[齊來長知識] EP10-電車|HK Tramways
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話說香港電車最近打入咗健力士世界紀錄——最大的服務中的雙層電車車隊。叮叮你就搭得多,但對佢嘅認知又有幾多?今集我哋會透過遊戲形式話俾大家知關於叮叮嘅二三事。記得follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。HK Tramways holds Guinness World Records™ Title by operating the world’s “largest double-decker tram fleet in service”. What do you know about the story of "Ding Ding"? Listen to this episode and get to know more about it!  Remember to follow our instagram.com/chitchathongkong. ---------------------------------------------- Outro credit: HK Tramways x HK Phil “Ding Ding Music”
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