Let’s talk about anger after infidelity and betrayal. How much is too much? When are you wallowing in anger and when are you justifiably angry? What does it mean when you “bash your partner?” Is it possible to be both positive and forward leaning while also being angry? What about the whole concept of “female anger?” What if you don’t know how to be angry because you spent your whole life being a good girl who kept the peace, smiled, and made nice? Sit down, grab a cup of tea and let’s talk...
Published 01/07/24
Dreaming big is great, but it doesn’t work. When you dream too big, you pinch off what’s available and accessible for you in the moment. It cuts you off from healing, from identifying what’s blocking you right now, and it makes you feel discouraged and incapable. Instead, Learn the three keys to successful manifestation, whether you are manifesting the ability to get through the day without crying or a beautiful new life and relationship Top take-a-ways Step One: Focus on What you Want. This...
Published 12/31/23
Sure, self- care is a great way to recover after infidelity or betrayal, but to be your best, to feel good, live fully, and have the energy to connect or take care of others, you must take care of yourself first! Here are ideas on how to do that. Top take-a-ways Developing the habit of self-care, feeling good, and asking yourself what you want. Investing in yourself as a way to stay accountable to your own growth and development. Tips on sleep, nutrition, vitamins, and wellness for you to...
Published 12/24/23
Are you worried about navigating the holiday season after infidelity or betrayal? These six tips will help you navigate the season with ease, so you can find some joy, connection, and grace despite the stress of changing or uncertain times. BONUS! Metaphysical interpretation of the Christmas story and the Virgin Mary and what you can learn about birthing a blessing from a burden. Top take-a-ways Prepare for conversations ahead of time: Having a list of memorized soundbites will help you...
Published 12/17/23
While most everyone says they want inner peace, very few know how to achieve it. Learning how to develop the skills and habits necessary to find and reclaim inner peace is essential. Especially during this time of year and this painful season of life. In this episode Lora will walk you through the prerequisites necessary to finding peace and will give you practical strategies, daily practices, and filter questions that you can use to be OK on the inside no matter what’s going on around...
Published 12/10/23
What do you tell your kids about infidelity? What if the affair partner is going to be involved in your children’s life? How do you explain your emotions to your child? How do you pull it together enough to parent when your heart is broken and your life is falling apart? Dr. Lynyetta Willis, a psychologist with a background in trauma and infidelity, is here to help you be the best parent you can throughout your infidelity journey. Top take-a-ways Three factors to consider in explaining...
Published 12/04/23
This is the meditation that I did at the end of a Holiday Wellness Training. Use it whenever you are feeling let down, disappointed, or overwhelmed. It will help you to find your center, re-balance your expectations, and feel better fast.It's only 8 minutes, so no matter how stressed you are, there's always time!
Published 11/30/23
Infidelity and betrayal are hard enough without the added stigma and shame of being “the betrayed partner” or being married to “a cheating man.” In this episode we will dispelling the stereotypes, judgments, and assumptions surrounding infidelity so you can stand solid in your truth, avoid judgment from self or others, and move forward with healing. Top take-a-ways Coming to terms with your personal beliefs and stereotypes about cheaters, betrayed women, and the other woman. Humanizing all...
Published 11/26/23
In this episode, we’ll explore the transformative power of positivity and the importance of maintaining hope in the face of adversity. We’ll uncover how negative thinking can hold us back and how embracing a mindset of gratitude and hope can lead to incredible growth and healing, especially after experiencing infidelity or betrayal. I’ll also share insights on how to navigate the fear of your partner cheating again and how the power of trusting yourself diminishes that fear. Plus, I’ll offer...
Published 11/19/23
Finding our about your partner’s infidelity is bad enough, but with taboo topics such as this there is often an added layer of concern. What if you tell and people cut you and your partner off? What if people blame you? What if you don’t do what others “expect” and they are mad? This show navigates some of the considerations around who to tell, why, and how. Top take-a-ways Preparing to share the truth about infidelity is crucial for success. Sandwich the information between an introductory...
Published 11/13/23
Learning to take care of yourself and get your own needs met is a skill that many of us lack. If you have ever felt a lack of clarity over what you want or how to get it, then this show is for you. While learning to advocate on your own behalf is important, it is especially important after infidelity or betrayal. This show will show you how to get your needs met without being aggressive or a push-over. Top take-a-ways When it comes to getting your needs met, clarity is essential. Avoid...
Published 11/05/23
Are you betraying yourself? Many women are taught to be “good girls,” to please others, conform to standards, and to perform up to somebody else’s standards. But living like this is a betrayal of self. Unless we know ourselves, and can confidently show ourselves, we risk losing ourselves. Top take-a-ways What it means to “give up too much of yourself” or to self-betray. The covert reasons why we tend to self-sacrifice, shrink, and cover who we are. Two simple practices for reclaiming your...
Published 10/29/23
Whether or not you are contemplating divorce or legal separation, it pays to know your rights, options, and opportunities. In today’s show we will talk about non-attorney mediated divorces and whether this could be an option for you. While Leslie Garske, the guest expert on this show is Colorado-specific, the information on mediation, and who is and is not a good candidate for mediation, is applicable anywhere. All divorcing couples will have to understand and navigate things like the...
Published 10/22/23
“Should I stay, or should I go?” is one of the most important questions you will have to answer after learning of your partner’s infidelity. And even though most women want to make the decision quickly, the most important thing you can do is give yourself the gift of time and decide not to decide. In fact, the average length of time it takes for a couple to decide if they want to stay together is 12-18 months. Why? Because that’s how long it takes for you to see your partner in action and to...
Published 10/15/23
Whether you are working it out, trying to save your marriage, or just need a healthier person to co-parent with, learning how to hold your cheating partner accountable for his or her actions is imperative. But it’s also important to do it in a way that does not cause you to over function. Here’s how to manage. Top take-a-ways Be accountable yourself, Set clear expectations and boundaries, Do NOT own your partner’s problems or solve their problems for them, Know how to call someone out by...
Published 09/17/23
Frustrated that your partner, who cheated on you, and now isn’t stepping up to the plate or doing their part to heal? In this episode, we dive deep into the how and why of bringing your cheating partner into the healing journey. Whether you might (or might not) want to reconcile, you want a healthier human to co-parent your children, or you simply believe that healing our wounds will make the world a better place for all, this episode is for you. Top take-a-ways Why it’s not necessarily...
Published 09/10/23
What is compartmentalization? Is it good or is it bad? Is it something the cheater used to cheat, or is it something you can use to heal? Surprisingly, the answer is both! Here’s what you need to know about both the good and bad sides of compartmentalization. Top take-a-ways Identifying and understanding the difference between healthy compartmentalization and unhealthy compartmentalization. How to use compartmentalization to help you categorize and prioritize your thoughts, obligations, and...
Published 09/03/23
Resources, Community, & Empowerment – Get the Help You Need! It’s one thing to talk about empowerment, but it’s another thing to move through the intimidation and fear to get the assistance, support, and education you need. Today’s show features three special guests Karen Chellew, Legal Liaison, and Catherine Shanahan, CDFA, from My Divorce Solution, a company dedicated to helping divorcing couples to have clear picture of their full marital estate, so they can understand the long-term...
Published 08/27/23
We hear a lot about the importance of forgiving the betraying partner, but what about forgiving ourselves? Especially when we’ve done nothing wrong. Forgiveness is a confusing, often circular, and deeply personal journey where we are forced to confront ourselves, our shame, imperfections, and our lack of control over situations or other people. Pull out a journal, kick back, and let’s process the journey of self-forgiveness together in this lovely, meandering show. Top take-a-ways Accepting...
Published 08/20/23
The shame of being the betrayed partner can be stifling, making us feel unworthy, afraid, or like we were to blame. Living in a state of fear, shame, and judgment cuts us off from our resources and keeps us locked in a cycle of despair. Even though getting help is hard, even though it’s risky to try to mend marriages or understand relationships, unless we take risks, the only thing that’s guaranteed is that we’ll never get what we want. Might now be the time to break free? Top take-a-ways The...
Published 08/13/23
The recent Barbie movie brought to light the impossible situation that many women face when dealing with a patriarchal society. Namely, the system is rigged and there’s no way women can win. Unless they stop playing the old game, and create a new one instead! Dealing with people who are bound and determined to create conflict and misunderstand or hurt you is maddening! It brings up a sense of self-righteous, yet totally justified, anger leading us to defend ourselves and our position, explain...
Published 08/06/23
What’s the difference between coaching and counseling after infidelity? I couples counseling the way to go, or is coaching a better option? Why is it so difficult to recover from an affair? What does affair recovery even mean, and what should I look for when I’m looking for help? Learn the difference between coaching counseling, and a variety of modalities and recovery techniques here! Top take-a-ways Learn the difference between coaching and counseling so you can determine which one is right...
Published 07/30/23
How to find balance and equilibrium after the rug has been pulled out from under you? Like a teeter totter, what goes down, must come up. This episode explores three practices for finding your footing again after infidelity, betrayal, or any kind of disappointment. Top take-a-ways Find balance between grief and positivity. Grieving is a normal process that allows negativity to leave your body and keeps you healthy and happy for the long run. Although it can be uncomfortable, learning how to...
Published 07/23/23
In this episode, Lora dives into the fragile male ego and its impact on navigating relationships affected by infidelity. She shares insights on societal expectations and upbringing that contribute to men hiding their pain and emotions and shares the signs of a fragile ego. Additionally, she explains why the affair partner likely suffered from a fragile ego, and talks about the difference between having your ego take a hit because of a difficult circumstance, and living with a chronically...
Published 07/16/23
Listen to "Grow Up, Queen! How to Have Difficult Conversations" on FLAUNT! Create A Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal with Lora Cheadle. In this episode, Lora share communication strategies for overcoming betrayal and rebuilding relationships. She provides insight about how to move from the archetype of Princess to the archetype of Queen so as ruler of your own Queendom, you can more easily get the outcome you desire. She takes a deep-dive into the nuts and bolts of having difficult...
Published 07/09/23