Masculine + Feminine Energetics In Business : You Can Build A Business, Be Successful AND Be In Your Feminine Power
I realized I had created a story that the ‘building’ phase in a business = destruction and I had also created a story that if I become more successful or continue to keep building I won’t be in my feminine energy and therefore won’t attract a ‘masculine’ man ... it put me in FREEZE mode and I was in such an indecisive place mentally because of this because I was restricting and cutting off such a crucial part of who I am - which is a builder! Something I am soo grateful to Angelica Ray for helping point out to me on a recent intuitive call because it helped give me my permission back that I can utilize my skillset and ability to build while still remaining in my true feminine essence because I am no longer building from a place of scarcity, fear, power, force, lack or ego. The energy in which I operate from now is different, so building a business is going to look completely different than how I did it the last time. And I was able to release those stories and step back into my power which I am so grateful for and I want to share this with you incase you are also in freeze as you begin o learn and understand masculine and feminine energetics and its causing you to freeze up too as you learn to integrate them within you and understand you are BOTH! And you can embody BOTH!
If you want support on how to connect and tap into your feminine superpowers - I created a course on this called the Empowered Feminine for EXACTLY this! To help you attract, manifest and call in your deepest desires utilizing the power of your feminine within you.
Empowered Feminine Course HERE
Building and taking big steps in life can be hindered by the fear of destruction, but it's important to recognize and challenge this belief.
Balancing masculine and feminine energies is crucial in the process of building and creating.
Don't put your life on hold for a future partner; prioritize your own desires and take aligned action.
You have the power to attract what you want by being clear about your intentions and taking steps towards your goals.
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YOUTUBE - @CarlyPinchin
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