Rekindled at the Castle: A Festival of Forgiveness
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindled at the Castle: A Festival of Forgiveness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je stopil na Ljubljanski grad, kjer se je odvijal jesenski festival. En: Matej walked up to the Ljubljanski grad, where the autumn festival was taking place. Sl: Veter je nosil vonj po pečenem kostanju, ljudje pa so se smejali in uživali. En: The wind carried the scent of roasted chestnuts, and people were laughing and enjoying themselves. Sl: Listje je v zlatih in rdečih odtenkih prekrivalo starodavne kamnite zidove gradu. En: Leaves in golden and red hues covered the ancient stone walls of the castle. Sl: Matej se je sprehajal med množico, ko je naenkrat zagledal znan obraz. En: Matej strolled through the crowd when he suddenly saw a familiar face. Sl: Bila je Anja. En: It was Anja. Sl: Anja je stala ob stojnici z ročno izdelanimi svečami. En: Anja was standing by a stall with handmade candles. Sl: Ko ga je opazila, je za trenutek oklevala. En: When she noticed him, she hesitated for a moment. Sl: V njenih očeh je bila mešanica presenečenja in nečesa drugega, morda odmev preteklosti. En: In her eyes was a mix of surprise and something else, perhaps an echo of the past. Sl: Prenalico dolgo sta obvisela v neprijetni tišini, dokler Matej ni zbral poguma. En: For a moment, they lingered in awkward silence until Matej gathered the courage. Sl: "Živjo, Anja," je rekel s tihim glasom. En: "Hello, Anja," he said in a quiet voice. Sl: "Dolgo je že. En: "It's been a long time." Sl: "Anja je prikimala. En: Anja nodded. Sl: "Ja, res je," je odgovorila, njene oči so preučevale njegov obraz. En: "Yes, it has," she replied, her eyes studying his face. Sl: Sprehajala sta se mimo stojnic, medtem ko je Matej iskal priložnost za govor. En: They walked past the stalls as Matej sought an opportunity to speak. Sl: Srce mu je glasno bilo. En: His heart was pounding loudly. Sl: Poskusil je biti pogumen. En: He tried to be brave. Sl: "Žal mi je," je končno rekel, njegove besede so bile tihe, vendar iskrene. En: "I'm sorry," he finally said, his words were quiet but sincere. Sl: "Žal mi je za vse, kar je bilo. En: "I'm sorry for everything that happened. Sl: Nisem ravnal prav. En: I didn't act right." Sl: "Anja je umolknila, njen obraz pa je kazal globoko zasidran razmislek. En: Anja fell silent, her face showing deep contemplation. Sl: Matej je zadrževal dih in opazoval, kako se borila med zamero in radovednostjo. En: Matej held his breath and watched as she wrestled between resentment and curiosity. Sl: Čas je tekel, ko sta se sprehodila do razgledne točke. En: Time passed as they walked to the viewpoint. Sl: Pod njima se je razprostiral pogled na Ljubljano, njene strehe so se svetile v jesenskem soncu. En: Below them stretched the view of Ljubljana, its rooftops shining in the autumn sun. Sl: Matej se je ustavil. En: Matej stopped. Sl: "Razumem, če mi ne moreš odpustiti," je rekel in s pogledom preučeval mesto. En: "I understand if you can't forgive me," he said, examining the city. Sl: "Toda želim popraviti stvari. En: "But I want to make things right. Sl: Želim ponovno pridobiti tvoje zaupanje. En: I want to regain your trust." Sl: "Anja je stala ob njem, njeno srce je bilo razdeljeno med bolečino in...
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