四年一度嘅世界盃又開鑼啦,正值呢股熱潮,今集就同大家講吓香港嘅足球史。想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 The World Cup is now in full swing. To catch up with this craze, we will talk about the history of football in Hong Kong. Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 12/05/22
一直以來,屯門俾外界嘅印象係山旯旮、大西北、屯門公路經常塞車等負面標籤。但原來呢個地方係一個寶藏,佢擁有六千多年嘅豐厚歷史,除咗大量文物出土之外,仲係一個軍事海防重鎮。想刷新你對屯門嘅刻板印象?千祈唔好錯過今集精彩嘅內容。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 For a long time, the impression of Tuen Mun from outsiders is lots of negative labels such as remote area, far away from the city centre, and frequent traffic jams on Tuen Mun Road, but it turns out that this place is a treasure as it has a rich history of more than 6,000 years. Not only is a large number of...
Published 11/21/22
擁有80多年歷史嘅虎豹別墅雖然透過「活化歷史建築夥伴計劃」活化成虎豹樂圃,但由於營運機構面對財務困難,於2022年12月1日起停止運作,把建築物交回政府。換言之,公眾剩返一個月時間參觀虎豹別墅。入場之前,可以收聽今集,了解多啲歷史同建築特色,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Haw Par Mansion, which has a history of more than 80 years, has been revived into Haw Par Music through the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme", but due to the financial difficulties faced by the operating organization, it will cease to operate from 1 December 2022 and the...
Published 10/31/22
饒宗頤文化館係發展局推出「活化歷史建築夥伴計劃」下嘅首批活化項目。坐落於美孚山上嘅建築群,清幽恬靜、遠離煩囂,擁有超過一百年歷史,曾經先後用作不同用途,如稅關、華工屯舍、檢疫站、軍營、監獄、傳染病醫院和精神病療養院等等。想知其演變史,記得收聽今集,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Jao Tsung-I Cultural Centre is the first batch of revitalization projects under the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme" launched by the Development Bureau. Located on the mid-level of Mei Foo, the building complex is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle. It has a history...
Published 10/17/22
大家有無留意,近年香港因颱風水浸嘅情況大大減少?原來渠務署用咗防洪三招去預防及改善水浸情況。想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Have you noticed that in recent years, the flooding situation in Hong Kong due to typhoons has greatly decreased? It turns out that Drainage Services Department (DSD) has used three flood control strategies. Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 09/26/22
大館前身係中區警署、中央裁判司署及域多利監獄集執法、司法及監獄於一身嘅建築群,超過180年歷史,1995年更被列為法定古蹟。佢嘅歷史究竟係點?又如何活化成為一座古蹟及藝術館。想知多啲,記得收聽今集,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Tai Kwun was formerly the Central Police Station, Central Magistrates' Office and Victoria Prison, a complex of law enforcement, judicial and prison buildings. It has a history of more than 180 years and was declared a monument in 1995. What is its history? How to revitalize it into a monument and an art museum. Wanna know...
Published 09/12/22
飲茶文化源遠流長,當中嘅演變係點樣?原來茶樓同酒樓有分別?開蓋加茶背後有段殘忍嘅典故?想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Yum Cha culture has a long history, what is the evolution of it? Do you know there is a difference between a tea house and a Chinese restaurant? And a cruel allusion behind opening the lid before adding tea? Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 08/22/22
今集同大家講吓一個全靠民間力量爭取保留嘅歷史建築——前深水埗配水庫,以及探討一下主教山上嘅民間康體設施應否保留。想知多啲,記得收聽今集,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 In this episode, we will talk about a historic building that relies solely on civil efforts to preserve it - Ex-Sham Shui Po Service Reservoir, and discuss whether the folk recreation facilities on Mission Hill should be preserved. Wanna know more about this place? don't miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 08/01/22
以往粉色外牆嘅香港藝術館無論喺外形、格局、展品都俾人一種沉悶嘅感覺,不過,用咗4年時間大翻新之後,成個香港藝術館都令人耳目一新,無論空間感,展品內容及呈現方式亦吸引咗好多。想知翻身過後嘅香港藝術館有咩唔同,千祈唔好錯過呢集!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  In the past, the pink exterior wall of the Hong Kong Museum of Art gave people a dull feeling in terms of shape, layout and exhibits. However, after four-year renovation, the whole building, exhibits and the way of presentation are more refreshing. Wanna know the difference about Hong Kong Museum of Art after...
Published 07/18/22
李鄭屋,依家係香港其中一座公共屋邨。但以前呢一帶係寮屋區,因為一場大火,政府興建徙置大廈,仲發現咗香港唯一一座古墓。想知過程係點?即刻收聽呢集啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Li Cheng Uk is now one of the public housing estates in Hong Kong. But in the past, this area was a squatter area. Because of a fire, the government built a group of resettlement buildings, and found the only ancient tomb in Hong Kong. Wanna know the history? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 06/27/22
今集同大家介紹另一條古村落——薄扶林村。佢同茶果嶺村雖然都被界定為寮屋區,但點解依加仲得以保留?原來同政府一項行政措施有關。除此之外,薄扶林仲係牛奶公司嘅發源地,高峰期曾經牧養超過3000頭乳牛。不過當中遇到唔少困難,想知點樣解決?即刻收聽呢集啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 In this episode, we will introduce another ancient village - Pokfulam Village. Although she and Cha Kwo Ling Village are defined as a squatter area, why can Pokfulam Village be preserved? It turned out to be related to an administrative measure by the government. In addition, Pok Fu Lam is the...
Published 06/13/22
的士就搭得多,水上的士你又搭過未?曾經風靡一時嘅水上的士點解喺七十年代逐漸消失?依家嘅水上的士又變成點?想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Many of you may have taken a taxi before, but have you ever taken a water taxi? Why did water taxis disappear in the 1970s? How are the water taxis today? Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 05/30/22
喺香港,人多車多廢氣多,市區綠化係政府由開埠以嚟就實行,不過成效係點?樹木辦又可唔可以解決因樹木倒塌而造成嘅傷亡?想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 In Hong Kong, there are many people, vehicles, and much more exhaust gas. Urban greening is implemented by the government since the opening of the port, but how is the result? Can the Tree Management Office solve the accidents caused by the collapse of the trees? Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow...
Published 05/16/22
跑馬地、快活谷、黃泥涌、愉園,雖然呢四個名都係講緊同一個地方,但隱藏咗不一樣嘅故事。點解呢個地方咁多唔同宗教嘅場所同墳場?想知多啲,即刻收聽呢集啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 What are the stories behind these four different Chinese names describing Happy Valley?  Why there are so many religious cemeteries in this place?  Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 05/02/22
茶果嶺,同茶果有咩關係?以前並唔係叫茶果嶺?點解擁有400多年歷史嘅茶果嶺依然被定性為一個寮屋區?政府清拆在即,居民有咩訴求?想知多啲,即刻收聽呢集啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 What is the relationship between Cha Kwo Ling and Cha Kwo? Wasn't it called Cha Kwo Ling before? Explain that Cha Kwo Ling, with a history of more than 400 years, is still characterized as a squatter area? The government's demolition is imminent. What appeals do residents have? Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow...
Published 04/18/22
講到白手興家,香港唔只一個李嘉誠,仲有何東。佢由一個出身寒微嘅窮小子,成為第一位擁有華人血統居住半山區嘅富商。直到今日,佢對香港嘅影響依然深遠,何東中學、何東花園、何東道、何東beat......想知何東傳奇嘅一生係點?快啲收聽今集節目啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Apart from Sir Li Ka Shing, another entrepreneur Sir HO Tung also built his company from scratch and later on became a multimillion-pound business. Many parks, schools, and buildings are named after or founded by Sir Ho Tung in Hong Kong, including Lady Hotung Hall at Hong Kong University,...
Published 04/04/22
是福不是禍,是禍躲不過!兩位主持之前先後確診Omicron,休息咗幾個星期,終於復出啦!呢集同大家分享吓整個心路歷程同感受。想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 We were diagnosed with Omicron before, and after a few weeks of rest, we are back! In this episode, will share with you the ups and downs. Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 03/21/22
喺香港,土地資源固然重要,但遠遠比不上水資源嘅重要。自開埠以來,政府一直想方設法增加淡水供應,興建水塘、海水化淡、引入東江水等等。究竟呢場淡水追逐戰嘅過程係點樣?想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 In Hong Kong, land resources are important but far less important than water resources. Since being a trading port, the Government has been trying every means to increase the supply of fresh water, building reservoirs, desalinating seawater, introducing Dongjiang water and so on. What is the process of this fresh water chase?...
Published 02/21/22
講起鰂魚涌,一定會諗起太古集團。究竟太古集團點樣將鰂魚涌由一個石礦灣打造成一個商業重地?又點解Quarry Bay會翻譯為鰂魚涌?想知多啲,就要收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Speaking of Quarry Bay, you must think of Swire Group. How did Swire Group turn Quarry Bay from a quarry bay into a commercial powerhouse? Why the English and Chinese meanings of Quarry Bay are so different? Wanna know more? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 01/31/22
山頂纜車除咗係香港歷史最悠久嘅公共交通工具,仲係今時今日遊客必做嘅觀光體驗。然而,最初興建山頂纜車嘅目的係為咗吸引高官名流上山頂消費,以及遠離鼠疫蔓延嘅華人社區......想知就即刻收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Besides being the oldest public transport in Hong Kong, the Peak Tram is a must-do sightseeing experience for tourists today. However, the original purpose of building the Peak Tram was to attract high-ranking officials and celebrities to the top of the mountain for consumption, and to stay away from the Chinese community...
Published 01/17/22
「一個人原來都可以盡興~~獨個俯瞰每顆山幽之嶺~~」 生日當天一個人搭昂坪360纜車可以有幾毒?昂坪360又有啲咩「威水」史?想知就即刻收聽呢一集啦。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Have you ever experienced taking Ngong Ping 360 cable car alone on your birthday? The host will share her experience and talk about the ups and downs of Ngong Ping 360. Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 01/03/22
今集繼續推介文青好去處——618上海街。佢係由十四座騎樓式建築活化成一個文青廣場,想知關於騎樓嘅歷史? 有咩地區特色小店進駐,千祈唔好錯過! 聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 618 Shanghai Street is a good place for hipsters and artists to visit. It is a preservation-revitalisation project of Urban Renewal Authority (URA), comprising a cluster of fourteen historic buildings built over the pre-war period.  Some characteristic shops would be introduced in the podcast. Don’t miss this episode and remember to...
Published 12/20/21
又有一個新文青熱點可以打卡啦!主持人率先為大家遊覧剛開幕嘅M+博物館,究竟佢比傳統藝術館有咩特別之處?點解由構思到興建用咗22年時間?M+呢個名有咩含義?捐贈大部分藏品嘅希克又有咩來頭?想知答案,即刻收聽今集節目啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。M+ Museum, another new check-in attraction, opened last month. Any highlights about the architecture design or exhibition surprised us?  Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 12/06/21
知唔知香港第一架的士幾時出現?的士行業如何由公司經營轉變為個體戶經營?點解依家的士牌價等於一層樓?唔同顏色嘅的士又有咩行駛範圍?想知多知,即刻收聽呢一集啦!記得follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 When was the first taxi appeared in Hong Kong? How were taxis operated by companies shifted to by individuals? Why taxi licenses are so expensive? What are the differences between red, green, and blue? Don't miss this episode and please follow our instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 11/22/21