What if the foods we’re told are healthy are keeping us from true healing? In part 3 of The Mind-Gut Connection series, Pastor David breaks down the surprising facts about nutrition and health. • Hosea 4:6 • John 8:32 • 3 John 1:2 • Ephesians 4:22 • Our health is in our hands • What we don’t know holds us back • Convenient and fast can actually shorten our lives
Published 10/14/24
In Part 2 of his teaching on “The Mind-Gut Connection,” Pastor David reveals more Biblical insights on nutrition and how we can HONOR God by honoring our own bodies (The Temple of the Holy Spirit). • Key Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Hosea 4:6 • We are what we EAT! • How we treat our bodies affects us physically and spiritually. • Immediate gratification leads to long-term health problems.
Published 10/07/24
Published 10/07/24
Imagine waking up every day full of energy and feeling amazing. In week 1 of our new series, The Mind-Gut Connection, Pastor David gives us practical tips to improve our gut health and live a long, healthy life. • Hosea 4:6 • John 8:33 • Psalm 103:5 • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 • Giving our body what it needs allows us to heal faster • Having the right information gives us power
Published 09/30/24
No matter what our past looks like, we’re not defined by it! Pastor Nicole shares four powerful steps to help us let go of guilt and shame, so we can step into our calling with confidence. • Romans 8:28 • John 3:16-17 • Romans 8:1-2 • God chooses the least qualified • Our calling is still valid, and it’s time to fulfill it God’s grace means our future is incredible, no matter our past!
Published 09/16/24
Are we truly going after God with our whole heart? Pastor David explores key questions to help us evaluate where we are in our walk with God and how to embrace the new blessings He wants to bring into our lives. • Luke 5:37-38 • Ezekiel 36:26 • Are we prioritizing God or the world? • God wants to do something new, but we need a new mindset • Safe will never make us great • Don't stop dreaming, your best days are ahead
Published 09/09/24
Would you like to have an amazing finish to your year? Pastor Paul Taylor teaches us the importance of paying attention to the voice of God, in order to receive all that He has for us. • Pay attention to your PACE. • Pay attention to God’s PRESENCE. • Pay attention in your PAIN. We’d love to have God show up in our lives in some big and powerful way. But, God is subtle. We have to pay close attention and listen. We have to be still and know that He is God! 💻 Join our online campus...
Published 09/02/24
Do you feel weighed down by life’s challenges? Remember, you’re not alone. Pastor David encourages us to stop trying to fix everything ourselves and allow God to lighten our load. · You don’t have to handle this alone. · Lean on Him when you’re under pressure · Surround yourself with the right people. Face it… life isn’t easy! But, with God by your side, you can overcome any obstacles. Let go of your worries and allow Him to fight your battles. Trust in God and let His...
Published 08/26/24
When we’re feeling stuck in life, there’s a way to get through the clutter. Pastor David teaches us how God starts moving when we start doing the best we can. * Hebrews 4:12 * 1 John 3:20 * Proverbs 4:23 * Every step towards order is a step toward changing our life * We can change things right away before we get comfortable with our bad decisions
Published 08/19/24
Every opportunity has its difficulties. And, every difficulty has its opportunities. Pastor David demonstrates the POWER we have to bulldoze our way past any obstacles. Embrace the challenge and FLIP the switch! · Obstacles are just new OPPORTUNITIES! · Problems are your next PROMOTION! · What happened TO you… is actually happening FOR you! Learn how to build a better life because you’re called for a purpose. God is already out ahead of you clearing the way and opening...
Published 08/12/24
Did you know God wants to bless us? Pastor David reminds us that when we have the right motive, God can do more than we ever imagined! * Acts 5:1-6 * Mark 12:42-44 * Deuteronomy 8:18 * Proverbs 10:22 * God looks at the motive behind our giving * Sacrifices now set up an investment for our future The abundant life means having the resources to do all God has called us to do!
Published 08/05/24
Research shows that people who attend church, regularly, are happier and have a lower instance of depression. Pastor David teaches the importance ofbeing a part of your local church. · Church offers a sense of friendship and community. · Church offers spiritual and mental healing. · You won’t need a church… until you really NEED a church! Get in the habit of going to church. If it’s not a big deal… then why does the enemy fight so hard to keep us away? Jesus needed to go...
Published 07/29/24
Feeling trapped by rejection or worry of what people think of us stops today. Nona Jones teaches us how to see rejection as the training ground for our purpose. * 1 Samuel 16:5-13 * 1 Samuel 17:32-37 * 2 Timothy 4:9 * When doors close, start asking God where He’s positioning us * We don’t have to force ourselves anywhere; God knows where we are and where He’s going to take us
Published 07/22/24
The world out there is EVIL! But, Pastor David reminds us that The Holy Spirit is already out ahead of us, covering us with God’s CLOUD of protection. · You don’t have to understand His plan. · Your Father God will never leave you. · So, if The Holy Spirit says move… then move! Trust God’s timing… even when you have no idea where you’re going. The more you depend on The Holy Spirit… the BETTER your life will be!
Published 07/15/24
Do you have a short FUSE that’s only hurting yourself? Pastor David teaches how to let go of any rage and bitterness. · Don’t hang out with HOTHEADS! · Anger can DESTROY your life! · Stop carrying around all that DYNAMITE on the inside! A moment of patience can prevent a lifetime of regret! You might be disgraced if you don’t put anger in its place. Find out what triggers you before you get LIT!
Published 07/08/24
Have you done things, in the past, that you’re not very proud of? The enemy will try to shame, frame, and defame you. But, Pastor David reminds us that God ‘s grace and forgiveness is MORE than enough. · We’re saved by grace, even though we don’t DESERVE it. · Works WON’T make God love us any more than He already does. · It’s His grace and NOTHING else! His unlimited grace is not based on WHAT you do… it’s based on WHO you are. You are the righteousness of God, in Christ!...
Published 07/01/24
You are NOT a mistake! You are God’s child; in whom He is well pleased! Pastor David teaches us that even if our earthly father was “missing in action,” we are worthy of our Heavenly Father’s love! 1. Recognize your “father wounds.” 2. Understand the impact of lack of affirmation. 3. Find your true identity in Jesus! Get a real revelation of God’s LOVE. What your earthly father lacked… your Heavenly Father can provide!
Published 06/17/24
Is your happiness “firing on all cylinders?” Pastor David drives his jeep on stage to encourage us to check under our hood for problems that may have us stalled. · Do you have an addiction to break? · Shame or trauma from your past? · Unresolved conflict? Don’t just isolate yourself in your pain. Be honest and start making a few minor adjustments. If you need help, get help from a small group. Whatever it is…God can FIX it!
Published 06/10/24
Ready to break free from negative mindsets and runaway thoughts? Pastor Austin gives us four steps to take control of our thoughts and finally get rid of those mind minions. • Philippians 4:8 • 2 Corinthians 10:5 • Romans 3:23 • Philippians 4:13 • Luke 10:19 • We’ve been given the authority to kick negative thoughts out of our minds • We need to address what we’re filling our mind with • Where we see a problem, God has a plan
Published 06/03/24
We can take back control of our lives. Pastor David gives us simple steps to change our mindset and overcome everything trying to hold us back. * John 10:10 * 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 * 1 John 1:9 * Romans 12:2 * Judges 6:1 * We can set ourselves up for emotional healing * Dealing with the root of our internal problems we can fix our problems externally
Published 05/27/24
Nobody’s perfect! We all have regrets about dumb stuff we’ve done in the past. Pastor David teaches how we can overcome shame and learn to make better decisions in the future. · Don’t keep living in your past. · Stop rehearsing your regret. · Refuse to identify with shame. Everybody makes mistakes. But, God is a loving God. Forgive yourself and don’t allow regret to anchor you to the past, anymore!
Published 05/20/24
What’s the story you’ve been telling yourself? Pastor Nicole teaches us four keys to overcome our past and change the story of our future. * 1 Thessalonians 5:23 * Genesis 2:7 * Ruth 1:21; 2:2 * Mark 11:23-24 * We’re prepared for our future because of our past * We change our story through the power of our words * When we allow God to change us, He changes our whole story
Published 05/13/24
Looking for the next opportunity? Pastor David shows us how to find golden opportunities in the places we’d least expect it! * Ephesians 5:15-17 * Acts 12 * Little acts of obedience are what take us to the next level * There’s a special purpose for our lives * In this moment, there’s a powerful opportunity right in front of us
Published 04/30/24
The world is a dangerous place. But, you’re God’s FAVORITE! Pastor David reveals how God has put His Angel Armies to work for you! · Angels to GUARD and protect you. · Angels to FIGHT your battles. · Angels to bring you PROSPERITY. Be obedient and POWER UP to the next level! Recognize that angels are definitely REAL and working hard for you, every day!
Published 04/22/24
There’s more power when we activate multiplayer mode! Pastor David teaches us how our odds of winning at life are better when we do life with the right people. * Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 * Psalm 1:1-4 * 1 Corinthians 12:1-9 * Genesis 2:18 * We become like the people we’re around * Life is better when we’re around the right people
Published 04/15/24