Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Ljubljana je sijala v barvah jeseni, ko je Mateja s svojima otrokoma, Gregorjem in Anjo, hodila po sveže posutih listih Tivolija proti Prirodoslovnemu muzeju.
En: Ljubljana shined in the colors of autumn as Mateja, with her two children, Gregor and Anja, walked...
Published 11/02/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Muse in Tivoli Park: Art and Nature's Gentle Bond
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Matej je sedel na klopci v Tivoli Parku v Ljubljani.
En: Matej was sitting on the bench in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana.
Sl: Veter se je igral z jesenskim listjem, ki je lebdel preko poti kot pisane sanje.
En: The wind was playing with the autumn leaves, which floated across the...
Published 11/01/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Solace: A Journey Through Triglav's Enchanted Woods
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Meglice jutra so se počasi dvigale, ko so Mateja, Tomaž in Neža vstopili v gozd Triglavskega narodnega parka.
En: The morning mist slowly lifted as Mateja, Tomaž, and Neža entered the forest of the Triglav National Park.
Sl: Listje je pokrivalo tla z zlato rdečo...
Published 10/31/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Fright and Fun: A Halloween Adventure in the Ljubljansko Barje
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Mateja je z velikim navdušenjem stopila na Ljubljansko barje.
En: Mateja stepped onto the Ljubljansko barje with great enthusiasm.
Sl: Jesensko meglo je zavesa skrivnostne atmosfere razgrinjala okoli nje in Bojana.
En: The autumn fog unfolded a curtain of...
Published 10/30/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Sparks: Teamwork Triumphs in the Science Fair Challenge
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Centralni Ljubljanski park je bil v jesenskih barvah čudovit.
En: The central Ljubljanski park was beautiful in its autumn colors.
Sl: Listje je žarelo v rdečih, oranžnih in rumenih odtenkih ter pokrivalo poti.
En: The leaves glowed in shades of red, orange, and...
Published 10/29/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Fabric Scraps to Friendship: A Halloween Transformation
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Mateja je sedela na postelji v sobi študentskega doma.
En: Mateja was sitting on her bed in her dorm room.
Sl: Okoli nje so bili raztreseni kosi blaga, stare majice in nekaj barvic.
En: Around her were scattered pieces of fabric, old shirts, and a few colored...
Published 10/28/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Echoes of Autumn: Finding New Beginnings by Blejsko Lake
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Jesen se je počasi naselila okoli Blejskega jezera.
En: Autumn had slowly settled around Blejsko Lake.
Sl: Listi so bili obarvani z odtenki rdeče in zlate, jezero pa je mirno lesketalo pod svetlobo zahajajočega sonca.
En: The leaves were colored in...
Published 10/27/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost Manuscripts: Awakening the Writer's Soul
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Zoran je stal na obali Blejskega jezera.
En: Zoran stood on the shore of Blejsko jezero.
Sl: Roke so bile sklenjene v žepih plašča, veter mu je mršil lase.
En: His hands were tucked in the pockets of his coat, and the wind was tousling his hair.
Sl: Jezero je bilo mirno,...
Published 10/26/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Melodies of Courage: Overcoming Doubt at Ljubljana's Hall
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Ljubljanska Glasbena akademija je bila polna življenja.
En: The Ljubljana Music Academy was full of life.
Sl: Glasba je prihajala iz vsake sobe in se mešala v hodniku, kot listje, ki ga veter raznaša po parku.
En: Music poured from every room and...
Published 10/25/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Meglice so se počasi dvigale nad jezero Bled, razkrivale so pogled na otok s cerkvijo sredi jezera.
En: The mists were slowly rising over lake Bled, revealing a view of the island with a church in the middle of the lake.
Sl: Jesensko listje okoli jezera je...
Published 10/24/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Roots and New Beginnings: A Slovenian Homecoming
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Listje je nežno padalo na tla, ko je Jure stopil skozi vrata velike družinske hiše.
En: The leaves gently fell to the ground as Jure stepped through the doors of the large family house.
Sl: Hiša je bila polna ljudi, glasov in smeha.
En: The house...
Published 10/23/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Legends: An Enchanted Night at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Dogodek se je začel nekega hladnega jesenskega večera ob Blejskem jezeru.
En: The event began on a chilly autumn evening by Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled).
Sl: Zala je pogledala čez krog dreves, ki so zlatose lesketali v jesenskem listju, in začutila veter, ki ji je...
Published 10/22/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Breaking Boundaries: Saving the Forests of Triglavski
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Pod krošnjami zlato-rdečih listov je Matija hodil skozi Triglavski narodni park.
En: Under the canopy of golden-red leaves, Matija walked through Triglavski narodni park.
Sl: Bil je jesen.
En: It was autumn.
Sl: V zraku je bil vonj po svežih listih.
Published 10/21/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je bila polna življenja.
En: The Ljubljana marketplace was full of life.
Sl: Jesenske barve so preplavile mesta, kjer so se tržnice prelivale z živopisnimi pridelki in obrtmi.
En: Autumn colors flooded the spots where the markets...
Published 10/20/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amid Ruins: A Tale of Resilience and New Beginnings
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Veter viharja je mršavil Matejine lase, ko je stopala med ruševine majhne obalne vasi.
En: The wind of the storm ruffled Mateja's hair as she walked among the ruins of the small coastal village.
Sl: Zapuščene kamnite hiše so se opirale druga na drugo, kot da...
Published 10/19/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Disconnect to Reconnect: An Autumn's Tale of Family Time
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V Bledskem jezeru se je odsevala čudovita jesen.
En: A beautiful autumn was reflected in Bledsko jezero.
Sl: Listje je bilo barvito, zeleno, rumeno in rdeče.
En: The leaves were colorful—green, yellow, and red.
Sl: Družina je sedela na majhnem...
Published 10/18/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Doubt to Inspiration: A Magical Morning at Jezera Bled
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Zgodaj zjutraj jezera Bled je bilo ovito v magično svetlobo.
En: Early in the morning, jezera Bled was wrapped in magical light.
Sl: Megla se je dvigala nad vodo, in barve jeseni so plesale na površini, kot da bi imele svojo skladbo.
En: Mist...
Published 10/17/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Stormy Secrets: Salt, Skincare, and Unexpected Friendships
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Jesenski oblaki so se zbirali nad Sečoveljskimi solinami, obarvali so nebo v temne odtenke sive.
En: Autumn clouds gathered above the Sečovelj salt pans, turning the sky into dark shades of gray.
Sl: Listje je počasi odpihovalo veter in Zala,...
Published 10/16/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Triumph in the Dark: A School Contest's Unlikely Heroes
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V meglenem jesenskem jutru je Ljubljana Public High School žarela v svojih klasičnih barvah.
En: On a foggy autumn morning, Ljubljana Public High School glowed in its classic colors.
Sl: Stare stavbe so bile odete v rdeče in oranžne liste, ki so se...
Published 10/15/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Forging New Beginnings: Anže's Journey of Art and Friendship
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Železna kovačija v majhni vasi je oživela z zvokom kladiva, ki je močno udarjalo ob nakovalo.
En: The iron kovačija in a small village came alive with the sound of the hammer striking the anvil.
Sl: Anže, kovač z veščimi rokami, a plašnim...
Published 10/14/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Luka's Journey: From Shadows to Spotlight at the Gallery
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Luka je stal pred veličastno zgradbo Narodne galerije Slovenije.
En: Luka stood in front of the magnificent building of the National Gallery of Slovenia.
Sl: Razmišljal je o svojem prihodnjem razstavljanju.
En: He was thinking about his upcoming...
Published 10/13/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Ballots to Bonds: A Father and Son's Election Day Journey
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Topel vetrič je zibal javorjeve liste, ki so kot zlati konfeti poplesavali po tleh pred vaško dvorano.
En: A warm breeze swayed the javorjeve leaves, which danced like golden confetti on the ground in front of the village hall.
Sl: Luka...
Published 10/12/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Harnessing Harmony: A High School Trio's Path to Growth
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Matej je sedel v učilnici gimnazije v Ljubljani.
En: Matej was sitting in a classroom at a high school in Ljubljana.
Sl: Učilnica je bila polna postersov in grafikonov.
En: The classroom was full of posters and charts.
Sl: Zunaj je veter premetaval...
Published 10/11/24
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Luka's Hilariously Haunted Halloween Adventure
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Jesen je bila v polnem razmahu v zaprti skupnosti v Ljubljani.
En: Autumn was in full swing in the gated community in Ljubljana.
Sl: Pisani listi so prekrivali tla, buče so stale na pragih hiš, in hladen veter je nežno šepetal med drevesi.
En: Colorful leaves covered...
Published 10/09/24