Rekindling Family Ties by the Autumn Lake of Bled
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Family Ties by the Autumn Lake of Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Listi z dreves so padali kot tihe solze po tleh Bleda, barve so svetile v ognju jeseni. En: The leaves from the trees fell like silent tears onto the grounds of Bled, colors shining in the fire of autumn. Sl: Miha je stal ob jezeru, ki se je bleščalo pod oblaki. En: Miha stood by the lake, which glittered under the clouds. Sl: Bled je bil vedno njegov dom, zdaj pa se je tam počutil kot tujec. En: Bled had always been his home, yet now he felt like a stranger there. Sl: V rokah je držal star album s fotografijami, snop spominov, ki so ga spremljali, kamorkoli je šel. En: In his hands, he held an old photo album, a bundle of memories that accompanied him wherever he went. Sl: V njem so bile zgodbe in obrazi iz časov, ko sta bila Nika in Tina še ob njem. En: Inside were stories and faces from times when Nika and Tina were still with him. Sl: Po dolgih letih je bil trenutek srečanja s sestrama. En: After many years, it was a moment of reunion with his sisters. Sl: Misli so mu rojile po glavi. En: Thoughts swirled in his head. Sl: Kako bo Nika reagirala? En: How would Nika react? Sl: Bo Tina še jezna? En: Would Tina still be angry? Sl: Dvomi so ga razjedali. En: Doubts gnawed at him. Sl: Zbral je pogum in vzel globok vdih. En: He gathered his courage and took a deep breath. Sl: Na klopci ob vodi sta sedeli Nika in Tina. En: On a bench by the water sat Nika and Tina. Sl: Pogledali sta ga z mešanico radovednosti in zadržanosti. En: They looked at him with a mix of curiosity and reservation. Sl: "Zdravo, Miha," je rekla Nika z rahlim nasmeškom. En: "Hello, Miha," Nika said with a slight smile. Sl: Tina je obrnila glavo, a njihov mirni objem je povedal več kot besede. En: Tina turned her head, but their calm embrace spoke more than words. Sl: "Prinesel sem nekaj," je začel Miha, medtem ko je odprl album. En: "I brought something," Miha began as he opened the album. Sl: Pri prvem listanju so se prikazale slike z družinskih piknikov, morskih počitnic in smešnih trenutkov iz otroštva. En: On the first page, there appeared pictures from family picnics, seaside vacations, and funny childhood moments. Sl: Smeh je preplavil klopco, ko so se spominjali smešnih dogodkov. En: Laughter filled the bench as they recalled humorous events. Sl: Miha je čutil, kako teža na njegovih ramenih počasi izginja. En: Miha felt the weight on his shoulders gradually lifting. Sl: Potem je prišel trenutek tišine. En: Then came a moment of silence. Sl: Miha je vedel, da mora spregovoriti. En: Miha knew he had to speak. Sl: "Oprosti, da sem vas pustil," je rekel tiho, njegove oči so zardele. En: "I'm sorry I left you," he said quietly, his eyes flushed. Sl: "Počutil sem se, kot da sem vas izdal." En: "I felt like I had betrayed you." Sl: Nika je položila roko na njegovo. En: Nika placed her hand on his. Sl: "Miha, razumemo. Ampak pogrešali smo te. En: "Miha, we understand. But we missed you. Sl: Toliko stvari smo zamudili." Tina je prikimala, solze v očeh. En: We missed so many things." Tina nodded, tears in her eyes. Sl: Toda sedaj so bile tu. En: But now, they were here. Sl: Ob jezeru, ki jih je prepletalo s svojimi lepimi odsevi...
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