Melodies of Courage: Overcoming Doubt at Ljubljana's Hall
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Melodies of Courage: Overcoming Doubt at Ljubljana's Hall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljanska Glasbena akademija je bila polna življenja. En: The Ljubljana Music Academy was full of life. Sl: Glasba je prihajala iz vsake sobe in se mešala v hodniku, kot listje, ki ga veter raznaša po parku. En: Music poured from every room and mingled in the hallway, like leaves scattered by the wind in a park. Sl: Jesen je prinesla hladne in sveže zračne noči, zlato-rumeno listje pa je pod nogami rahlo škripalo. En: Autumn brought cold and crisp air nights, and the golden-yellow leaves crunched softly underfoot. Sl: Matej je sedel sam v kotu velike sobe, držeč svojo violino. En: Matej sat alone in the corner of a large room, holding his violin. Sl: Pogledal je noter. En: He looked inward. Sl: Napetost je bila že v zraku, saj se je bližal pomemben študentski koncert. En: Tension was already in the air, as an important student concert was approaching. Sl: Matej se je globoko vdihnil in postavil lok na strune. En: Matej took a deep breath and placed the bow on the strings. Sl: Pogledal je okrog sebe in videl druge študente, ki so vadili, tudi Tjašo, ki je sedela za klavirjem. En: He looked around and saw other students practicing, including Tjaša, who was seated at the piano. Sl: Bila je izjemna pianistka, slavna na akademiji zaradi svojega talenta in samozavesti. En: She was an exceptional pianist, famous at the academy for her talent and confidence. Sl: A danes je Matej potreboval njeno pogum in nasvet. En: But today, Matej needed her courage and advice. Sl: Matej je bil vedno discipliniran, a pogosto ga je mučil dvom vase. En: Matej had always been disciplined, but often struggled with self-doubt. Sl: Globoko v sebi je bil prepričan, da bo vsaka napaka na koncertu uničila njegove možnosti pred obiskovalcem ‒ priznanim dirigentom, ki bi lahko povzdignil njegovo glasbeno kariero. En: Deep down, he was convinced that any mistake at the concert would ruin his chances before the visitor—a renowned conductor who could elevate his music career. Sl: Matejev nemir je bil skoraj otipljiv. En: Matej's restlessness was almost palpable. Sl: Pomislil je, da bi raje kar odšel, a si je nato premislil. En: He thought about just leaving, but then changed his mind. Sl: Stopil je k Tjaši, ki je pravkar končala vajo. En: He approached Tjaša, who had just finished rehearsing. Sl: "Tjaša, zdi se mi, da ne bom zmogel," je skorajda zašepetal. En: "Tjaša, it seems I can't do it," he almost whispered. Sl: "Pogosto se spotikam. En: "I often stumble. Sl: Mislim, da bo to težava na koncertu. En: I think it will be a problem at the concert." Sl: "Tjaša ga je pozorno pogledala. En: Tjaša looked at him attentively. Sl: "Matej, tvoj talent je izjemen. En: "Matej, your talent is exceptional. Sl: Morda te to ne prepriča, toda najdi moč v svoji strasti do glasbe. En: This might not convince you, but find strength in your passion for music. Sl: Osredotoči se na to, kar obvladaš. En: Focus on what you excel at." Sl: "Spet je zgrabil svoj lok. En: He grabbed his bow again. Sl: Zaupala mu je in to mu je dalo moč. En: She believed in him, and that gave him strength. Sl: Vadila sta skupaj, njeni prsti so letali po tipkah, medtem ko sta njegova iskala...
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