10 - ENGLISH - The Joy Workout
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The Joy Workout is just one example of how we can use movement to lift our mood in a very short time span of 10 minutes. Perhaps during your busy day, you can take a 10-minute break and go to a park where you can walk and get a nice dose of nature. Maybe at home, you can do a little karaoke and sing while swaying, dancing, or even bouncing just for fun. Perhaps you can join a local game or sports league.
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Il volontariato porta chiari vantaggi per il nostro benessere. Il nostro cervello, anche il cervello degli animali, si è evoluto per ricevere ricompense quando aiutiamo altri membri del nostro gruppo. Speriamo di incoraggiarti a fare un passo per aiutare la tua comunità. Siamo sicuri che...
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