Don’t be a fair-weather Christian. Pastor David reminds us that Jesus would have died for us, even if we were the only one. · Our flesh is crazy! · We'll never be good enough. · But, God wants our commitment. Stick with it! Follow Jesus, go to church, and read His book. Be faithful and your feelings will follow.
Published 04/08/24
Do you feel like you’ve been trampled on and your dreams are dead and buried? Pastor David reminds us that we are resilient and have the ability to spring back! · Be HAPPY right now and forever. · LIVE with vigor and optimism. · Major setbacks could just be a SETUP. The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us! As long as we have a seed of faith… all things are possible!
Published 04/01/24
Worry isn’t keeping us from living! Pastor David gives us the keys to control our minds and overcome negative thinking. * Mark 4:24 * Proverbs 14:30 * Philippians 4:8 * John 14:27 * 2 Corinthians 10:3-7 * Think about what you’re thinking about * We can’t have a positive life with a negative mindset * We’re following our faith, not our fears
Published 03/25/24
Does your life sometimes feel incomplete… like there’s a GAP in your soul? God is the missing piece of the puzzle. If you’ve been served… maybe, it’s your turn to serve others. It’s time to use YOUR life to change a life. 1. We don’t HAVE to… we GET to! 2. Join a CONNECT Group. 3. Serve on a DREAM Team. 4. Help with MISSION Outreach Events You are never more like Jesus than when you serve others. Jesus saved you. But, having the right people around you will KEEP you saved!
Published 03/11/24
Where you plant yourself makes a difference. We’re designed to do life together. Pastor David reminds us: * Offense isn’t the reason to leave * We’ll be blessed at the church we’re called to * We’re being equipped to do the work of the ministry * When we all do what we’re called to do, we’re able to do even more * We can be committed to something of significance It’s not just a church - it’s a family. There’s a church home waiting for you.
Published 03/04/24
There are people everywhere who have a hole in their soul and need God. How can we share the Gospel? Pastor David teaches us to show compassion for people by simply listening to their stories… and then, sharing ours. · Do you still pray for people? · Are you texting encouragement to your friends? · When was the last time you invited someone to church? Is fear keeping you from sharing your faith? It’s time to make sinners your specialty! Don't judge… just LOVE! In the...
Published 02/26/24
God wants us all to have healthy relationships. But, having FAITH doesn’t automatically eliminate the friction. Pastors Austin and Morgan Schuler want to know… “What relationship baggage are we bringing with us?” · Anger, insecurity, jealousy? · Past hurt, abuse, fear of failure? · Unresolved trust issues? Stop running away from your family drama. Learn to UNPACK it, LEAVE it, and start FRESH! You may not have come from a good family, but a good family can still come from...
Published 02/19/24
In every relationship, couples are bound to fight. A little conflict can be good. Just remember that you’re on the same team. Pastor David and Nicole want to be the coaches in your corner. · Stop trying to change each other. · Offenses are going to come. · Patience is the key. Don’t put your happiness in someone else’s hands. If you want to improve your relationship, start by changing yourself. It’s not important what you fight about… but what you’re fighting for!
Published 02/12/24
What can we do to save our relationships? Pastor David provides three things every marriage needs to last. • Discover what to do to make your relationship stronger • Find the realistic expectations every relationship needs • Proverbs 22:6 • Genesis 2:18 • Ephesians 4:1-2 Learn the differences between what men and women need in relationships, and watch the love and communication grow!
Published 02/05/24
Relationships can be heaven or hell. Pastor David gives biblical advice on how to find the right person and marry in the Will of God. · Quit acting desperate. · Stop looking for someone to complete you. · Don’t overestimate yourself. What you need is confidence and communication. Don't be in such a hurry. God will bring the right person to you when you’re not looking.
Published 01/29/24
Are you ready to accomplish greater things this season? John C. Maxwell teaches us: * People are waiting for us to be their conduit for life-change *Experiencing true Love empowers us to keep going no matter how things look * The limit of what we can do, is only the beginning of what God wants to do through us God wants to do incredible works in and through us to help the world. When we leave Him room, we’ll do bigger things than we could imagine!
Published 01/22/24
Beware… your natural eyes will lie to you and tell you that you’re NEVER going to get it. Stay prayed up! Just open those big eyes of faith and believefor the things you cannot see. · That dream job you’ve always wanted. · The family you’re going to start. · The book you’re going to write. · The business you’re going to open. God will start speaking to you and FAITH will open the way! Keep your eyes on Jesus and start expecting incredible things to happen to...
Published 01/15/24
What’s keeping you from reaching your dreams and goals? Pastor Nicole teaches us: * We’ll have to fight for our dreams * Our last doesn’t determine what our future can hold * When our vision is strong, others will start to see it * It’s not about where we start- it’s about where we’re going What did God tell you to do? See how that detour on the journey to the vision is really the stepping stone to finally see our dreams!
Published 01/08/24
Are you running away from what God has called you to do? Our God is the “God of second chances.” Pastor Josiah encourages us to take the first step. When we move, God will move. · What calls have you not made? · What steps have you not taken? · What wrong relationships are you in? God never gives up on us. But He won’t give us any new direction until we obey what He’s already told us. Even though we got it all wrong, the first time… get up and get going. God’s grace...
Published 01/01/24
Are you tired of living in a non-stop, negative news cycle? The world is CRAZY and filled with darkness. But, Pastor David reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world! · We have His light on the inside of us. · People are drawn to light. · We have to let our light shine! Lighting is everything! Don’t get caught up in the darkness. Allow the Holy Spirit to LIGHT up your life!
Published 12/25/23
Have you ever been hurt? Have you ever turned green with aggravation? Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy. God has forgiven us. So, we need to forgive others… and even ourselves. · Be quick to FORGIVE. · Let it DROP. Leave it and let it GO. · Start walking in LOVE. Don’t allow the enemy (or your inner me) to hold onto unforgiveness. Stuff you worry about today won’t matter in a few years. Don’t let an old grudge ruin your Christmas!
Published 12/20/23
Why does God want us to give? Charles Nieman teaches us: • We can shift our mindset on the significance of giving • The reason we give is different than we think • Giving allows our life to move forward Reframing our thoughts on giving allows us to live a life better than we imagined!
Published 12/12/23
There are a lot of anxious and confused people in the world, worrying about high gas prices. Pastor David teaches us to start thinking, saying, sowing, and believing for something great! · Put God’s house FIRST. · The seed that leaves your hand will NEVER leave your life. · If you were God... would you trust YOU? A blessed life is the BEST life! God is opening new doors for you in 2024! Trust Him and stop trying to do the math on your miracle.
Published 12/04/23
#Blessed Part 2: Overflow Blessing!
Published 11/27/23
The answer is “YES!” Don’t allow the weight of the world to get you down. Rejoice and be humble. We’re children of God and we’re BLESSED to be a blessing to others. · Be grateful not hateful! · God is an extravagant god! · He’s out looking for someone to bless! · So, expect good things to happen to YOU! Put God FIRST! Trust in Him with all your heart. Stop trying to feed what isn’t real… and start starving your doubts! A bad economy hasNOTHINGto do with you!
Published 11/20/23
What would you do if you could see what your future could look like? Pastor David challenges us to change 4 things to see more in 2024: * Thinking * Vision * Praying * Sowing Get ready! When God opens the door, no one and nothing can shut out the opportunity He has prepared for us!
Published 11/13/23
Dreaming big doesn’t mean what we think. When we focus on the one thing instead of everything, we’re closer to success. Pastor Nicole teaches us: * How to find the 2% we should be focusing on * There are different stages in having vision for our lives * The right focus allows us to receive the bigger vision without the bigger struggle * What makes us different is actually our unique advantage Success is closer than we think. Learn how to focus your vision to achieve the dream.
Published 10/30/23
The Holy Spirit isNOTin a hurry. Don’t get antsy and aggravated waiting on God’s divine timing. Don’t freak out! Wait upon the Lord… it takes time. If its God today… it’ll be God tomorrow! But, DON’T wait to be happy until: · You get the job. · You find the spouse. · You have the kids. · The kids finally move out. Enjoy where you are until you get where you're going… no matter how long it takes. When it’s Gods time, you can’t stop it. And when it’s not, you can’t...
Published 10/23/23
Are we just going to sit back and wait? To get the life we want, we have to do things we’ve never done before. Pastor David teaches us: * God called us to live in this time and place for a reason * We have to get out of our comfort zone or we’ll always be stuck where we are * Pay attention to how we’re handling the small problems * If it was easy to have the life of our dreams, everyone would have it It’s not the season to let things get loose. Saddle up! God is preparing us to expand our...
Published 10/16/23
Failure is not final! Having grit takes us farther than we even imagined we could go. Pastor David teaches us: * Just because we’ve failed, it doesn’t mean we are a failure * It’s not about how often we fall, it’s about getting back up every time * God doesn’t define us by our past or by our mistakes The setbacks will make us even stronger than we were before. With God, we have the grit to get back up and overcome every failure we face.
Published 10/09/23