“10/28/24 Eliza Griswold book review -
A Princeton professor concludes with the message that Trump supporters are wedded to American exceptionalism, white Christian nationalism and “celebrating whiteness.”
It is NPR’s favorite narrative : Trump supporters are dangerous, racist White Christians.
NPR is funded by our tax dollars and wealthy donors (who are tied to the government in a plausibly deniable way). The revision of Smith–Mundt Act in 2013 allows the federal government to propagandize Americans.
So Why is state sponsored media creating fear against certain racial / religious groups?
Governments in the past have used propaganda to demonize races and religions to gain political power to disastrous ends.
Ms. Gross, as the executive producer of Fresh Air, why do you constantly allow this racist and divisive rhetoric on your program?
2/29/24 Hour long Bradley Onishi interview claims Trump voters are literally “Preparing for War.” - A common theme on NPR nowadays is to claim “white Christian nationalists” will violently overthrow the government during the next election for Trump. This is the definition of RACISM. It is racism in its highest form to lump your political enemies along racial and religious lines and declare war on them. By claiming that THEY will commit violence, NPR is implying that one better “get them before they get us.” NPR is funded by the government, but mostly by the world’s richest elites via their “foundations” and NPR’s CEO’s appear to be from the western world’s intel community. Why do the world’s elites and our western governments continually propagate this message? Why do they wish to disunite with this dangerous language? Historically, when has dividing a country by race and religion ever worked out for the better? 4/22/24 Another book interview and the message is: white, male, Christian Trump voters are dangerous to America’s future. There are no journalists at NPR. This is racism in its rawest form. And they are no longer hiding it.”
MkeY234Z62 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·