For every good piece of advice there are 5 bad ones.
This is more specific to the anxiety episode. I agree that finding a holistic approach to coping with anxiety is worth exploring but Shallon is dangerously advocating for people to ignore their conditions/diagnosis and leave their meds. It’s been proven that a mix of both is necessary. Some of her “med facts” are fear mongering. She also bundles all mental health conditions into one. Addiction is not the same as an eating disorder or anxiety. Bottom line: take all her advice with a grain of salt (this episode at least)
annannas45 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/02/19
More reviews of Girl On Top: ShallonXO
I’ve watched Shallon on Youtube for the past 3 years now and I’m only 15 years old. She has literally taught me how to have self worth, confidence, better friendships, self awareness and to finally accepting myself whether I’m in a relationship or not. My life doesn’t revolve around boys anymore...Read full review »
moe_thekid via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/23/19
She know what’s she is talking about 🙌🏼
be57eky via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 05/20/19
I’ve been a fan of Shallon’s YouTube channel for a while. I think she gives great advice on dating and boys and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. I love her new podcast! She discusses topics many of us can relate to and can deliver a hard truth in a funny and uplifting way. ❤️
mittens1227 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/28/19
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