Thomas G. Weiss is a distinguished scholar at the CUNY Graduate Center who as past president of the International Studies Association, chair of the Academic Council on the United Nations System, editor of the journal Global Governance, and Research Director of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty has written extensively about global governance, international peace and security, humanitarian action, and sustainable development. In this broad-ranging interview he...
Published 07/17/22
Johan Rockström is one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of climate change. In a broad ranging interview with Ambassador Amanda Ellis, he highlights the importance of the removal of energy subsidies and the introduction of a carbon tax, the need for accountability and the development of monitoring mechanisms for emissions reductions promises, which should become legally binding. We also need to develop carbon markets for nature—beyond fossil fuels—and to embed greater fairness...
Published 07/14/22
Drawing on a lifetime of experience advising governments on tackling corruption our guest addresses some of the critical questions of development, from poverty, education and opportunity to the question of life’s purpose and the development of human potential. Robert Klitgaard is a distinguished academic and educator and a sought-after adviser to governments on issues of corruption and other vital questions of economic development. A prolific and successful author, he has in recent years...
Published 05/25/22
Our response to the challenges of climate change needs a significant boost; we need to do more and move more rapidly if we are to forestall its calamitous consequences. Stockholm+50 later this year will provide a unique opportunity to do so. Learn more at GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 03/26/22
The world faces multiple crises across different fronts. Climate change and the associated temperature rise will interact in noxious ways with biodiversity, pollution, and the global economy. This is no time for incremental change; indifference is not an option. Learn more on GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 03/11/22
We need to think creatively to enhance the effectiveness of the UN Security Council, to boost its ability to deal with threat multipliers like climate change, and to empower it to become a catalyst in the emergence of mature democracies governed by the rule of law. Learn more on GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 01/15/22
Massive changes will be needed over the next several years, to our policies, institutions and way of thinking to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. Lack of action will imply the hollowing out of social stability and national security. Learn more on globalgovernanceforum.org
Published 12/24/21
Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, surveying the many catastrophic risks that threaten our future, makes a powerful case to redefine national security in terms of human welfare rather than the maintenance of military establishments.  For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 12/10/21
Corruption has emerged as not only a destroyer of human prosperity but also a threat to our economic, social and political order. This podcast casts light on the causes, the impact and what to do about this malignant force in the 21st century.  For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 10/01/21
A former UN Under-Secretary General and Chief of Staff to the Secretary General explains why women´s empowerment is a vital force for transformation, from UN reform to the future of multilateralism, the response to a global pandemic and global prosperity. For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 09/22/21
The Vatican has played a central role in past decades in drawing the attention of the international community to a range of issues which address fundamental questions of human development. Alessio Pecorario provides fascinating insights into the latest thinking. For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 09/07/21
Few people have a better understanding of the power of the law to engender changes for the better in our troubled world. Whether it is the end of apartheid in South Africa or the establishment of a court to bring criminals to justice, the need for international enforcement mechanisms is vital in a globalized world. For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 07/05/21
Exploring the link between ethics and values and good governance is vital as we endeavor to find practical solutions to a whole range of unresolved problems currently threatening our future, from climate change to widening income disparities and extreme poverty. For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 06/12/21
In a broad ranging discussion Amanda Ellis discusses the progress made over the past quarter century in achieving greater gender equality and why empowering women is the key to a more secure and prosperous world. For more information about this episode and the Global Governance Forum visit GlobalGovernanceForum.org
Published 06/02/21
The 75th anniversary of the UN Charter in 2020 unleashed broad- ranging debates about the future of an organization that rose from the chaos and destruction brought about by World War II and was meant to establish a basis for peace, security and prosperity, for a world weary of violence and bloodshed. Despite some achievements, the UN is struggling to find relevance in the 21st century, amidst a plethora of impeding global crises, some of them posing existential threats to our future. In...
Published 04/26/21
In this episode we sit down with Carolina Sánchez-Páramo to discuss the state of poverty in 2021, inequality of opportunity, the role of women in development, who is shouldering the economic impact of the pandemic, and more. For more information about...
Published 03/20/21
In the effort to contribute to the creation of a more peaceful, just and secure world there are few voices that have been as compelling and pioneering as that of our guest today, Richard A. Falk. In this episode, Richard and I will discuss why...
Published 03/01/21
Today, we are pleased to welcome a thinker and scholar who is a master at communicating the complex in a simple and relatable way. Branko Milanovic served as lead economist in the World Bank's research department for twenty years and has had teaching...
Published 02/15/21
The year 2020 marked a very important milestone for the United Nations— its 75th anniversary. Overshadowed in many ways by the catastrophic effects of the global pandemic and an apparent backstep in global cooperation, this momentous occasion served as...
Published 02/07/21
A kleptocracy is a form of government in which the leaders use their power to steal money and resources from the country that they rule. In many countries around the world this type of mass corruption goes almost completely unchallenged. But what if it...
Published 01/19/21