Host Garnett Lee filters through all the noise on the Net to hit you with his weekly take on the latest video game releases, upcoming games to be excited about, news stories, community, and all the other good stuff that makes for a great weekend including movies, TV, gadgets, and whatever other cool stuff he comes across.
Time to catch up on this summer's gaming and there's plenty to talk about. The International put DOTA 2 and professional gaming on center stage. It got my attention and helped me over the hump to finally trying MOBAs. But would you believe I wound up playing more League of Legends? Along with...
Published 08/08/14
Wrapping up E3 2014 coverage Nintendo takes center stage with a surprisingly strong presentation that left more than a few people ready to go out any buy a WiiU. From Super Smash Brothers to Splatoon, Nintendo satisied its faithful with a lineup of games starting this holiday and stretching into...
Published 07/12/14