also his advice on those wanting to join the army, hope you take something out of the 1st part...
Published 12/22/22
Ni sa bula Vinaka Everyday Fijians listeners and welcome to another week! This weeks episode is on the 70th anniversary of the well known Queen Victoria school, from its early days of establishment till now, the school was to be a teaching hub for sons of chiefs in grooming future leaders and diplomats.. Since then the school has made its mark on the Itaukei and Fijian community. As well my apologies if I’ve pronounced the names incorrectly in regards to those who studied or taught at QVS,...
Published 11/24/22