Michelle Hill interviews Shelby Abbott, the host of our new podcast for 18 to 28 year-olds called Real Life Loading... Learn more and subscribe here: https://www.familylife.com/podcast/real-life-loading/
Published 09/14/22
Published 09/14/22
What if there were liturgies for more menial tasks like paying bills, planting a garden, or changing diapers? Douglas McKelvey helps us remember that God is the God of every day.
Published 09/10/22
What does it take to launch your kids well? Dennis Rainey, Alex Chediak, and Michelle Hill cover the value of independence, friendship, time management, faith, good friends, and ramen noodles.
Published 09/03/22
Gary Thomas, Paul David Tripp, Jonathan Pitts, Dave and Ann Wilson, and Bob Lepine talk about how to face mundane irritants in marriage with transcendent grace.
Published 08/27/22
If you're single, that doesn't mean you're incomplete. You can be whole in Christ. Clarence Shuler coaches singles to speak up and let your needs be known for the benefit of your local church.
Published 08/20/22
There are few things that make humans feel more alone than experiencing loss. Ron Deal and Michelle Hill talk about the grieving process and how to care for yourself and others you know who may be grieving. We'll also hear from Matthew Arbo and Abigail Dodds.
Published 08/13/22
What is forgiveness? Join us on the journey of biblical forgiveness with Leslie Leyland Fields, Voddie Baucham, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Published 08/06/22
Discover the incredible value of living in the freedom of a clear conscience with God and others. Our guests, Erwin Lutzer, Eric Mason, Chris and Cindy Beall, and Paul David Tripp offer biblical insight and heartfelt transparency.
Published 07/30/22
Charmaine Porter shares candidly with Michelle Hill how she has processed her own discontent with being single, and how the church has--or has not--been helpful in her struggle.
Published 07/23/22
For anyone who has experienced the pain of a miscarriage, the grief can make you feel all alone. Stephanie Green talks to Michelle Hill about her experience with miscarriage while helping listeners in this situation learn to process this unique grief.
Published 07/16/22
A significant chunk of "the book of love," a.k.a. Song of Solomon, talks about conflict. Matt Chandler, Tiffany Lee, Chip Ingram, and Tim Muehlhoff address the dynamics involved in conflict, and coach us toward resolution and closer relationships in the aftermath.
Published 07/09/22
As parents do you have clear direction how to help your kids manage their technology usage? David Eaton and Melanie Mudge talk about the landscape of teens and technology. Brian Goins and Wynter and Jonathan Pitts share how they've helped their kids self-regulate.
Published 07/02/22
Summertime feels like freedom to kids getting out of school. But a working mom's perspective is a bit different. Tracy Lane describes how she plans to make meaningful memories with her children this summer.
Published 06/25/22
In this digital world, how can parents train their children in wise tech usage if they are addicted to their phones themselves? Arlene Pellicane teaches some wise tech-management habits that parents can adopt and then pass along to their children.
Published 06/18/22
Author Tricia Goyer tells the story of her family adopting Alyssa and how that first adoption spring-boarded their family into foster care and adopting more children.
Published 06/11/22
What will be left in your wake when you are gone? Louis Upkins, Crawford Loritts, and Bryan Loritts talk about different kinds of legacies, and challenge us to make sure to leave a legacy that's godly.
Published 06/04/22
When we look for the positive or the negative in our spouse, we see what we want to see. Jeff and Stacy Kemp coach husbands and wives on how to address the causes and cures for marital discontentment.
Published 05/28/22
This Memorial Day Weekend hear stories of lesser known, but no less valiant soldiers--and families of soldiers--who sacrificed for our freedom.
Published 05/21/22
Kay Wills Wyma, Gary Thomas and Priscilla Shirer help us remember to be content with the life we have and avoid the temptation to compare ourselves with others.
Published 05/14/22
Families experience a closer connection when they laugh together. Keeping things light with Ted Cunningham, Dave Stone, and mother-son duo, Nelda and Tim Hawkins.
Published 05/07/22
Ben Stuart gives some guidelines for parents to consider as they prepare their kids for the dating years.
Published 04/30/22
As a pastor's wife with five kids and a job outside the home, Shannon Simmons knows how difficult it is to be a working mom. She describes her daily routine, and gives biblical perspective on the challenges working moms face.
Published 04/23/22
Easter and Lent should be a big deal for believers and their families. How does one communicate the sober reality of Good Friday leading to the celebration of Easter and Lent Sunday with children? Sally Lloyd-Jones and Phil Vischer give examples of how and why to tell the whole Easter and Lent story to your children.
Published 04/16/22
It's easy to make friends in Kindergarten. It gets harder to maintain friendships once we're out of school and in the "real world" but those key relationships are no less vital. Catherine Parks shares some tips for how to find, make, and keep quality friendships.
Published 04/09/22