位於新界元朗嘅屏山文物徑係香港首條文物徑,於1993年12月12日開幕,長約1.6公里,記載住新界五大家族之一──鄧族嘅威水史。經常搭巴士經過嘅聚星樓,佢係如何成為屏山嘅風水命脈?鄧氏宗祠正門點解冇傳統嘅門檻?想知多啲,即刻收聽今集節目啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Ping Shan Heritage Trail, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was inaugurated on 12 December 1993, stretching about 1.6 km in length. Wanna know more stories about some of the famous spots, such as Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda and The Tang Ancestral Hall? Don’t miss this episode and remember to...
Published 11/09/21
知唔知點解香港嘅小巴有分紅色同綠色?小巴嘅歷史又係點呢?我哋亦會分享吓關於搭小巴嘅見聞同趣事。想知多知,即刻收聽呢一集啦!記得follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Why Hong Kong minibuses have red and green colours? What are the differences between them? We will talk about the history of Hong Kong minibus and share some interesting stories with you guys.  Don't miss this episode and please follow our instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 10/25/21
上集介紹完中環街市,今集就講吓街市嘅發展歷史同種類啦。想知嘅話,快啲收聽今集節目啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  In this episode, we will talk about the history and types of Hong Kong Markets. Don’t miss it and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 10/11/21
最新中環又多咗一個新嘅打卡熱點——中環街市。呢座建築物究竟有咩特別咁值得保留?主持去完之後又有咩評價?想知嘅話,快啲收聽今集節目啦!順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Central Market is a new Instagram check-in attraction you must not miss recently. How can it be so special and innovative towards Hong Kong Market history? Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 09/27/21
「屯馬開通~真的很興奮~」,等到頸都長嘅屯馬線終於喺今年6月開通。究竟土瓜灣、宋皇臺有咩歷史同隱世打卡熱點?想知嘅話,快啲收聽今集節目啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Tuen Ma Line finally opened in June this year, we will talk about the history of To Kwa Wan and Sung Wong Toi and introduce some Instagram check-in attractions to you guys. Don’t miss this episode and remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 09/13/21
話說香港電車最近打入咗健力士世界紀錄——最大的服務中的雙層電車車隊。叮叮你就搭得多,但對佢嘅認知又有幾多?今集我哋會透過遊戲形式話俾大家知關於叮叮嘅二三事。記得follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。HK Tramways holds Guinness World Records™ Title by operating the world’s “largest double-decker tram fleet in service”. What do you know about the story of "Ding Ding"? Listen to this episode and get to know more about it!  Remember to follow our instagram.com/chitchathongkong. ---------------------------------------------- Outro credit: HK...
Published 08/30/21
啱啱睇完振奮人心嘅東京奧運,你對奧運嘅歷史又知幾多?你又數唔數得出香港有幾多地方/景點同奧運有關?唔知唔緊要,即刻收聽呢集,順便follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Do you know about the history of the Olympics? Any Olympic spots in HK you can name? Let's listen to this episode and get to know more about it!  Remember to follow our instagram.com/chitchathongkong.
Published 08/16/21
位於半山區嘅雍仁會館原來同一個神秘組織有關?想知嘅話即刻收聽最新一集啦。聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。    Zetland Hall in Mid-levels is related to a mysterious organization. Wanna know more?  Listen and find out the answers in this episode!  Please also remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong and get to know more about it!
Published 08/02/21
今集終於講到「四環九約」嘅最後一環——下環,亦即係現今嘅灣仔。原來以前灣仔嘅地皮冇人吼?香港十大鬼屋之一南固臺點解咁猛鬼?鵝頸橋曾經係香港八景之一?想知嘅話即刻收聽最新一集啦。聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。   Wanna know why Wan Chai's land price was so cheap in 1840s?  Why Nam Koo Terrace is popularly known as a "Haunted House"?  Why Bowrington was one of 8 Scenic Spots in Hong Kong Island?  Let's listen and find out the answers in this episode!  Please also remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong and get to know...
Published 07/19/21
相信香港人對張保仔呢個名並唔陌生,佢係大名鼎鼎嘅海盜,叱吒華南沿海一帶。無論滿清政府、出埠商人、沿海村民,聽到張保仔個大名都會聞風喪膽,見到張保仔都會走夾唔抖。不過其實張保仔只係喺海上稱霸咗三年就金盆洗手,之後佢嘅下落係點呢?想知多啲張保仔同其他海盜嘅事蹟?快啲收聽節目搵答案啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Cheung Po Tsai was a well known Chinese pirate and was active along the Guangdong coastal area during the Qing Dynasty. You wanna know more about his story? Listen and find out the answers in this episode!  Please also remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong and...
Published 07/05/21
西環,點樣由一個偏僻荒蕪之地發展成夜夜笙歌嘅紅燈區,後來又點解會淪落為屠宰場、焚化爐同精神病院咁大落差? 想知多啲?快啲收聽節目搵答案啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  How Sai Wan developed into a Red Light District from a remote area and later on became a region of slaughterhouses, incinerators and mental hospitals? Let's listen and find out the answers in this episode!  Please also remember to follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong and get to know more about it!
Published 06/21/21
依家我哋見到嘅九龍寨城公園,昔日竟然係全世界人口密度最高嘅九龍寨城?! 對於呢個地方,我哋有太多太多嘅問號...... 例如係點解有啲人讀「九龍城寨」,有啲人讀「九龍寨城」?「三不管」係指咩呢?點解會變成「三不管」? 想知多啲?快啲收聽節目搵答案啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Kowloon Walled City Park is now a beautiful garden featuring preserved artefacts from the former Kowloon Walled City which was the highest population density in the world. How can it become a lawless enclave for fugitives and criminal gangs through the 20th century? Let's listen and find...
Published 06/07/21
你哋有無諗過,香港之所以成為英國殖民地,係基於一男子自把自為嘅因素?佢同上環嘅荷里活道公園有咩關係? 依加新冠肺炎肆虐全球,搞到民不聊生,但原來早喺1894年,上環太平山街就曾經因為一個鼠疫全球大流行而變成人間煉獄,哀嚎遍野...... 想知多啲?快啲收聽節目搵答案啦!聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Have you ever thought about Hong Kong became the British colony because of one man's presumptuous decision? Hong Kong citizens have been suffering from COVID-19 pandemic for more than one year. However, in 1894, do you know the Bubonic Plague, one of the most disastrous...
Published 05/24/21
沙田係香港第一代新市鎮,佢點樣由一個荒蕪之地發展到今日成為香港人口最多嘅地區?沙田呢個名點樣嚟?沙田有邊十大景點呢?想知多啲?快啲收聽節目搵答案啦!  Sha Tin is the first phase of new town development in Hong Kong. How can this place develop from sparsely populated villages to a most populous district? How does the name "Sha Tin" come from? Wanna know more about 10 Scenic Spots in Sha Tin? Listen now and find out the answers in this episode!  聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Please follow...
Published 05/10/21
中環係香港開埠後最早開發嘅地區,貴為香港嘅心臟地帶,擁有重要嘅商業大廈及政治中心,佢嘅發展史又係點呢?點解皇后像廣場無皇后像?匯豐銀行嘅地面又隱藏住啲咩秘密?今集我哋會以聲音導賞嘅方式帶你穿梭中環各大地標。 聽完都仲係一知半解?唔緊要,follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。 Central is the earliest developed district in Hong Kong. It is now a central business district and political centre. Do you want to know more about the history and interesting stories of this place? Let's be your audio guide to explore Central.  Please follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong and get to know...
Published 04/26/21
究竟我哋係邊個?點解要開呢個channel?呢個channel係咩料子? Who are we? Why we create this channel? What does this channel about?
Published 04/19/21