“I liken this pod to having a couple of beers down the pub with 2 mates that you share same interests with and make you laugh. Flats and Shanks play off each other so well and I love the balance of rugby and general chit chat. I also love the truly objective take on the game too. No clickbait rubbish. They also get me through my painful attempts at running. As Flats would say: "well done everyone" 😂”Read full review »
Redders193 via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·
“Never has a truer word been spoken! They speak so much truth they are like a chino, salmon jumper wearing Buddha and a ginger,Welsh Dalai Lama. Quality pod!”
Hurds!?! via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·
“Downloaded this with a very open mind. There is great chemistry between Shanks and Flats. Their knowledge of the sport combined with them bouncing of each other made the podcast flow very nicely. An excellent start to something magical. Well done boys.”
Jshanks via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·