(4:58) Bible Study: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5 God has a problem…He thinks He is God. Father explains. Lk 10:13-16 Father explains this reading, and what it means that we have been given so much. (25:43) Break 1 (27:18) Letters: Father answers what Dualism is and why it doesn’t make sense, answers the parallels between slavery and abortion and much more. (37:16) Break 2 (38:56) Word of the Day: Know (40:48) Phones: Tony - what is a plenary indulgence and what are the...
Published 10/04/24
Published 10/04/24
(2:23) Bible Study: JB 19:21-27 Job is more cheerful today! Father explains LK 10:1-12 Father shares what Paul really thought of Peter as Pope (20:50) Break 1 (21:44) Letters: Father shares the story of Turkey on a Friday in Lent and his great trial, answers questions about the vail and how it relates with the apocalypse and father shares his favorite underrated book of the bible and much more!  (35:10) Break 2 (36:46) Word of the Day: Kidney (38:38) Phones: Patricia -...
Published 10/03/24
(1:53) Bible Study: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16 What does the phrase pass by mean in this reading? Father explains. Mt 18:1-5, 10 Did you know that the science of the world thought that the world didn’t have a beginning? (22:08) Break 1 (24:04) Letters: Father answers questions about the last supper as well as many other interesting questions. (34:54) Break 2 (36:58) Word of the Day: Angels (38:43) Phones: Barb - If you miss Sunday mass intentionally, is it a mortal sin? Manny -...
Published 10/02/24
(8:01) Bible Study: Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23 This is pretty heavy and father helps explain it Lk 9:51-56 Who were the Samaritans? (19:02) Break 1 (23:38) Letters: Father answers how you can help your child come back to the faith, talks about the things that only Moms can do and things only dads can do and why the principle of Sola Scriptura is not a biblical principle. (33:41) Break 2 (35:11) Word of the Day: Completion and Resolute (38:56) Phones: Anne - Who is still...
Published 10/01/24
(5:48) Bible Study: Lk 9:46-50 We need God like children need their parents Jb 1:6-22 Are angels children of God? Father explains! (22:45) Break 1 (23:42) Letters: What constitutes a great apostasy? What does Father think about Christian contemporary music? Should you go to a celebration of a non-Catholic wedding? Father answers this question and many more! (38:28) Break 2 (39:40) Word of the Day: Gahanna (42:17) Phones: Connie - Can we really only say hallelujah...
Published 09/30/24
(4:20) Bible Study: Eccl 3:1-11 Father explains this confusing passage Lk 9:18-22 Why did Jesus rebuke the disciples? (18:07) Break 1 (20:48) Letters: Would the population be lower if Jesus didn’t die on the Cross? Father explains Sirach 42: 12-14 and the power of women. Is it pectinate to our salvation that Mary is a virgin and immaculately conceived? Father talks about these and much more! (34:19) Break 2 (36:58) Word of the Day: Time (38:39) Phones: Ellen - After...
Published 09/27/24
(4:25) Bible Study: ECCL 1:2-11 Father explains the Science of the ancient world and how the Bible was right. LK 9:7-9 Father goes through this reading. (17:06) Father explains what love really is. (27:32) Break 1 (29:54) Letters: Father shares stories from his time as a pastor at a radically left parish and answers the question about doing good for your neighbor. (34:08) Break 2 (34:59) Word of the Day: Tetrarch (37:51) Phones: Kevin - At the end of Matthew when he...
Published 09/26/24
(7:03) Bible Study: Prv 30:5-9 When a society is rich it rejects God. Ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163 What does it mean to remove the falsehoods? Lk 9:1-6 What is the Kingdom of God? Father explains. (23:11) Break 1 (24:57) Letters: Father answers listeners' questions. (34:41) Break 2 (35:30) Word of the Day: Tested (39:24) Phones: John - While praying Nicene creed - when we say he descended into Hell and rose again - when did he rise the first time? why are we...
Published 09/25/24
(3:48) Bible Study: PRV 21:1-6, 10-13 Father talks about how this verse shares the power of women. LK 8:19-21 What are the theories of Jesus’ brothers and sisters? (23:20) Break 1 (24:03) Letters: Father talks about the Deuterocanonical books and some great quotes about prophecies from them, the principles of atonement and its meaning as well as many more questions. (35:29) Break 2 (36:54) Word of the Day: Justice (40:11) Phones: Francine - What do you think about...
Published 09/24/24
(6:31) Bible Study: Prv 3:27-34 Father talks about the importance and gift of the commandments. Lk 8:16-18 Father talks about undeserved favors (23:55) Break 1 (25:58) Letters: How do you know you will be one of the sheep instead of one of the goats? How did the Sacrifice of the Mass develop over time? Father answers these questions and more in this letters segment. (35:30) Break 2 (36:18) Word of the Day: Taken Away (40:25) Phones: Matt - St. Faustina in her diary,...
Published 09/23/24
(5:23) Bible Study: 1 COR 15:12-20 Why is the resurrection so important? Father explains this crucial point. Lk 8:1-3 Father translates this passage into the Father Simon Says iteration. (20:11) Break 1 (22:03) Letters: Father shares a letter from his friend Bishop Edward Slattery, written shortly before he passed away earlier this month. In this letter, he reflects on his blessings as a bishop. Father answers questions about how to keep your faith in the midst of toxicity...
Published 09/20/24
(4:24) Bible Study: 1 COR 15:1-11 Being saved is in the present tense. Father explains this and much more. (19:16) Break 1 (21:03) Letters: Father Explains yesterday’s reading about children in the square, what would life be like if the Mass was not a sacrifice, and why was Peter rebuking Jesus? Father answers this and many more questions. (32:07) Break 2 (32:48) Word of the Day: Importance (35:34) Phones: Marie - When you hear that faith w/o works, do  things you do for...
Published 09/19/24
(4:36) Bible Study: 1 Cor 12:31-13:13 What is love? Father answers this and whether it's more than a feeling. (23:27) Break 1 (24:04) Letters: What does the fear of God mean? What does it mean to not despise? How do you respond to people who say that the sin of Sodom was lack of hospitality? Father answers all of these questions. (35:30) Break 2 (36:04) Word of the Day: Demon… (kind of) (37:29) Phones: Mark - I'm an atheist and I have a question about heaven and hell.  Steven -...
Published 09/18/24
(3:17) Bible Study: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a What are the gifts of the Holy spirit really? (20:27) Break 1 (21:42) Letters: When was the first temple destroyed? Can someone work at a Cannabis store? Are religious names used for legal purposes? Father answers this question and more in the mail box (33:04) Break 1 (35:57) Word of the Day: Pagan (38:35) Phones: Holly - I have seen on YouTube a letter that Pontius Pilate wrote about the passion of Christ. Is that legit? Rosie...
Published 09/17/24
(3:20) Bible Study: Jas 2:14-18 Father Distinguishes between the different “works” which are referenced in the bible. 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 Father talks about a custom which seems to have existed called the “love feast” Lk 7:1-10 Father talks about the toughness of Centurions (21:18) Break 1 (22:02) Letters: How do you deal with discouragement? What is the definition of race? Who was the Centurion from yesterday’s readings? Father answers these and more questions. (37:17)...
Published 09/16/24
(3:27) Bible Study: 1 COR 9:16-19, 22B-27 How do you properly kill a chicken? Father explains.  Lk 6:39-42 Father shares the word in Greek for Gospel. (22:56) Break 1 (24:33) Letters:  Father talks about Agape Love and what it means to not eat meat sacrificed to other gods. Enjoy some humor about the gospel reading today. Father also answers the question: "Are all religions the same?" (35:59) Break 2 (37:01) Word of the Day: Stewardship (38:32) Phones: Al - If my child...
Published 09/13/24
(2:29) Bible Study: 1 COR 8:1B-7, 11-13 Father shares fascinating facts about the diet of people from the ancient world. LK 6:27-38 Are Christians pacifists? (22:45) Break 1 (23:55) Letters: Is race determined by skin color, where is the reference to Purgatory in the Bible, and is the phrase “you fought me until you knew me” in the Bible? (35:10) Break 2 (35:51) Word of the Day: Knowledge and Mind (38:49) Phones: Joe - Did BVM keep her pregnancy secret from St. Joseph,...
Published 09/12/24
(3:27) Bible Study: Lk 6:20-26 Father discusses the contradiction in Jesus' statement 1 Cor 7:25-31 Why is this reading upsetting? Find out here. (20:00) Break 1 (22:11) Letters: Father talks about the interpretation of old and new wine skins in the Bible, and what does it mean that Jacob wrestled with a man? (32:38) Break 2 (33:42) Word of the Day: Good (36:20) Phones: Nicole - How do I find out what relic is in my Church altar if the parish priest doesn't know?  Do...
Published 09/11/24
(4:15) Bible Study: 1 Cor 6:1-11  What does it mean to judge, which Paul is talking about in this reading? Lk 6:12-19 Father talks about what is meant when it says that Jesus spent the night in prayer. (21:40) Break 1 (23:10) Letters: Father shares whether or not only Catholics can go to heaven, the differences between Catholics and Protestants and what true ecumenism is. (36:12) Break 2 (37:49) Word of the Day: Level Ground (39:21) Phones: Mary - You said yesterday...
Published 09/10/24
(4:13) Bible Study: 1 COR 5:1-8 Father talks about how people probably saw someone living with his father’s wife in those times. Lk 6:6-11 Father explains why the Jews were furious when Jesus healed on the Sabbath. (23:14) Break 1 (24:01) Letters: Father shares some thoughts on the Church in Africa, and he answers, "why is the age of reason for receiving communion at the age of 7-years-old?"  Also, what does the word Didymus mean? (36:35) Break 2 (37:18) Word of the Day: ...
Published 09/09/24
Enjoy this awesome encore show about today's readings from September 2, 2024 Bible Study: (3:58) 1 COR 4:1-5 Is St. Paul the head butler?  LK 5:33-39 What is a wineskin?  Letters: (22:10) Could Mary have said no to the angel Gabriel?  Do you need to process in with the cross?  Word of the Day: Servant (31:32) Callers  (34:42) – Can God cause anyone to sin?  (39:47) – The Crock-Pot was made by a Jewish man so he could make Cholent (41:16) – Are Jews today the same Jews back in...
Published 09/06/24
Check out this awesome encore show about today's readings from September 1, 2022 Bible Study: (2:13) 1 Cor 3:18-23 Church Politics! Lk 5:1-11 What does God want?  Letters (21:14) When can a priest deny someone absolution?  Did Our Lady receive Holy Communion?  Listener has difficulty with her friend’s Bible Study Word of the Day: Deceive  Callers  (35:55) –  What do you think of Pentecostalism? (38:53) – How was it possible for sin to multiply if God created everything? (40:45)...
Published 09/05/24
(1:44) Bible Study: LK 4:38-44 Father explains this passage in a very thorough way. 1 COR 3:1-9 Father shares what weapons to use to solve divisiveness in the church. (22:57) Break 1 (24:33) Letters: Father clears up some misunderstandings people had when listening to his show, the meaning of the word the Kingdom and does getting paid to babysit on Sunday does not keep holy the Sabbath. (33:18) Break 1 (33:42) Word of the Day: Agape (36:50) Phones: Jane - I had an...
Published 09/04/24
(1:49) Bible Study: Lk 4:31-37 Father talks about the heart of God. 1 COR 2:1-5 Father talks about the need for prayer in preaching the Gospel LK 4:16-30 Father shares the reason the Jews wanted to kill Jesus in these readings. (25:29) Break 1 (26:09) Letters: Does adult and adultery come from the same word, how can someone lose salvation with unconfessed mortal sin and is it a sin to pose as a model for a college art class? (36:16) Break 2 (37:22) Word of the Day: ...
Published 09/03/24