Published 11/30/20
This weeks guest is the amazing Emily Syphas who tells us about how she came to stop drinking and how Sober & Social was formed.
Published 11/30/20
I speak with the amazing Olivia this week as we discuss growing up, getting sober and how battling our demons was the best life choice that we made. Inspiring to see someone get sober so young and amazing to share so openly about her journey.  Top share, thank you.
Published 11/23/20
This week I speak to Kristian, a recovering alcoholic about his battle with depression, anxiety and alcoholism.  I learnt a lot from him about alcoholism and what an inspiration this guy is. Top lad and top share!
Published 11/08/20
Well, this is an interesting one.  Give it a listen!
Published 11/01/20
This weeks guest is Dec and we talk about his early days sobriety, what he has noticed, what he likes about it and what he has struggled with.
Published 10/25/20
I have followed James on his sober journey since week 4 and he is smashing it. Top lad, super talented hairstylist and is smashing the self-development in his first 6 months. We catch up on how his first 6 months have gone, what has changed in his life and reflections on his past life.
Published 10/18/20
I speak with Zach about running a multi-million-pound business, losing it to addiction and coming to terms with childhood trauma. We speak about his upbringing and how that shaped his addictive nature from an early age. We move onto discuss his using, his recovery and how he is now inspiring a generation through tiktok and Instagram. We discuss how NA has saved his life and the importance of understanding emotional regulation as a male.
Published 10/12/20
I speak with Jason about getting sober in his late 40's. He speaks openly about depression, how drinking was a byproduct of the corporate world and how fitness was a big part of his recovery in sobriety. Jason now runs Ninja Dads Tribe (Facebook and Instagram) which helps dads find their identity (not through their children) and purpose in life. As always, if you need to reach out, please message me via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sean_fitology/.
Published 10/05/20
I have an in-depth chat with Ben about corporate culture and how they largely ignore people with addictions (myself included) yet they are willing to help those who state they have a mental illness.  We go in-depth about his recovery, what has worked, what hasn't worked and how he uses sobriety tools to help aid him, in his day to day life. As always, if you need to reach out, please message me via instagram https://www.instagram.com/sean_fitology/or contact me via the fitology website...
Published 09/28/20
Leon opens up about being raised in an Asian family in Sydney. He talks about how hard it was for him, at an all-white Catholic school being the only coloured kid who was also gay.  He describes how his drinking was very lonely and how his pop career came to a shattering halt when he moved to London to find that the record company had gone bust. Leon is celebrating 1 year sober today and uses LGBT specific groups for his recovery which has helped him find a new sense of self. He is loving his...
Published 09/21/20
Paul speaks about his time in the steel industry, heavy drinking from his twenties and how it all seemed very normal at the time. The story progresses when his drinking turns to morning drinking, the withdrawals he would have from alcohol if he didn't top up and how he got into recovery. Paul lost his brother to suicide in September 2019 and we both open up about our own times where suicide was an option and how we want more men to talk openly about when they are feeling shit. To be able to...
Published 09/10/20
I have been following Craig on Instagram for a number of months, and you can see how much he is loving life at the moment now he is sober. That's what inspired me to have him on the show to talk about his own sober journey and help shed the light on the trials and tribulations of going sober in Dublin (or anywhere in the world for that matter). He lost his dad to heroin addiction and that wasn't enough to stop him drinking at the time, and Craig has completed turned his life around and now...
Published 09/07/20
Tom speaks openly about his absent father growing up, moving to Australia where he got into using ICE (meth) and how sobriety has allowed him to be a better person, parent and colleague.  Tom discusses how he originally gave up alcohol but continued to use cocaine and pills for a further 8 months before finally realising he needed to give up the drugs after yet another late night of snorting cocaine around some random person house (as we have all done!). If you need to reach out for help,...
Published 09/03/20
I am joined by Cam who talks to us about his sober journey from Australia to the UK and how meditation kick-started his transformation from being a typical lad to becoming sober. We discuss in detail, the benefits of meditation and how it can be used to combat the emotions that come up in sobriety as well as heal emotions stored in the past. Cam is now a meditation teacher and his transformation is truly inspiring. As always, if you need to reach out, please contact us via the website...
Published 08/31/20