Grace is God's supernatural empowerment in our lives that we don't deserve. It reveals God's goodness and kindness towards us in everything. Yet, there are things that stand in the way and keep grace from working in us. The Bible says that one of the main reasons is pride. However, what people call pride is sometimes not pride at all, and what people call humility is not actually humility. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional...
Published 08/18/21
The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. The Word of God is not a letter that we read, or a sermon that we listen to - it is God's personal word for each one of us. This word will reflect what we believe and ultimately determine how we will live. Let's take a look how each one of us can hear this personal word from God. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 08/11/21
Our God is faithful, and all of His promises to us are yes and amen. Why is it then that many of us don't see miracles take place in our own life or the lives of others? Let's look at scripture and figure out what we must do in order to see God's promises come to pass in our lives. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 08/04/21
God said that in the last days He will pour out His Spirit upon all people. Sons and daughters will prophesy, young men shall see visions, and old men shall dream dreams. Today, instead of seeing this mighty move of God, many of us are seeing sin multiply in the world. God is looking for faith and is releasing grace that will give us sight to see what He is doing in the midst of all the sin that is taking place around us. If you would like to partner with this ministry [...
Published 07/28/21
In Revelation 2 God tells the church of Ephesus that He sees their good works, but has this against them - they have left their first love. The following questions arise after reading this passage. What is first love? What pleases God? How does God want us to live? Let's look closer and see what God is actually saying in this chapter. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 07/13/21
Many of us think that the glory of God is the miracles, signs, wonders, and other physical manifestations that cause all of us to marvel. In Exodus 33 Moses asked God - "Show me Your glory". What God does next reveals that His glory is something different from what we have come to expect. Let us look closer at what God showed Moses and answer the question - "What is God's glory?" If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email...
Published 07/06/21
Many of us hear the Word of God by reading the Bible, listening to sermons, etc., but after hearing the Word we often fail to take any action in order to do what we have just heard. We need to stop deceiving ourselves and start living a life of more than just listening. Hearing the Word of God is meant to provoke us to take action, applying what we have just heard into our lives. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email...
Published 06/29/21
Many men today wrestle with the following question - “How can I be the best father to my children?”. To understand the perfect model of a father, we have to go to the beginning and see how God created the first man. God made Adam to be the father to all humanity and put him in an environment where he could be the perfect father. Today because of Jesus Christ a way has been made for all people to enter back into this place, once again giving all fathers everything they need to be perfect. If...
Published 06/22/21
God’s desire is for us to live a victorious life! Through the cross, Jesus has finished everything in the spiritual realm, thus making this victorious way of life available to us. God is now waiting for the Church to truly realize what His Son has finished. As we come to understand this truth, we now begin to see our role and our part in bringing Jesus' finished work from the spiritual into the physical realm. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you...
Published 06/15/21
Jesus calls us to know the truth and tells us that it will set us free. Through this we see that it is God’s desire for you and I to live established in His truth. The more we come to know the truth, the more we will develop faith. Faith will then protect us like a shield in every circumstance of life and enable us to live the life that God originally intended. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at...
Published 06/09/21
Not always does the image of repentance that we have grown accustomed to correspond to repentance in the Bible. A certain format does not determine if repentance has taken place in the life of a person. True repentance has evident fruit that confirm its existence. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 06/01/21
God has work here on Earth, and He is accomplishing this work through His church. If I am not involved in any of God's work, something is wrong. You and I need to BE the Body of Christ. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 05/21/21
It doesn't matter where you come from, what you did, or what was done to you, because Jesus is still able to take you and adopt you into His family. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 05/14/21
The will of God isn’t just to restore you, but it’s to restore the whole body through you. As we are enlightened by God, we will see multiplication. That is the original plan - “Be fruitful and multiply.” If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 05/08/21
God has placed you in a soil where He is expecting fruit to come. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 05/06/21
God is a good Father. All that He has is yours because you are His son/daughter. You don't need to strive, beg, or earn what God wants to give you. See your Father rightly and simply receive from Him. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 04/27/21
No matter how real your negative thoughts seem, the word of God is more real. Don’t entertain thoughts that are not of God but instead take every thought captive.  If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 04/21/21
Love Jesus and surrender your all to Him. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 04/20/21
If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 04/07/21
If we don’t lean our attention to honor the gifts of the people in our city, church, family or any other person that we encounter, we will not allow God to demonstrate the fullness of His glory. We shouldn’t judge according to the flesh, but should instead learn to see God's gift that is on each person. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 03/31/21
A servant can only bring another person and introduce him to his master. A son can bring another person and introduce him to the Father. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 03/13/21
If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 03/12/21
What if the reason why many people are suffering is because all your focus is on listening the sermon and isn't on practicing the sermon. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 03/04/21
May we never get used to such a form of ministry where there is no room for prodigals and sinners. Where everything is so great that we lost the heart of the Father. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 02/24/21
When our mindset is renewed we are able to understand that God is not against us, He is for us. He is not just for us, He justified us. He gives us the power to stand against sin. Romans 8:31-39 If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 02/18/21