Атмосфера для чудес | НОЧЬ 2 | Андрей Шаповал «Атмосфера чудес» — трехдневное мероприятие. Каждый день будет иметь уникальную направленность: Исцеление, Освобождение и Помазание. Погрузитесь в атмосферу, пропитанную силой Бога, где чудеса являются нормой, а не исключением. Ждем вас 6-8 октября.
Published 10/20/23
Дух Святой отделяет свет от тьмы | Андрей Шаповал
Published 10/18/23
Атмосфера для чудес | НОЧЬ 1 | Андрей Шаповал «Атмосфера чудес» — трехдневное мероприятие. Каждый день будет иметь уникальную направленность: Исцеление, Освобождение и Помазание. Погрузитесь в атмосферу, пропитанную силой Бога, где чудеса являются нормой, а не исключением. Ждем вас 6-8 октября.
Published 10/13/23
Приготовьте путь для Бога | Андрей Шаповал
Published 10/11/23
Агнец Божий | Андрей Шаповал
Published 06/23/23
Дух Господень | Андрей Шаповал
Published 04/28/23
Модель Господства | Андрей Шаповал
Published 04/06/23
Поклонение Модель Неба | Андрей Шаповал February 5 2023
Published 03/03/23
Свежий Елей | Андрей Шаповал
Published 02/17/23
От Хочу к Я Верю | Андрей Шаповал
Published 01/26/23
Пассивность не видит Бога правильно | Андрей Шаповал
Published 12/17/22
It is so easy to love the people that are really close to us, but when it comes to those that are not, it's not always so simple. Who was Jesus talking about when he commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves? How can being a part of a community reveal the more of the Fathers heart? Join Natasha Shapoval for this weeks podcast as we explore these and more questions.
Published 10/10/22
Do you know God rightly? | David Kovalevich On this episode of the Flame of Fire Podcast, David Kovalevich unveils the question of whether or not we truly know God in the right way, or if our understanding of who He is comes from another source that keeps us from having a deeper intimate relationship with Father God.
Published 10/06/22
Jesus didn’t come to this earth for His own ministry. He came to this earth to reveal the Father and do the Father’s works. He came on this earth to testify to the fact that God is good. If we want to know who God truly is, we must look at the life and teaching of Jesus. He says - "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 11/05/21
We were created with the perfect mindset. There was unity between what God thought and what we thought, resulting in peace and purpose. The devil brought division to this mindset in Genesis 3, but Jesus came and restored the perfect mindset back to us. As we hear the words of Jesus, physical change begin to take place in us. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 10/28/21
God has lit something inside you! He didn't do this for you to still remain in the darkness, but His desire is for your whole life to be enlightened. When you live in God’s light, He is able to bring His Kingdom down to this earth through you. As you live this life, people will want to know who the Lord of your life is. Your lifestyle will bring attention to God Himself. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at...
Published 10/21/21
Change in our life doesn't happen because we attend church. It doesn't happen because we pray to God or sense His presence. True change in our life happens because God comes into our life and says - "Let there be light".  If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 10/15/21
There are things in our lives that try to get in between us and God. The visible things around us compete for our attention, and the devil tries to deceive us with the wrong image of who God is... However, in the midst of different circumstances, negative feelings, all the visible things, and all the pressure, God is raising up people who are breaking into His glory! If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at...
Published 10/08/21
We often say that God should have the first place in our lives. There are seasons however, when we get so busy in life. We spend so much time and energy doing ministry, working, or chasing opportunities that we forget what’s truly important. It is in these seasons that God brings us to a stop. As a good shepherd taking care of His sheep, He makes us lie down and rest. Maybe you were laid off from your job, or maybe your ministry is not progressing as you would like it to… What if God is...
Published 09/30/21
This world is centered around a system in which people fight for status and position. With selfish ambition, many compete against each other and try to be better than one another. As Christians, we are not of this world. Contrary to the world's system of greatness, in Philippians 2 Paul shows us the example of Jesus. He left heaven, left glory, became a man, became a servant to all, and died in order to save others. Jesus emptied himself fully, which led to God exalting Him and giving him...
Published 09/24/21
In this hour people are hungry to hear God’s voice. God is in turn restoring His teaching - the truth that overcomes every lie. God is also raising up praise from within the church, which will overcome all the accusations of Satan. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 09/17/21
Many of us have gotten used to the typical Sunday service, and have forgotten the real reason why we attend church. We spend two hours at the church service singing songs, listening to the preacher, and then leave the building. This is not God’s design for Sunday! In Luke 13 Jesus showed us how God sees Sunday and reveals its purpose to us. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 09/10/21
It is God’s desire for us to express the culture of heaven on this earth. We are meant to notice and love those around us, to count others more significant than ourselves, and value their needs. We are unable to do this on our own, but God works with a willing heart that is available towards Him. If you would like to partner with this ministry [ ffministry.com/paypal ] If you have additional questions email us at [email protected]
Published 09/02/21
We live in a world that tries to push its values, standards, and beliefs on each one of us. It is vital for us to have an eternal perspective and to build our lives accordingly. We must ask ourselves, - "What am I building with my life?", " How big am I building?" and "How long will it last?". In 1 Corinthians 3, Apostle Paul lets us know that the true foundation of eternal things is Christ, and to build big we must do it together. If you would like to partner with this ministry [...
Published 08/25/21