Slides of lecture V.
Published 10/23/12
The new frontiers of global risk regulation: regulating lifestyle risks and information to consumers. Debate on the role of the State in risk regulation and emergence of a new form of paternalism. 
Published 10/23/12
The new frontier of risk regulation: lifestyle risks and NCDs and their role in the emergence of a new public health, shifting from treatment to prevention. 
Published 10/23/12
Slides of lectures III & IV.
Published 10/09/12
The optimization tools of the modern risk regulator: risk analysis, economic analysis, cost-benefit analysis vs. risk assessment.  
Published 10/09/12
The ins and outs of WTO: comparing technical barriers to trade (TBT) and sanitary & phytosanitary (SPS) measures, the international regime for Risk Assessment. 
Published 09/25/12
Slides of lecture 2.
Published 09/18/12
Analysis of WTO as a global risk regulator. 
Published 09/18/12
Introduction to the genesis, evolution and main features of EU risk regulation and comparison with the US system. 
Published 09/18/12
Slides of lecture I.
Published 09/11/12
Bisphenol A: risk analysis, risk perception and public knowledge. 
Published 09/11/12
Discussion about availability heuristic, probability neglect, endowment effect and other cognitive biases. 
Published 09/11/12
This class focuses on risk as an object of and justification for regulation, by discussing the different models of risk regulation. Each model determines how risks should be perceived, assessed, quantified and responded. 
Published 09/11/12
Before embarking on our journey, it is necessary to closely examine the concept of risk and to explore how risk has progressively become an object as well as a justification of regulation. 
Published 09/11/12
Introduction to the course: course format, teaching methods, readings and evaluation. 
Published 09/11/12
Syllabus of the course: course structure, case studies and readings.
Published 09/11/12