(2:30) Bible Study: 1 Cor 1:17-25 Father sheds some light on Paul.  Mt 25:1-13 Father goes through this passage step by step. (20:21) Break 1 (21:27) Letters: Father answers what the best text for the bible is and other word plays from words from Chick-fil-A to Adultery. Strange conversation, but fun! Break 2 (39:05) Word of the Day: Foolishness (40:26) Phones: Joseph - how can we love our priests better and not just see them as sacrament dispensers? Therese - Is it...
Published 08/30/24
(1:47) Bible Study: Mk 6:17-29 Father talks about the Herodian family. They were not good people. (18:25) Break 1 (19:40) Letters: Do you need to go through Chemotherapy in order to preserve your life, what is penance really and why is the Catholic 10 commandments different from the Protestant 10 commandments? Father answers all of this questions and more. (35:34) Break 2 (36:11) Word of the Day: Delighted (38:49) Phones: Cathy - call no man your father. Can you explain...
Published 08/29/24
(3:42) Bible Study: 2 THES 3:6-10, 16-18 Father talks about the dispute at the time of the content of this letter. MT 23:27-32 Father talks about what the word hypocrite really means. (22:27) Break 1 (24:13) Letters: Father shares what it means to be a doctor of the church, how can you reconcile needing to eat the body and drink the blood and the Church teaching of being able to receive both species with one or the other. (36:50) Break 2 (38:07) Word of the Day: ...
Published 08/28/24
(3:26) Bible Study: 2 THES 2:1-3A, 14-17 Father talks about the end of the world! MT 23:23-26 Father talks about hypocrites, hopefully he isn’t talking about you. (18:57) Break 1 (19:51) Letters: Father explains the difference between LORD and Lord in the bible, readings appropriate for a celebration of life and what the Church teaches on non-Catholics going to heaven (32:49) Break 2 (33:31) Word of the Day: par-oo-see-uh (39:52) Phones: Stan - what bible and study...
Published 08/27/24
(2:23) Bible Study: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12 Father talks about the significance of this song  Mt 23:13-22 Father explains why Jesus had stern words for the scribes and Pharisees. Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32 Father talks about the readings from yesterday especially the phrase “subordinate” (27:03) Break 1 (28:45) Letters: Father talks about what is needed in order for a priest to celebrate Mass, why would Paul say he is chief among sinners and what we will experience at t...
Published 08/26/24
(2:05) Bible Study: Ez 37:1-14 Father talks about dry bones Mt 22:34-40 Who is my neighbor (20:47) Break 1 (21:37) Letters: Father answers if Aromatheopy is in line with the Catholic Church. Talks about who is like the son of Man and who is the son of Man and answers what the will of God is. (34:17) Break 2 (35:07) Word of the Day: Unapipito (38:49) Phones: Erica - What does he know about Catholic Charities of America, I haven't seen any presence, almost a nonexistent...
Published 08/23/24
(1:46) Bible Study: Ez 36:23-28 Father talks about the religion of Judaism and what you probably didn’t’ know about it. Mt 22:1-14 Father explains what the wedding garment is in this passage. (21:22) Break 1 (23:19) Letters: Father talks about a passage from Jeremiah and how we should be careful with interpretations of passages to our times, how we should define ourselves in our relationships and what it means to lay down in green pastures?   (39:42) Break 2 (40:56) Word...
Published 08/22/24
(2:29) Bible Study: Ez 34:1-11 Father talks about the biblical nature of the hierarchy of the Church Mt 20:1-16 Father talks about the meaning of the word Justice (21:49) Break 1 (23:58) Letters: Father talks about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, is adultery a sin against the future, and were Arians saved back in the time when Arianism was widespread? (34:18) Break 2 (34:57) Word of the Day: Hoy and restful (38:42) Phones: Ted - Does he know anyone, priest or...
Published 08/21/24
(2:00) Bible Study: Ez 28:1-10 Father talks about the dying fabrics. Don’t worry it is relevant to the readings today! Mt 19:23-30 Father explains how to become a king. (20:42) Break 1 (32:02) Letters: Father talks about the importance of standing up for the truth and what that means and shares his opinion on the current election. (38:05) Break 2 (44:17) Word of the Day: New Age (46:37) Phones: Arnold - I have an invitation to my granddaughter's wedding, and it's a...
Published 08/20/24
(2:50) Bible Study: EZ 24:15-23 Father tackles this very challenging reading DEUTERONOMY 32:18-19, 20, 21 Father shares how we need to do things from God rather than doing things for Him. MT 19:16-22 Did Jesus deny His divinity in this passage? (24:48) Break 1 (25:47) Letters: Father talks about purgatory and judgment and he answers when salvation occurs in our life. (40:51) Break 2 (41:44) Word of the Day: Hope (43:45) Phones: David - Could you comment on modern...
Published 08/19/24
(1:48) Bible Study: Father Shares insights about Mary today the feast of the Assumption of Mary Lk 11:27-28 Father talks about what it means when Jesus talks with Mary in the bible. (27:00) Break 1 (27:33) Word of the Day: Sign (30:27) Letters: Father talks about slavery. (40:23) Phones: Gale - difference b/w the ascension and the assumption of Mary.  Did she actually die or was she like Elijah? Kris - Did Adam/Eve ask for forgiveness? Lilly - If it's not in the Bible, why is...
Published 08/15/24
(1:08) Bible Study: EZ 9:1-7; 10:18-22 Father explains the time lineup to Jesus birth to give context to this passage Mt 18:15-20 Order of operations is really important (27:00) Break 1 (27:47) Word of the Day: Thau (30:55) Letters: Father answers questions about translations, which is his specialty. (39:48) Phones: Aaron - If somebody is in schism and working on trying to get out of this confusion, what would he suggest? Fr. Dan - Becoming one in marriage, he said a...
Published 08/14/24
(1:23) Bible Study: Ez 2:8—3:4 Father talks about the scroll which Ezekiel received Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Father explains this passage from the perspective of the people from Jesus’ time. (27:00) Break 2 (27:57) Word of the Day: Magillah (30:34) Letters: Father answers letters from listeners abut interesting topics including whether or not we become gods when we become one with God. (42:18) Phones: Phil - Jewish Faith and do they still expect the Messiah to be a political...
Published 08/13/24
(1:26) Bible Study: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Father talks about visions and how people tend to describe them. Mt 17:22-27 Father talks about some interesting things from this reading (27:01) Break 1 (29:05) Word of the Day: Electrum (30:14) Letters: Father talks about which ceremonial banquets you can go to, why statues and stainless windows are used in churches and discusses the keys of the kingdom. (40:50) Phones: Jim - When you look at Christ on the Cross, sometimes in his...
Published 08/12/24
(2:00) Bible Study: NA 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7 Father talks about the ethnicity cleansing of Nineveh MT 16:24-28 If there was nothing in it for you, would you still follow Jesus? (18:29) Break 1 Father answers when Jesus actually gave Peter the keys to the kingdom. (22:50) Letters: Father answers a whether or not confession is needed because the curtain was torn in the temple, what it means to have baptism for the dead and a visionary who saw visions of the life of Christ. ...
Published 08/09/24
(1:53) Bible Study: Jer 31:31-34 Father talks about Israel and some things which you may not have known. Mt 16:13-23 Father talks the land in which Jesus asks an important question. (29:44) Break 1 (30:55) Letters: Father talks about the transgender issue in sports and answers a question about proper Liturgical music.  (40:28) Break 2 (42:22) Word of the Day: Master (44:30) Phones: Pedro - Is the priest obliged to distribute holy communion?  My priest has two...
Published 08/08/24
(2:01) Bible Study: JER 31:1-7 Father talks about the difference between Israel and Juda and a bunch of other things about the exile. MT 15:21-28 What does it mean that Jesus came back for the lost house of Israel (23:22) Break 1 (24:06) Letters: Father Shares what the great cause for death and war in our world is and father talks about the issues of today namely the Olympic games immoralities and other issues n our society. (39:34) Break 2 (40:26) Word of the Day: ...
Published 08/07/24
(1:49) Bible Study: DN 7:9-10, 13-14 Father Explains what it means that Jesus is the “son of man” 2 PT 1:16-19 Father explains this passage and why some people think the bible is a myth. Mk 9:2-10 Father talks about how the shroud of Turin connects with the Transfiguration (21:31) Break 1 (22:15) Letters: Father answers whether or not the holy souls in purgatory can pray for us, should you bless yourself holy water if you do not receive communion and what else Jesu could...
Published 08/06/24
(1:54) Bible Study: Mt 14:13-21 Father talks about the role of the Messiah to renew the manna in the desert. Jer 28:1-17 Father explains the yokes mentioned in this reading. (18:13) Break 1 (19:48) Letters: Father answers questions about the meaning of the word scribe, how do you know if you should stop praying for something, and he answers questions about the history of communion in the hand. (38:30) Beak 2 (39:23) Word of the Day: Desert (40:34) Phones: Claire - I...
Published 08/05/24
(2:25) Bible Study: Jer 26:1-9 God speaks through the most unlikely sources. Mt 13:54-58 Who are the brothers of Jesus? (21:39) Break 1 (23:36) Letters: Father explains the promise of the scapular and the different colors of the scapular and how do you respond to someone who says the Olympic ceremony was not mocking the last supper? (37:44) Break 2 (38:29) Word of the Day: Lupe (42:35) Phones: Suzette - 1 Tim 2:15 can you explain this? Matt - Due to my work schedule...
Published 08/02/24
(4:22) Bible Study: Jer 18:1-6 Father explains the passage about the Potter and the wheel. Mt13:47-53 Father talks about the surprising fact about what makes up the Church (23:07) Break 1 (23:45) Letters: Father tackles a letter from a listener complaining about father not using logic and answers a question from a Greek Orthodox letter about Easter and questions about being free to marry marriage. (38:41) Break 2 (39:20) Word of the Day: Desposynee (41:22) Phones: ...
Published 08/01/24
(1:53) Bible Study: Jer 15:10, 16-21 Father talks about the Mass and the purpose of the human life Jn 15:15b Father shares what the word Kingdom means (26:00) Break 1 (29:05) Letters: Father answers questions about handling the Eucharist, Obedience to the bishops and whether or not people say please in the bible? (38:25) Break 2 (41:20) Word of the Day: Repent (42:40) Phones: Alex - My dad thinks he has special dispensation Thomas - John 6 - can you help me better...
Published 07/31/24
(1:55) Bible Study: Jer 14:17-22 Father talks about the wrath of God and what it really means Mt 13:36-43 What kind of weeds are Jesus talking about? (21:38) Break 1 (28:17) Letters: Father talks about the error of baptizing the dead, who the first protestants were and whether or not some of the disciples knew Jesus when He was young? (37:46) Break 2 (40:54) Word of the Day: Mercy Seat (43:37) Phones: Jason - How do we communicate to family that Christians are not bad....
Published 07/30/24
(10:18) Bible Study: JER 13:1-11 Father explains the important aspect of this passage which is different than you probably think. LK 10:38-42 Father Simon deals with the problem in the Gospel with Mary and Martha (20:04) Break 1 (20:50) Letters: Father answers questions about blessing consecrated ground for burial, helps a listeners understand Paul’s words in his letters to the Corinthians and explains the glory of man which is woman and what that means really. (34:34) Break...
Published 07/29/24
(4:15) Bible Study: JER 3:14-17  Father shares the eloquent poetry in this passage. MT 13:18-23 Father talks about the kingdom and the word logos. (23:13) Break 1 (24:05) Letters: Why did God have a chosen people of Israel? What are some good books for an agnostic atheist? And why should we fast? (36:17) Break 2 (37:40) Word of the Day: Mercy Seat (41:51) Phones: Jason - The Eucharist and non-Catholic denominations. Is it Catholic believe that when you take the...
Published 07/26/24