Rurik Skywalker returns to discuss the strange circumstances surrounding the death of Russell "Texas" Bentley, the Crocus City Hall attack, rumors of Shoigu's removal, occultism in the Kremlin, the Ukraine Not-War, and more! *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Become a Sponsor...
Published 05/02/24
Katie Gorka discusses her new book on the takeover of America by what she calls "NextGen" Marxism. The original and failed dystopian idea of communism has a taken on a new form of revolutionary strategy. One of her greatest concerns is the current weaponization of law enforcement for political purposes. She remains hopeful and her book suggests a 10-point action plan which includes taking action locally. People are much less afraid today and are speaking up, Americans aren't going to take...
Published 04/29/24
John Bosnitch gives a wide-ranging discussion on the last days of the empire and new world order. Tyranny is rising in the West as the Military-Industrial-Complex continues to exert its power. He dives into deep politics and tells stories of his history of fighting the oligarchy, his personal interactions with Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, and who he thinks the controllers are. He is optimistic WW3 can be averted, but the defense industry uses the constant threat of war to keep the...
Published 04/28/24
Nik Stankovic discusses American Empire, decline, the police state, how in some ways you feel freer in China than the United States, that the speed with which China has transformed is unfathomable, the CCP, the Social Credit System, WW3, why China will prevail in tech, and more! *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Become a...
Published 04/25/24
Nick Corbishley discusses the most important issue of our day: the deployment of digital identity programs which by their own admission can "open up" or "close off" the digital and analog world to individuals. The EU is at the forefront of introducing Digital ID and helping other regions around the world do the same. Brussels insists they will be voluntary yet countries like Greece are already making them mandatory. We're talking about a new social contract in which the public has ever...
Published 04/23/24
Hügo Krüger discusses how South Africa and the ANC have stepped on the toes of Washington and the Israeli lobby and may see intervention in the next elections. Allegations have been made that South Africa is receiving financing from Iran and there are indications that Western actors are interested in certain South African resources. He also comments on the wider brewing war in the Middle East, BRICS, energy, and whether technocracy will succeed. *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate...
Published 04/19/24
Jobst Landgrebe explains why Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will NEVER be possible and why Skynet won't become self-aware! We have used up most of the great inventions in the application of physics and there is a limit to progress, we are faced with a slowdown in technological advancement. The human mind is a complex system and CANNOT be mathematically modeled. The singularity is a neo-pagan pseudo-religious concept. Technology has become the god or metaphysics or new religion of...
Published 04/18/24
James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become an oppressive force which steals upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars annually from its citizens through civil asset forfeiture, silences Americans through its Orwellian Ministry of Truth, and imposes burdensome security theater (e.g. TSA) among many other forms of tyranny. He describes the attempts to take guns away and whether he thinks they will succeed, this idea of a second civil...
Published 04/15/24
Alex Krainer discusses the state of the global economy and how inflation is rapidly destroying wealth. The dollar will be slow to grind down over many years. He thinks CBDCs are too technically complicated to implement. The move now toward world war is the most important subject everyone should be laser-focused on. We are in the midst of a social engineering process pushing us into war against Russia as has happened before in history. There are many flashpoints that can be triggered. The West...
Published 04/12/24
Financial consultant Tim Pickles discusses the connection between climate, energy, Covid, and the globalized financial system. We live in a false hyper-reality and narrative which is serving to buy us time before an inevitable collapse because we have found the borders and reached the limits of the system. The foundations for our civilization and system are built on sand. Living standards are going to decline. It's possible the elites want a revolution from below as a type of controlled...
Published 04/12/24
Shane Simonsen discusses the energy crisis and how industrialization was built on the resource base of cheap coal and oil whose quality and quantity is depleting which will affect the complexity of modern society and exacerbate economic and political issues. The elites are dealing with a changing resource base they're struggling to manage and they have a lot less power than we imagine. The real power lays with global multinational corporations who have co-opted nations and political parties....
Published 04/10/24
Dr. Joseph Sansone and Karen Kingston discuss the ongoing biological war. One of the goals is to strip the Western world of its tradition of civil liberties and impose a more collectivist mindset and technocratic-style of authoritarian governance. China is the hub for the synthetic biology industry which needs to get rid of civil rights in order to usher in the gene-editing of humanity and biorevolution which is said to be the future of the 21st century economy. The deep state is the...
Published 04/05/24
Dr. Jack Rasmus discusses the decline of American Empire which has suffered a serious financial blow and militarily is in retreat. He gives his view on the Ukraine War and the March 22nd terror attack in Russia and believes we will continue to see escalation. The dollar is the linchpin of the global empire and it continues to be used less as we see the acceleration of BRICS as an antipole. Decline will be protracted, it's a process. The elites or the supranational financial...
Published 04/02/24
Alex Newman discusses how one of the biggest current threats to civilization is the global centralization of the education system by the UN in an effort to indoctrinate every child on this planet into submission to an all-powerful one-world dictatorship. Theosophy is a huge influence that runs through all of this. Education is key to bringing this global system about with the goals of world federation and a world brain. It is starting to look like the New World Order has become so discredited...
Published 03/30/24
Dr. Joseph Lee gives his perspective on what he thinks really happened regarding the public health emergency. He believes the event was used for demographic, economic, geopolitical, and political purposes. He explains how the "health measure" works and the damage it is doing. He warns that something is rotten in the state of the medical freedom movement. *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult...
Published 03/27/24
Lt. Col. Chris Koelzer discusses the state of the empire, his experience in the Military-Industrial-Complex, the looming wars on the horizon, the financial system on the edge of the abyss, how to prepare for the hard road ahead, and more! *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Become a Sponsor...
Published 03/26/24
Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond discusses alternative media and how he is currently under attack. He gives his take on where he thinks we're at with the Great Reset globalist agenda, the biosecurity state, WW3 (e.g. Israel, Ukraine), and more! *Support Geopolitics & Empire: Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.com Become a Sponsor...
Published 03/23/24
Jeffrey E. Paul discusses the deep history, roots, and trajectory of how it came to be that the United States is now on the verge of becoming a "fascistic autocracy" and one-party state. The origins emanate from 19th century Germany and its autocratic collectivist mindset which permeated American academia and government in the late 1800s. These German authoritarian ideologues were the same who later went on to mentor Hitler and the Nazi regime. The clock is fast running out on the American...
Published 03/21/24
Dr. Calvin Beisner discusses how there is no climate crisis and how the benefits of using "fossil fuels" far outweigh the costs. An endless amount of holes can be poked in the climate narrative (e.g. Medieval Warm Period). The current changes in climate are not unprecedented. The sun is a key contributor to the cycles of warming and cooling. Up to 50% of the apparent increase in global average temperature over the last century has been happening only in the urban areas. We are due for...
Published 03/12/24
Geopolitical analyst S.L. Kanthan discusses how everything is linked (e.g. economy, health, food, war, empire, fake news media) under one establishment. The American Empire is losing control, coming to an end, and going mad. Russia has reemerged, China is rising, and there is now this multipolar world. Covid was a psychological operation and trial on how to control the world and by the U.S. to attack China. The globalists have a dystopian vision for the world. Why can't the Europeans see what...
Published 03/07/24
Doc Malik discusses the Covid9/11 forever war, how he was canceled, and how everything that is going on now is interlinked (e.g. the wars, biosecurity state, economic collapse, cultural degeneration). WHO is attempting to create a new layer of supranationalism to bypass nation states and setup the embryo for one-world government. He believes the penny will drop in 2024 (e.g. pandemic, war, financial crash, cyberattack) and that unfortunately, we are living in a global Stockholm Syndrome. No...
Published 03/01/24
Alfred de Zayas discusses how democracy and media and institutions in the West have become fake and are morphing into Orwellian totalitarianism. However, the world is changing, we are no longer the unipolar world of Washington and Brussels, we are a multipolar world...the global majority is not anymore with the West. NATO is a criminal organization with a history of violence and violation of the UN Charter. The EU is a scam. We are living the totalitarian dystopia that George Orwell...
Published 02/28/24
Stavroula Pabst discusses the intersection between geopolitics and tech and the moves to implement CBDCs. Numerous crypto players (e.g. Stellar, Ripple, Ethereum) are getting involved in the CBDC space which sheds light on their true intentions. Some of the goals of these projects might include interoperability between cryptocurrencies and CBDCs which could still bring about the end goal of a totalitarian cashless system. Some of these players are megalomaniacs who want to play God. Stavroula...
Published 02/23/24
Rurik Skywalker of The Slavland Chronicles discusses the false East-West divide and how the real name of the game is convergence: creating a one-world elite. The oligarchies in Washington, London, Brussels, Moscow, and Beijing are all feudal lords, they're just competing to see who gets to be the boss. The totalitarian system in the West is more refined. Patriots in the East like Igor Strelkov are also rounded up and jailed. He discusses personalities like Arestovych, where the Ukraine War is...
Published 02/07/24
David Stockman destroys the myth that the economy boomed under Trump. Not only were his policies bad, they helped enlarge the government. He spearheaded the Covid lockdowns, oversaw greater spending, and the national debt rose $8 trillion under his reign. Well-meaning conservatives have been fooled. However, this is also the nature of the system and its evils: the rogue Federal Reserve, the Military-Industrial-Complex or Warfare State, and the Welfare State. Under Trump, the rising tide...
Published 02/04/24