Francis Hunt discusses the coming economic collapse and reset which will create a neo-feudal system. It's the statists versus the citizens, not nations versus nations. A surveillance finance grid is being set up where you'll be tracked, traced, and punished for social crimes while assets will be tokenized. It's important to have optionality which means internationalizing, moving to another country, and figuring out your best tax structure. The dollar will have a blow-off spike as part of a...
Published 07/20/24
Doctor Allen discusses the global elite and how the "health emergency" was one big global Operation Gladio run by the Pentagon. He discusses his time hanging out with Bill Cooper and later working with bankers who would reveal things from time to time. They are working to bring in a global dystopia (e.g. CBDCs) and social credit system because the financial system is collapsing. Decreasing the population makes the crash more manageable for them. He explains the work he is doing to mitigate...
Published 07/18/24
Published 07/18/24
John O'Loughlin discusses the life and times of his father Thomas F. O'Loughlin, Jr. who worked in the deep state and rubbed shoulders with General MacArthur, J. Edgar Hoover, and John F. Kennedy. John surmises that his father was taken out by the deep state for attempting to do what was right by acting on Kennedy's orders to reign in the CIA. Thomas O'Loughlin, Jr. was assigned to the office of SACSA which had been created to oversee the CIA. It appears that O'Loughlin, Jr. later began to...
Published 07/13/24
Kym Staton discusses his documentary film The Trust Fall: Julian Assange. WikiLeaks' "Collateral Murder" release is what initially woke him up. He documents the abuse and oppression of Assange and through the film seeks to inspire action. He comments on the empire, the secret state, and transnational security elite. He talks about interviewing the late John Pilger and Daniel Ellsberg among others featured in the film. What was done to Assange was meant to intimidate the rest of the world....
Published 07/11/24
Fadi Lama discusses his fantastic book "Why the West Can't Win" and the Money Powers that rule the world. He explains how everything in the West is fake and a Virtual Reality (e.g. fake democracy, fake economy, false flag operations). Democracy was created by the Money Powers as the new means of control (e.g. only individuals with money can run for office). He argues that the East has overtaken the West economically and militarily. The world will have a hard split between East and West. The...
Published 07/04/24
Bob Moriarty discusses the Black Swans circling above, from Julian Assange being freed and Democratic Party shenanigans to the looming wars on the horizon. Israel is in a difficult situation, it is getting away with genocide and with possibly starting WW3. It may be the first to initiate the use of nuclear weapons which would bring many more parties into the fold. The rest of the world doesn't want to be part of the collapsing Western debt-based system and is jumping on the BRICS train. We're...
Published 07/01/24
Mats Nilsson discusses how his travels around the world led him to reconsider many of the official and false narratives that are typically espoused in the West. He describes his unique way of attempting to persuade commoners as to how politics really works. He is under no illusion regarding oligarchy in Beijing and Moscow, but believes Washington's hegemony is the most dangerous, and he currently supports the coming multipolar world. In the future he might be complaining about Eurasia, it's...
Published 06/26/24
Jan Weckström discusses rock and roll and the new anti-war music he is making. He tells of his experiences hanging out with Guns N' Roses and how the industry has changed, especially with AI. His new song "Turn To Dust" is about how politicians today, particularly in the West, are playing with nuclear war just to stay in power. He doesn't think that the West trying to force their "values" down the rest of the world's throats is working anymore. He fears the threat of the social credit system...
Published 06/19/24
Karen Kingston discusses a new lawsuit charging Pfizer with conspiracy to commit fraud and unconscionable acts related to its mRNA injections. She delves into the nanoparticle technology that is in the mRNA injections, synthetic biology being utilized for purposes of transhumanism. We have underestimated the enemy, they've outsmarted and outmaneuvered us. We must resist this push to eliminate constitutional rights in the West. *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate...
Published 06/18/24
Ralph Schoellhammer discusses how Europe is experiencing great change and political shifts which can be considered a historical moment. Ideas of the past (e.g. cheap money) are now colliding with reality. There is now a move in Europe by the right-wing in Germany, Italy, Hungary, and other countries to steer the European ship away from the proverbial iceberg. He comments on Ukraine, the specter of a Third World War, and the fate of America. *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate...
Published 06/15/24
Morgan Lerette discusses his new book on his time as a Blackwater mercenary in Iraq and what a mess war and Private Military Companies (PMCs) are. He talks about laughing in the face of death and how, as bad as Saddam Hussein was, he kept things in check. America starts endless wars with no planned endgame. He tells stories of meeting Erik Prince, John Bolton, and Pat Tillman. He comments on Wagner, how PMCs are being used in Ukraine and Gaza, and the great power conflict. He doesn't believe...
Published 06/13/24
Tony Arterburn discusses the cancerous state of America and how our true enemies are not foreign but domestic. The project for world government is futile, we're moving toward decentralization. The elites likely want to blame the economic collapse on America First. We're probably headed for war. Alternative media is getting weird. In chaos there is opportunity. *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult...
Published 06/07/24
Teace Snyder discusses film-making and his movie Hold Me which deals with euthanasia. The medical system is built as a mechanism of war. He describes the anti-human global death cult and their machinations. We talk war, technocracy, cybernetics, Big Pharma, the information war, alternative media, elections, and more! We also discuss surviving the death cult! *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donations Consult...
Published 06/06/24
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the ever widening war and the insanity of the West which seems to be provoking nuclear armageddon from which we might not recover. America is enabling genocide in Gaza which is destroying its international reputation and on top of that, Israel has been trying to get Washington attack Iran. It's strange that only dissident politicians get assassinated or die under mysterious circumstances (e.g. Raisi, Fico) and it's amazing Viktor Orbán is still alive....
Published 06/03/24
Joe Allen discusses his book Dark Aeon and how he thinks that this idea of gnosticism as the all-encompassing boogeyman and blanket-term for everything one dislikes is misconstrued. Throughout history gnostic groups have differed with each other. This obsession with gnosis particularly becomes problematic and unhealthy when transferred into conspiracy culture. The idea that some today promote of Marxism or wokism or transhumanism as just being gnosticism re-branded might be too simplistic,...
Published 06/02/24
Dmitry Orlov discusses the state of the world and that we have passed the turning point. The West is collapsing on itself and the rest of the world is simply ignoring it and moving on. The U.S. elections are a clown show and the U.S. is going to slowly collapse. He doesn't believe there will be a Third World War. He comments on Russian sanctions and the West's confiscation of Russian assets, the shuffling in the Kremlin's cabinet, the future of Ukraine, the multipolar world, Unitcoin, and how...
Published 05/29/24
Mathew Crawford discusses his research into Covid-19 and bacteriological warfare, his discovery how some in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) don't seem to be fighting for freedom, and how this led him to discover links between alternative media, fake opposition, the occult, and military-intelligence.  He looks into theosophy, Nazism, Scientology, Falun Gong, 1960s counter-culture, MK-ULTRA, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the plans for a New World Order. He believes independence...
Published 05/25/24
David Hughes discusses his fantastic book which breaks down how Operation Covid was really a ruse to usher in a global biodigital totalitarian world state. WWIII was initiated in 2020 and is a war for global technocracy which seeks to dismantle democracy around the world. Psychological warfare is being used against the global population in what he describes as Omniwar. Instead of going to war with each other as was the tradition, ruling elites have come to a tacit understanding where they are...
Published 05/23/24
Mary Margaret Olohan discusses her new book Detrans telling the story of people who had attempted to gender transition, but saw the error of their ways, and are now seeking to de-transition. She explains how teens are groomed for gender transition via social media, how the victims are mostly young girls, the transition process, what happens when the victims de-transition, and who is pushing this ideology. *Support Geopolitics & Empire! Donate...
Published 05/21/24
Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat discusses his excellent new book on the art of diplomacy. Our world today has become multipolar and is beset with conflicts seemingly incapable of resolution. Diplomacy is needed more than ever and his book provides examples and models of what has worked in the past. He provides examples of where the U.S. faltered (e.g. JCPOA with Iran) and where the U.S. succeeded in being reliable (e.g. SALT II). He describes the new world order as the postwar Bretton Woods...
Published 05/18/24
Attorney and author Mark Oshinskie discusses his book Dispatches From A Scamdemic, how he saw through the ruse from the start, and how the public health countermeasures were utterly phony and total lunacy. Most people kept their heads in the sand and deferred to this rising cult of "expertism". We must continue maintaining the truth of what happened and counter their attempts at establishing a revisionist history and false narrative. Resisting the mandates wasn't easy, but it was important....
Published 05/16/24
David Gosselin discusses his new writings on how the Western occult oligarchy is creating a new spiritual eco-system and cult religion to better manage their populations and maintain top-down control. A lot of talking points include the UFO phenomenon and aliens or alien gnosis, so-called lost civilizations, psychedelics, and so forth. They are attempting to re-imagine Western civilization's image of man. Pop culture (e.g. X-Men) is really the exoteric version of the esoteric, a typical...
Published 05/14/24
Bruce LaDuke discusses Artificial Innovation, Artificial Reasoning, Artificial Intelligence, and how The Powers That Be are interested in harnessing AI for a control grid rather than to empower humanity. A lot of these things such as AI, nanotechnology, and even cryptocurrencies were already preplanned and worked out in the 1980s. They are likely to tokenize everything for a digital matrix and digital prison, which is forming very quickly. There is also potential for hyper-technology and the...
Published 05/07/24
David Murrin discusses his system of forecasting global geopolitics and market trends, which takes into account the stages of empire and imperial decline. There is a rhythm and drumbeat to war which has a bigger cycle of 112 years. We're looking at a struggle between maritime (lateral) democratic governance and landpower (hierarchical) autocratic governance. Democracy is weaker than its ever been. America entered the fifth stage of decline with 9/11. Western leadership is blind and driving...
Published 05/04/24