Forgive Me! tells the story of Father Ben, a try-hard young Catholic priest who was recently reassigned from Binghamton to St. Patrick’s, a new parish in an unnamed Upstate New York town, under mysterious circumstances. Each episode follows Ben into the confessional with another eccentric parishioner from around town, exploring the intertwined lives of this new community and the funny, sad, and sometimes painful experiences that come out of the Catholic experience.
Dave recalls the incident at the Texarkana Terror Entrapment and Hayride of Heck
Produced by Rogue Dialogue Productions (
Written and directed by Bob Raymonda and Jack Marone.
Casey Callaghan as Fr. Ben
Jeffery Cranor as Dave
Nightvale TTRPG Crowdfunding...
Published 10/13/24
Fr. Ben and Fr. Klem had their first ever podcast appearance on the true-crime investigative show, Arden.
Produced by Rogue Dialogue Productions with Wheyface Radio
Written by T.H. Ponders and directed by Chris Dole, T.H. Ponders, and Bob Raymonda.
Casey Callaghan as Fr. Ben
Published 09/29/24