Have you ever felt frustrated when people do not take your help and still go through the same problems and maybe are still complaining? As awful as it can be when it seems that others refuse to help themselves, understand that if you force them to take your help or even listen to you, you may be doing more harm than good. Listen to Eva who explains why it is essential that you know how to help, the right way, or you may hindering their growth and ascension.  For extra support and materials...
Published 07/21/22
Published 07/21/22
In the Gospel of Thomas, it is clear that Knowing Yourself is essential to your purpose, to your prosperity and your healing. But what does that really mean? Eva explains what it truly is to live in poverty, and that unless you start working on yourself to know yourself, you will always be poverty. A must-listen-to episode for abundance and healing.  For extra support and material: www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz or [email protected] or www.evaruiz-author.com  
Published 07/03/22
If you feel any guilt for letting go of friends, or angry that friends have let go of you, this episode will bring you clarity as to what actually happens, and why it has to happen. It also brings peace and shows you that aligning with Love is the way, always. And that being true to your path is your soul’s journey. For extra support and material: www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz or email  [email protected] or www.evaruiz-author.com  
Published 06/26/22
Everyone deals with deceit differently. And that’s because of where they are on their path. Deceit happens all the time, and what we are meant to do with deceit is essential to our growth. A crucial episode, not just to help you deal with deceit, but to understand it on the collective. For extra support and material: www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz or email [email protected] or evaruiz-author.com
Published 06/17/22
If you’ve ever wondered why you feel stuck and you can’t grow into more prosperity, love, success, self-esteem, freedom, then this episode shows you what vital step has to happen. We’ve always been taught to ‘learn’ from others. But actually sometimes you have to let go of that learning. Using one example to illustrate this, Eva shows you the importance of unlearning. For extra support and material: www.linktr.ee/evaruiz/ or email [email protected]  
Published 06/10/22
Do you feel you have been the target of nastiness, gossip, criticism, judgement? What can you do so they don't get to you, so you don't feel the hurt? In this episode, powerful tips to help you move on and ascend to a higher frequency of love. Do not get stuck in a place of victimhood or hurt.  Share, comment, send your feedback to [email protected] - and for lots of resources: www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz  
Published 03/01/22
Do you want to know how your free will can be used for your highest good? What makes the difference between those who succeed (in any area of life) and those who struggle more? We all have free will, but it’s how we use it that matters. Your free will can make you or break you. So please understand how you are using it. Do not miss this episode! Align with the power given to you. Share this, comment, send me your feedback to [email protected] - and for lots of...
Published 01/29/22
Have you ever felt the desire to be saved? Have you wished for someone to rescue you from an awful reality and make you feel like all is ok? Many hope that someone will be their saviour. But it's not meant to be that way. Why? This is what Eva explains, and why it is essential for you to understand this and take the right actions. Wonderfully positive and inspirational, a must-listen to at these times of great change.  Share, comment, feedback to [email protected] - resources:...
Published 12/29/21
Do you have idols, people you worship? Do you put them on a pedestal and aspire to be like them, because you think it's so great to be them? If so, you are truly killing who you are! This episode is THE most powerful message you will ever hear! If you truly want to be Free to Be You, listen to the biggest mistake people have been making for sooooo long!! Share this, comment, send me your feedback to [email protected] - and for lots of resources and the quiz: www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz
Published 02/19/21
Are you trying to avoid some things at all cost? Are you so scared of not repeating some patterns from your past that you are living under that fear and not allowing freedom for yourself and those around you? Projection is a real issue that is causing resistance. But once you understand it, you open the door to being free of those past fears. A must-listen to episode for breaking the chains of the past.  Great resources at www.linktr.ee/EvaRuiz
Published 02/08/21
Have you felt shame because of someone's opinion of you? Have you been emotionally blackmailed? In a world right now where many people shame others because of choosing differently, we need to ascend to a loving place. Eva shares 3 essentials ways of addressing shaming, belittling, judgement. Stand strong in who you really are, and not what someone says of you. Get masses of resources, support, direction, here: https://linktr.ee/EvaRuiz
Published 02/01/21
Have you ever felt bullied into not expressing your voice and your truth? Have people tried to shut you down because you didn't align with their own narrative? This episode was actually recorded in July when Eva found herself in a place where she felt the evil consciousness from a person, coming heavily to oppress her. She explains how to deal with these situations. Inspired by her communication with the Universe.  Support at evaruiz-author.com/membership - or [email protected]
Published 10/10/20
How do you reach that higher frequency? Who can help you? What is your involvement in this? Eva shares with you a picture and message from the Universe about where many people are and how to get to that bliss, universal peace and love. A powerful episode that speaks right into your heart.  Membership for coaching and teachings: evaruiz-author.com/membership - You are not alone, let's walk together.
Published 07/11/20
What happens when we have closed that door to greater gifts? And how do we open up our life again to receiving greater gifts? How do we find our own way in life, instead of relying on others to tell us what they think it is? So many people feel lost, trapped, not knowing where to turn. But there is a way of getting back on that higher frequency. Eva shares some insightful and eye-opening examples.  More support with her membership coaching at evaruiz-author.com or email her at...
Published 06/25/20
Have you ever felt some guilt when loved ones do not feel happy or content around you? Have they insinuated that it was your fault for not showing up the way they expect you? Eva speaks of the expectations others can put on us, and how impossible it is to walk in that path and keep our alignment with Love. If you've ever felt that way, she shares 3 powerful rituals for you.  Gift yourself with amazing free coaching with Inspiring Letters at evaruiz-author.com or become part of the Mastermind...
Published 06/11/20
What do you worship? What do you give importance to? Have you been influenced to worship what ultimately doesn't serve you? And if so, how is it making you feel, deep down? Eva speaks of the pressure to align with ego's lies of power, self-importance, in the search for love. And so, are you chasing what will never bring love? Get empowered back into alignment with happiness. No time to waste! For more info: [email protected] - Get on the Loving eLetters for free coaching sessions.
Published 04/21/20
In these times we are living through right now, this time of darkness and the corona virus, wouldn't you want to know the full truth and nothing but the truth? Yes!! You do!! Because only the whole truth is going to save YOU! and to save us all. Eva tells you where to look, the best place ever to find that truth! A powerful episode to bring consciousness at the forefront when it is vital to listen to what is within you, and the whole truth! Contact Eva at: [email protected] for the...
Published 04/13/20
The one you do not want to miss! Have you ever been in a difficult place, a low place, a place where you thought 'What the heck! I am feeling SO awful! How on earth do I get back up again?' The problem is that once you get in that abyss, it's easy to believe you will never get out of there again! Eva shares her latest experience of being back there again, and what she did to emerge stronger than ever! For more info and support, and to get your membership subscription: [email protected]
Published 03/05/20
Why is it that despite our wish to bring changes, to care after ourselves, to love ourselves, to have great relationships, we can't get there? The first action is acknowledging what we really want. And then step 2 is to have the willingness. Eva clarifies this step from the heart and with real impact, clarifying how to make things happen, for real! For membership and support, and free letters: evaruiz-author.com or email [email protected]
Published 02/07/20
As newborns we only know love. Love is our being, our state, our essence. As we grow and come in contact with ego, so much is forgotten. But young people have to reconnect with self-love for the good of themselves and the planet. Eva shares how everyone can rise up in love. An exciting year ahead, so get onboard aside young people.  Get the conversation with Eva, ask her those important questions. Connect on FB, IG - YT at Free To Be You - Eva Ruiz
Published 01/10/20
Have you ever wondered how you could become stronger and believe more in life? How do resilient people get more positive results, despite all that adversity? Eva is back for the last 2019 episode with some powerful, and empowering insights, as to what makes strong people stand out and stand up above the rest! This is one of the most awesome episodes ever! Get the conversation going with Eva, ask her those important questions. Connect on FB, IG - YT at Free To Be You - Eva Ruiz
Published 12/31/19
Do you try to have an adult conversation with people around you, only to realise that they'd rather start arguing and blaming others, including you? How do you deal with such people, especially if they are close to you? Eva speaks of something that is so common, but that we have to understand. Listen to why. Get her freebie on her website: 3 Secrets to Amazing Relationships. For support write [email protected] or join her group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/evaruiz.freetobeyou/
Published 10/20/19
Do you feel under pressure sometimes because of your parents' expectations? How do these translate? What are they and how do they affect your personal freedom? Eva explores the most difficult ties our families create around our own freedom. Are we then doing the same to our children? A real eye opener! For support: [email protected] and on website get on the Inspirational Letters list.
Published 10/14/19
Do you know the difference between believing and trusting? Did you know how trusting yourself or the Universe could actually change the direction of your life? Eva shares one story of how trust made that big difference in her life, and how it was never the same again. If you only believe, you are only half way there. Get inspired and make that big jump today! For support: [email protected] and go to website to be part of the Evastician Inspirational letters.
Published 10/01/19