How many time have you gone back and forth between, "I should leave this relationship" and "maybe it's not that bad"? More than you care to remember I am sure. Making this decision is not easy, I know this because if it was easy, you would have already made it. If you are anything like me when I was in your position, then you are trying to make this difficult decision with only half of the information. You are the only one who can make this decision, but we don't realize it. Instead what we...
Published 01/23/24
Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert. Over the last 30+ years, she has supported thousands of people to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.She is fully dedicated to this mission because she believes that betrayal is one of the most painful experiences one could ever have. She knows because she has been there. It was her own betrayals, first from...
Published 01/16/24
2023 is coming to an end. I can not believe another year has come and gone. This year was a years of... UGG.. learning, digging, admitting, understanding, & growth for me. I had an indescribable year. If there is an emotion out there... I had it! If there was a feeling...I felt it! If there was a doubt...I questioned it! If there was trust... I tested it! And if there was change...I resisted it! 2023 wore me slick out, but in the end, it was incredible. I NEEDED IT! Dr Heidi Instructions...
Published 12/29/23
Are you going through yet another holiday season, that does not all resemble the one you once had pictured in your mind. When you have relationships in your life that are not healthy for you, where controlling behaviors are present, or where that has been betrayal the supposed "Peace on Earth" doesn't seem so peaceful. Rather than spreading your "Joy to the World" you would rather "Deck someone's Halls". How do we navigate this time of year while attempting to balance all our normal...
Published 12/19/23
Today I was able to speak with fellow podcast hosts to get their perspective on the toxic relationship when there are narcissistic behaviors present. Kerry McAvoy, Ph.D, a mental health clinician, & Tara Blair Ball, a certified relationship coach, together are the hosts of the podcast "Breaking free from Narcissistic Abuse". The long term effects for those involved in toxic relationship are devastating. Those around you will not understand which will lead you to feel isolated to protect...
Published 11/21/23
Masking our personality is something that we all struggle with. It is easy to want to cover up who we really are around people who may not like us, around those who make us feel unsafe, or around those who we are threatened by. We change who we are in certain environments so our vulnerable ares and weaknesses do not show. Why would we do this? To gain approval/acceptance of others - To avoid conflict - To lessen fear - To gain love - To make others happy. I am not pointing fingers at anyone...
Published 11/17/23
Why is it that with the toxic relationship comes the art of minimization? To minimize is to take significant things, either good or bad, and lessen the importance or degree of them. In a nutshell minimizing makes the good things seem not so good and the bad seem not so bad. When we learn to minimize in a unhealthy relationship it allows us to avoid dealing with our emotions and our feelings. Do you minimize the things you should be celebrating? Are you minimizing abusive behavior? Learning...
Published 10/31/23
Whether we like it or not transformations show up in our lives, sometimes at the most inconvenient times. We can fight them, but that will only make them last longer. The transformations in your life are there for a reason. We were not meant to stay the same person, we were meant to grow, to learn, to be our true self. With each transformation, even the painful ones, you will see that they are working for your good and for a place of higher peace in your life. To learn more about my mission...
Published 10/24/23
Unhealthy relationships change us, rewire us, cause us to adapt in order to survive. Being in a longstanding toxic relationship changed my view of myself, my life, and the things that I deserved. I forgot that I was important too. I put all my energy in to making the relationship “feel” safe and in the end, I lost myself which doesn’t feel safe at all. We, as individuals have certain rights. You had them given to you the minute you were born, yet they seem to disappear when surviving each day...
Published 10/13/23
I direct people daily to specific podcast episodes they need to hear according to the situation they are in right now. Last week I featured the top episode for those seeking validation. This week I would like to suggest some to those who have made the choice for themselves to leave a relationship but who now may be struggling with self doubt or guilt. If you are feeling alone and uncomfortable now when you thought you were ready… it’s ok, it is normal to feel this way for a while. The...
Published 10/03/23
I talk to a lot of people in a week, and I find myself referring them to the podcast episodes that I feel resonate with what they are needing right NOW. For those who are seeking validation that it is not all your fault, that you are not crazy, that you have tried your best; for those who have just begun there journey of learning what an unhealthy relationship can look like, these are for you. The top 4 most recommended (by me) It’s Not Normal It’s Toxic episodes for those seeking validation....
Published 09/26/23
Get a sneak peek into a live session in the We’re INNIT Together Membership Support Community. See how it works, see if you like it. I is an example of how the live sessions go. How we interact, and what you can expect when joining the online membership support group. If you think it would be a good fit for you register here and we will see you there! https://coachingwithdrheidi.com/we-are-innit-together-community?sfw=pass1683508208
Published 08/01/23
Rejection is a part of life, we all have times when rejection of a job, a date, or a social circle for example that may set us back a bit but with time there is often growth from the experience. Living in an environment where rejection  happens frequently the feeling of unacceptance can overtake ones confidence and self worth.Being rejected cause a reaction to hang on tighter to whatever is rejecting us. The worry of losing someone or something is more powerful than accepting the fact that...
Published 07/25/23
We all need the support of others whether we are in a toxic relationship, removing ourselves from a toxic relationship, or healing from a toxic relationship. This episode is for you to forward to those who are wanting to support you but do not understand the dynamics of a toxic relationship. Educating those who love and support you will equip them to stand stronger beside you.
Published 07/17/23
We soon figure out that the person from the beginning is not the person we now see in the relationship, that was because of love bombing. However, many are surprised at the behavior of thank you toxic personality when you are trying to exit. It seems strange, confusing, and sometimes hard to believe. I am here to tell you it is believable because it is normal for this to happen during the detachment from a toxic relationship. Listen again to what hoovering is, how it is used, and how to keep...
Published 06/28/23
I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had...
Published 06/01/23
I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had...
Published 06/01/23
I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had...
Published 06/01/23
I would like every one to meet Jeremy aka: My Hot Husband    I am not sure that our story is any bigger or better than anyone else's but it is bigger and better to us.     He found me at a time in my life when I was but a shell of who I am now. He gave me the feeling that even if it wasn't with him, there was something better out there for me. I am grateful everyday for this man and thankful that God sent him to me when there was no happiness, no laughter, and no direction in my life. I had...
Published 06/01/23
Life is about change, we all know that, but we want change that is happy, that moves us forward, that makes us grow. What happens when that change is unexpected and takes us in the opposite direction? How do we deal with that? We spend our time and energy trying to put things in place to welcome the change that is coming, yet sometimes the bottoms falls out from under us leaving us destitute and hopeless. Maranda is a woman of incredible strength. She had overcome, she had worked hard and she...
Published 05/23/23
People talk about triggers, we are aware of triggers, we can understand some of them, but the triggers I am speaking of in this episode are the triggers that we can't seem to get away from. The ones that lay silent for a time and then suddenly turn our lives upside down. I have spent almost 15 years thinking I could "fix" all the negative effects toxic relationships had on me, but through frustration and shame I have had to come to terms with the fact that perhaps not all is "fixable". The...
Published 05/16/23
Once she removed from a toxic relationship, a single mother of two young boys found herself coping with the fear, stress, and loneliness with an occasional glass of wine. As the fear and stress continued so did the 'wine-ing' and it was no longer occasional. She found herself into a bottle of wine every night without the ability to control it. At an all time low, hopeless and depressed she begged for help. When no one came to help she helped herself. Helped herself into an online sobriety...
Published 05/11/23
Rock bottom is a place that no one wants to find themselves, yet most of us do at some point. It is said that the good thing about hitting rock bottom is that there is only one way to go and that is up. ⭐️ Donavan ⭐️ is an example of just that. Life for him had many ups and downs, many sacrifices, and many struggles. Like all of us, he powered through thinking “I got it”, “It’s fine”, “I can handle anything”…. Until he couldn’t. Listen to this man’s inspirational journey and how hitting rock...
Published 05/02/23
As we know being in relationships that are not healthy for us cause us to find ways to cope, some of the ways we do this may not be the best for us either. My guest today has firsthand experience in just that. Kay Allison helps professional women break their drinking habits and get free… free from booze, free from shame and free from anxiety. Breaking free from the things that tie us down is the only way to be truly free. We can cope with one by using another and possibly cope with that one...
Published 04/25/23
Kate Anthony, a divorce specialist helps women (especially with children)decide if they should stay in or leave their marriages. Join Kate & I today as we discuss a bit about divorce and the co-parenting that goes with it. Ready to learn more? Join me in the "We're INNIT Together Community" https://coachingwithdrheidi.com/we-are-innit-together-community
Published 04/18/23