The final step in the case management process is case closure, where the survivor exits the service. This episode features Maria Caterina Ciampi in her inter-agency GBVIMS capacity. * * * You can read more about this step in the Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines and accompanying training modules, available on gbvims.com or https://gbvresponders.org/response/gbv-case-management/
Published 09/03/18
In the fourth step of the case management process, we implement the case action plan. This is connecting the survivor to resources (e.g. referrals), providing direct interventions. It’s about facilitating choice. This episode features Erin Gerber of UNFPA. * * * You can read more about this step in the Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines and accompanying training modules, available on gbvims.com or https://gbvresponders.org/response/gbv-case-management/
Published 09/03/18
In the fifth step of case management, we are following up with the survivor. Have the goals been achieved? Is more assistance required? How can we reassess the survivor’s needs and identify barrier to achieving care and treatment? This episode features Georgette Schutte of UNHCR. * * * You can read more about this step in the Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines and accompanying training modules, available on gbvims.com or https://gbvresponders.org/response/gbv-case-management/
Published 09/03/18
We’re introducing a special series on the GBVIMS podcast covering each step of the case management process. This series in six episodes, plus a bonus episode that will introduce you to the six steps of the case management process and the role of supervision in this process. If we look at this holistically, we can’t get data right if services aren’t right, and really we shouldn’t be collecting data if services aren’t there and up to par, so tune in, take notes, take action! In this first...
Published 09/03/18
The second episode of the series is assessment. In this, we’re assessing the survivor’s situation and needs. We talk about disclosure, how to assess needs, key messages, and understanding context. This episode features Meghan O’Connor of International Rescue Committee. * * * You can read more about this step in the Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines and accompanying training modules, available on gbvims.com or https://gbvresponders.org/response/gbv-case-management/
Published 09/03/18
Following introduction and engagement and assessment, we go into case action planning, the third step in the case management process. This involves developing a plan for the support and services the survivor needs. This episode features Laura Canali of International Medical Corps. * * * You can read more about this step in the Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines and accompanying training modules, available on gbvims.com or https://gbvresponders.org/response/gbv-case-management/
Published 09/03/18
In this minisode, we talk about the linkage between services and data. Why does it matter to get services right before data? What is the GBVIMS contributing to this? This episode is also a teaser to a September announcement about the podcast....
Published 08/16/18
How can we make sure our programming is evidence based? The first step is to know the evidence. Find the research, refer to it, look at how it’s been applied in context. This crucial first step will ensure your decisions that follow are based on the best available research. In this episode, we talk with Sheree Bennett at International Rescue Committee about evidence reviews. The documentation process that will help you summarize evidence and portray the key findings in an easily digestible...
Published 07/11/18
In 2017, we conducted a research project in Lebanon to answer several key questions: what are women and girls’ access to mobile phones and the Internet, what are the barriers to their access (real and perceived), and what are their desired uses and safety concerns? In working with potentially vulnerable populations such as forcibly displaced women and girls, is mobile technology the appropriate channel for communication, service provision, information dissemination, awareness raising, and...
Published 06/14/18
The Protection Information Management Initiative is a collaboration of inter-agency actors from service provision to academia with the joint goal of utilizing data to enable evidence-informed decision making in displacement settings. This initiative provides a space and platform to collaborate and systematize the protection information management in terms of principles, process and tools. Listen and learn more about this effort and the tools you can access. You can also visit pim.guide for...
Published 06/07/18
Stories can humanize data in a powerful way. They're an impactful tool for conveying a message, issuing a call to action, and helping see beyond the stats, but how can we do this ethically? In this episode, we talked with Michael Kass of The Center for Story and Spirit about ethical storytelling. To learn more: http://www.michaelkass.co/; http://ethicalstorytelling.com/
Published 05/22/18
The GBVIMS is a useful and efficient source of data, but what else is out there? How can other existing data sources complement the outputs of the GBVIMS and aid in stronger data analysis? In this episode, we talk about secondary data, or data that is not collected by your effort, but already exists, and how you can effectively utilize it.
Published 05/09/18
Information sharing is a complex exercise in coordination, trust-building, and adhering to ethical standards. In this episode, we talk about an information sharing utopia, and how information sharing can go wrong, and what lessons have been learned along the way.
Published 04/17/18
Prevalence is a proportion of a population with a particular outcome, meant to be representative of a larger population. In this episode we talk about the types of prevalence, the difficulty and limitations, and ways to utilize prevalence data and incidence data.
Published 03/27/18
Recently a data platform was breached exposing personal information, location, photos, and other demographics of displaced families receiving cash assistance from an NGO. We have a responsibility as humanitarian service providers to better protect data and act responsibly with data, but what should that look like? Is this a wake-up call for the humanitarian community to raise data protection and privacy to an important and urgent issue? Do we need new mechanisms to keep us accountable? Read...
Published 03/09/18
Data protection is more often the topic of discussion of late. But what about data responsibility? This goes beyond compliance or legal frameworks. What are the necessary ethical considerations when it comes to managing GBV survivor data? We dig into that question in this episode and talk about the Netherlands Rec Cross new 510 Data Responsibility Policy https://www.510.global/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/510_Data_Responsibility_Policy_V.2_PUBLIC-1.pdf
Published 02/27/18
What’s the problem with emails? In our setting as it relates to survivor data protection, the problem is we spend all this time talking about protecting survivor data and confidentiality, safe data management, safe data storage – all for nothing when we then send emails with identifying information about survivors in it. Listen to this episode to learn more about why this is a dangerous practice and what you should advocate for instead.
Published 11/29/17
Data triangulation is the practice of reviewing and validating findings by looking at multiple sources of data related to one topic or issue. In this episode, we talk about the sociological history of data triangulation as a process of combining data from different sources to understand a social phenomenon. We talk about other data sources to consider and guidance for comparing findings. What hypotheses does this data support or negate? Are there biases or limitations in the data we should...
Published 11/22/17
Data mapping, also called information mapping, is the practice of visual representing the inputs, outputs, resources and flow of data. It can be highly beneficial when starting to implement the GBVIMS or when your program structure or coordination responsibilities change to conduct an information management mapping exercise. This is a constructive first step in designing the flow of a functional information system and will help in later planning. In this episode we talk about the process and...
Published 10/31/17
In this episode, we're talking all things breaches. What is a breach? What is the spectrum of breaches? How do you resolve a breach of the information sharing protocol? Listen, learn, and prevent breaches from happening in the first place.
Published 10/18/17
Data protection is the act of protecting personal information in how it is collected, stored, used, and shared. It is a crucial component of upholding our responsibility to survivors in ensuring their control of their data and protecting what data they have consented to be shared. In this episode, learn about the importance, when data is protected, and an overview of tools available.
Published 10/04/17
In this episode, we discussed the recent Guardian article from the Secret Aid Worker blog that poses the question: do we take data protection of vulnerable populations seriously? Read the article here: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2017/jun/13/secret-aid-worker-we-dont-take-data-protection-of-vulnerable-people-seriously
Published 09/08/17
Case management is the core function of gender-based violence response programming. In this episode, Meghan O'Connor talks about the recently released Inter-Agency Gender-Based Violence Case Management Guidelines (available at gbvresponders.org)
Published 08/22/17
This is the second in our series of Linking Data Analysis with Programming - covering how the GBVIMS inter-agency group used their data to inform their coordination, advocacy and response. Read the whole story here: http://www.gbvims.com/learn-more/linking-data-analysis-to-programming/
Published 06/21/17
The Child Protection Information Management System is a practical, field-level tool that supports effective and timely case management of individual vulnerable children. It is comprised of database software and accompanying resources and guidance documents. In this episode, we talk all things CPIMS and get a peek into how the CPIMS and GBVIMS relate.
Published 06/14/17