[區區有睇頭] EP36-饒宗頤文化館|Jao Tsung-I Academy
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饒宗頤文化館係發展局推出「活化歷史建築夥伴計劃」下嘅首批活化項目。坐落於美孚山上嘅建築群,清幽恬靜、遠離煩囂,擁有超過一百年歷史,曾經先後用作不同用途,如稅關、華工屯舍、檢疫站、軍營、監獄、傳染病醫院和精神病療養院等等。想知其演變史,記得收聽今集,順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。  Jao Tsung-I Cultural Centre is the first batch of revitalization projects under the "Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme" launched by the Development Bureau. Located on the mid-level of Mei Foo, the building complex is quiet, away from the hustle and bustle. It has a history of more than 100 years and has been used for different purposes, such as tax customs station, Chinese labour camp, quarantine station, military camp, prison, infectious disease hospital and psychiatric sanatorium etc. If you want to know its evolution history, remember to listen to this episode and follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong. ***更正: 本集提及的港督應為盧吉爵士(Sir Frederick John Dealtry Lugard),而非盧押(Charles Camac Luard),不便之處,敬請見諒。
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