Faust is a two-part tragedy play written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The story revolves around the character of Faust, a scholar who is unsatisfied with his life and makes a pact with the devil, Mephistopheles, in exchange for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. As Faust indulges in his newfound powers, he experiences moments of joy and fulfillment, but also intense suffering and regret. The play explores themes of temptation, redemption, and the dangers of excessive ambition. Goethe's "Faust" is celebrated for its vivid characters, intricate plot, and its combination of poetic...
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Published 02/23/23
https://www.solgood.org - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website
Published 02/23/23