We are approaching our 1 year anniversary of the podcast! I thought what a better way to celebrate one year than sharing some of my key lessons learned over the past year in hopes some of my lessons learned may also help support you! + Seriously - Thank you for all of you who have been here since the beginning. I appreciate you so much. 12 Key Takeaways + Lessons Learned That saying about your greatest fear being your greatest gift really is true Plant Medicine + the deep connection I...
Published 09/10/24
A convo about money, success, financial abundance, clarity, gratitude, manifestations, fear, success and limitations and so much more! Key Takeaways Get clear on what you really want and be intentional and smart in your financial decisions. Show gratitude for what you already have, even as you strive for more. Be specific in your manifestations and ask for what you truly desire. Challenge the belief that money is bad and recognize its role in creating opportunities and making an...
Published 09/03/24
This weeks episode is with our guest Milica - a women’s mentor and life coach, specializing in feminine energy work. She is also a mama of 2. We discussed everything from self abandonment, healing journeys, balancing masculine and feminine energy, how to express your needs in relationship and create a safe space in relationship for both partners as well as uncovering the divine masculine and feminine.  KEY TAKEAWAYS: Surrendering to the unknown can lead to magical experiences and...
Published 08/27/24
This entire episode really puts into perspective the power of your thoughts and how what you think completely shapes your life and your reality. I share some key takeways and quotes from the financial intensive in hopes you can let these hit you and impact you the way they did me. You ARE limitless and have the POWER to CREATE the LIFE you Dream of - now go create it! Here’s a few of the fav quotes from Robert Edward Grants Talk:  ‘You don’t actually see the world as it is - you see it...
Published 08/20/24
In this journey I set the intention of knowing and being shown the truth of who I am and it took me through my life and showed me all the ways I stood in my truth and how I’ve always remained my authentic self throughout my life. I was also shown so clearly dis-ease and how it’s passed through human beings- not in the sense of how we see disease or viruses but how we pass it through with our words, energy and frequency form 1 human being to another and how sick the majority of the population...
Published 08/06/24
What if you actually don’t need a 75 step morning routine to be successful? And what if allll those things you’re trying to get done and prioritize in the AM are actually hindering your success? At the most growth in my business I didn’t have any oz of a morning routine, I woke up with passion and worked because I was excited to build and grow my business, and sometimes your best self is first thing in the morning and the best thing you could do for you is focus on your business first...
Published 07/30/24
Danielle McCleerey (@Danielle_OntheDaily) is a business coach who supports entrepreneurs in really figuring out who they are so they can build aligned businesses paired with spirituality and human design and astrology and all the things. I am excited for you guys to listen to this episode because we talk through why shit may be REALLY hitting the fan right now with so many big wounds being exposed and ppl seeming fiesty and triggered AF - as well as all things building a successful business,...
Published 07/23/24
In this beautiful conversation we talk all things addiction - whether it be substance abuse, gambling, pornography, or doom scrolling, escapisms or other distractions. As well as how sexual abuse and childhood trauma are all linked and can impact the behavioural patterns in men and how they show up today. If you want to have a better understanding of masculine and feminine energetics as well as the polarity of the 2 and importance - definitely listen to this episode.  Malcom Fraser...
Published 07/16/24
This episode is for anyone with debt who’s ready to look at the way it may be impacting your life and if you’d like a step by step process on how to baby step start to pay It off and why it is valuable to do so.  If you have any level of debt right now, I promise you it is impacting your overall health and well being. It also can block you from truly achieving financial abundance and freedom in your life because it is SUCH a heavy weight over your head.  You may be avoiding the debt and...
Published 07/09/24
Masculine + Feminine Energetics In Business : You Can Build A Business, Be Successful AND Be In Your Feminine Power I realized I had created a story that the ‘building’ phase in a business = destruction and I had also created a story that if I become more successful or continue to keep building I won’t be in my feminine energy and therefore won’t attract a ‘masculine’ man ... it put me in FREEZE mode and I was in such an indecisive place mentally because of this because I was restricting...
Published 06/25/24
Reflection Points: What do you need to grieve about the old version of you? Relationship, Friendship, Careers, Family, a Younger Version of You?  Are you holding space for your partner? Especially your man to be able to be fully open and expressive to you in their shame and their pain?  Key Takeaways: Grieving the layers of grief is an important part of the healing journey Somatic work and creating a safe space within oneself can facilitate emotional release It is essential to...
Published 06/18/24
A powerful story and we have so many similarities. Alessia Scauzillo aka @AlessiaSculpt mom passed when she was 20, which introduced her to to her passion for fitness. She had a corporate career before deciding to purse her passions and take the leap of faith into an an entrepreneurial journey. She has shared openly on social about her body struggles, divorce, being 32 without kids and the pressure of that, dating and healing through heartbreak. This is such a powerful convo regarding...
Published 06/04/24
Narcissism and healing of men and deep rooted wounding from history and how we are calling our men to do something they’ve never really had to do before - which is open their hearts and be emotionally available, something that likely would have gotten them killed or negatively impacted their lives in the past.  As women we need to give so much grace to men as they try to become this version and navigate this for themselves for the first time. We also need to provide the safe space to our men...
Published 05/28/24
If you're struggling to make a decision in your life right now, or feel uncertain about something - this episode is for you. Be ok with the uncertainty of the in between and settling into the discomfort of the unknown.  In today’s episode I wanted to just talk freely about something I was navigating and how I have navigated seasons of ‘ in between’ or uncertainty in the past. I felt I really heavily moved through this when trying to make the decision regarding my separation, and it is...
Published 05/21/24
Let's Talk Money Mindset, Intention Setting and how you need to pair Vision, Decision + Aligned Action in order to achieve your goals. Key Takeaways: Having a clear vision, making decisions + taking aligned actions are essential for achieving your goals. Overcoming the monkey mind and managing doubts and fears is a normal part of the journey. The challenges of overcoming 'the monkey mind' and the doubts and fears that can hold you back. The importance of surrounding yourself...
Published 05/07/24
In this weeks episode I share 4 things I have done to create the space to call in my dream partner. I truly believe getting crystal clear on what you are looking for, and then creating that frequency within you is essential to create the space for this person long before they show up physically within your life. You must cultivate these feelings within you and get clear on what you want long before they are going to show up in your life. I also fully read a letter I wrote to my future husband...
Published 05/01/24
This weeks episode with Phoenix White is AMAZING! She is a mama, CEO + business owner, speaker, author and spiritual leader. We discuss all things motherhood, business, single momming, relationships, trauma, healing, finding love again, abuse, sexual trauma, her near death experience and having brain surgery, plant medicine, non negotiable in relationships and what to look for, spirituality and so much more!  Phoenix shares her personal journey and how she found her purpose in helping...
Published 04/23/24
In this weeks episode I share all the updates on my dating life and some things that I have learned and noticed about myself during this very new process for me. I share the importance of dating different people to be able to compare and contrast qualities, characteristics and how you feel energetically. Something I now very much see the value in as I have gotten to know different people and truly trust where my intuition is pulling me toward. I also know for me as a newly single person...
Published 04/16/24
I am so excited for this weeks episode with Danny Morel. You guys know it has made such a powerful impact in my life attending awaken events + joining the inner circle program and I am forever grateful for his teachings and lessons I have applied to my life. Takeaways Let go of labels and titles and focus on being your authentic self. Return to the heart and find peace, love, and abundance within. Question belief systems and create your own reality. Cord cutting can be a powerful...
Published 04/09/24
Intuitive Healer + Coach - Angelica Ray Have you ever been blocked over and over and over again from something you think you want? Sometimes thats perfectly placed divine intervention to lead you on a different path and to help course correct you into the path you are meant to be on. On this weeks episode we dive into Angelicas journey in recognizing her gifts as an intuitive healer + her journey from working in corporate and being a teacher, to utilizing her gifts to help support...
Published 04/02/24
Ok sooo excited for this weeks episode with my bestie Stephanie Wray!! You guys overwhelmingly voted for this one and I called it "Steph's Tell All" LOL. But we talk all about our history of relationships and how idealizinng relationships and creating rom coms in our head has lead us to staying in relationships that likely dont really serve us. Plus she shares about how she has overcome abuse, past codependent tendencies + some more details about her marriage, and her called off engagement...
Published 03/26/24
The relationship intensive and my recent trip to Austin was UNREAL! I wanted to share my major breakthroughs and lessons learned from the intensive and my psilocybin journey. It was the most beautiful experience I have had so far and it showed me so much about being present within my body and how to truly just BE, FEEL and experience TRUE presence and exploration of the senses. I also talked with my. Future husband… so that was extra cool and even had spirit guides and past lives show up - it...
Published 03/19/24
You guys if you love all things relationships, spirituality, soul connections, collective conciousness, growth, healing, overcoming trauma, plant medicine love after divorce and the list goes on -you are going to LOVE this conversation.  Christy is a best selling author, speaker, top 1% network marketer, + Podcaster. We both openly and honestly discuss our personal journeys of growth and healing in relationships. Our strong spiritual connection that is the foundation for all things....
Published 03/12/24
Ok in this one I am going to take you through my decision making process with purchasing a house + all the self reflection I have been doing in regards to how and where I decide to spend my money because I truly believe it shows what I value… and that is something I like to be mindful of.  We talk about the importance of evaluating decisions from the perspective of ego versus heart-centered service. And questions you can ask yourself when you are making your decisions around how you spend...
Published 03/05/24