What does “culture war” mean? Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. The culture war didn’t begin with us, but it’s our responsibility to fight the good fight and stand up for our beliefs. We are in this world but not of this world. Our peace and our hope is found in Christ. This world offers trials and tribulation, but Christ has overcome the world. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being.
Published 09/01/24
In the last days, Iran, Russia, China and Turkey will come after Israel. At the Battle of Armageddon, these armies fully intend to wipe out Israel completely, but angels will protect them. Those who do not believe in Christ when He returns will be turned into hell. Do you know Jesus as your Savior?
Published 09/01/24
This election will affect us, our children and our grandchildren for decades to come. In the past, we have been governed by leaders steering us towards “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Will that change in November? What is the church’s role in the election process? What is the Bible’s position on political issues? We cannot sit idly by during this crucial election season. We must vote the Bible and encourage those around us to do the same.
Published 08/25/24
There is a difference between the wicked and the righteous. The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the home of the just. DNA tells us that we’re going to look (and sometimes act) like our family members, but if you inherited destructive behaviors you can choose to live differently. Become a new creation through Christ and sing a song of victory!
Published 08/25/24
The prophetic light of God reveals the future. It is the light that shines in a dark place. We are a nation stumbling in darkness, under a thick veil of corruption. When Jesus left the earth, the Church became the light of the world. We must take a stand to drive out the darkness or we could lose our nation along with God’s blessing.
Published 08/18/24
Defining the truth is important; we have taken the simple and made it complicated. God’s Word is the only version of truth; when you know it and live under it, you will be set free. Many live in the ignorance of their experience instead of the knowledge of His Word. As individuals we are out of order.
Published 08/11/24
Moses writes about the serpent in Genesis, based on the time he spent with God on Mt. Sinai. The children of Israel previously practiced passing down their history orally. When they left the polytheistic lifestyle celebrated in Egypt, they decided to start recording events. One of the Egyptian religions worshipped a cobra. When Moses’ serpent (symbolizing power) destroyed the others, God was demonstrating to Israel that He was the only God. Why did the serpent approach Eve in the Garden? She...
Published 08/04/24
There are things the Church needs to change before we can change the world. Instead of acting as a pillar of truth and using the Bible as our standard, we have become passengers on a sinking ship, disconnected from our Head, Jesus Christ. We must share the message of the Cross with those around us.
Published 08/04/24
Sunday Conversation 7/28
Published 07/28/24
Jesus taught us to be kind to one another, and to serve one another through love. We can be friends with the world, or we can serve God. Our world is out of order. It’s time for every Believer to take a stand. When our nation was formed, we were richly blessed, living as one nation under God. How has America fared in recent years after kicking Him out?
Published 07/28/24
Many things in our nation, and in our world are “out of order.” Our world exchanges the truth for a lie, often placing things that are ungodly in a place of importance! But Jesus lives in you, and He is in absolute control! The Cross gave us the opportunity to surrender our lives and live in total freedom. Making the decision to follow Christ puts everything in order!
Published 07/21/24
There are three essential things connected to our foundation in America: faith, family, patriotism. Sadly, we are currently watching these things deteriorate. What are we going to do about it? Keep your family together. Teach your children and grandchildren about God, about your beliefs. Each of us is responsible for ourselves, for our own decisions and actions. Share the great things God has done for you with others that they might be drawn to Him. Be grateful for the gift of a new day!
Published 07/21/24
Are you a proud person or a just person? The just person lives by faith, but the Lord resists the proud. The one thing you need to survive in this life is faith. It is the basis for everything in the life of a Believer. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Diligently show your children how they can live by faith. Daily communication is key to positively impacting their lives and supporting them through the good days and the bad. They are the future of this country!
Published 07/14/24
You will never fully appreciate the beauty of your relationship with Christ if you don’t understand what His blood did for you at Calvary. This precious blood is the secret to unlimited power, without which there is no redemption of sin. The blood brings salvation and healing. It conquers death, hell, and the grave.
Published 07/14/24
You are not here on accident; you were created to glorify God. How does He want you to impact the world? Shine His love on others and draw them to Him. Our foundational freedoms, such as faith, are constantly under attack. What if our freedoms are destroyed? This gives each of us the perfect opportunity to build up and encourage the body of Christ, living out our Kingdom purpose.
Published 07/07/24
Jesus used parables to introduce the God of the Bible. Are you ready for a breakthrough in your life? Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Everyone who asks receives, but God doesn’t always act on our schedule. He promised He would stand beside us in the fire, not that we would escape it.
Published 07/07/24
Unless the Lord builds a house, they labor in vain that build it. Children are a heritage from the Lord. Psalm 127 tells us how one family can affect a nation. Unless you include God in your plans, your labor is in vain. A godly man builds his confidence in God through faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You can’t live confidently without it. If you don’t allow faith to saturate your life, fear can easily creep in. Confident men don’t quit on themselves or their...
Published 07/03/24
The parables are Kingdom principles as told by Jesus. He used these stories as illustrations, inviting us to grow spiritually. His Word is alive and powerful. Whatever you need, you can find in Scripture. Whatever you sow, you will reap. Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
Published 06/23/24
Fathers play an important role. Since Adam, fathers have taught their children how to conduct themselves. God set His expectations with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Their children, Cain and Abel, knew what was expected, yet only one of them brought an acceptable sacrifice to God. God expects our best; He’s not pleased when we offer anything less! We must live by the Word and His commandments to live a blessed life. Are you walking in faith daily? What is the message you’re preaching with your...
Published 06/23/24
Jesus used parables to teach us lessons about who God was and what He expected from his children. The parable of the prodigal son tells us about a son who threw his opportunities away. The prodigal is a state of mind, the far country. Are you living far away from the Father? It’s time to come home.
Published 06/16/24
Scripture tells fathers not to provoke their children to wrath, but to raise them in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. The Bible is filled with lessons, examples we are to follow in order to reach our divine potential and live a life filled with favor. God our Father loves us far more than our earthly father; He is working all things together for our good. Fathers, are you using the Word as your guide to shape your children’s lives? It’s a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.
Published 06/16/24
We are on the brink of WWIII after Hamas’ violent attack on Israel, October 7, 2023. The sin of antisemitism is more rampant than ever. It brings God’s judgment on the men and nations who permit it. It’s not a Jewish problem; it’s an American problem. In 1978, I went to Israel a tourist and came back a Zionist. Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Christians of America stand with you until the victory comes.
Published 06/09/24
If you aren’t a Believer, you do not have access to God’s power and His presence. You must have a relationship with Jesus Christ to tap into the power that allows you to accomplish your divine destiny. When you ask in faith believing, God will give you the desires of your heart. Use the power given to us through the Holy Spirit to witness to others, to share the Good News that Jesus saves.
Published 06/09/24
Everywhere you go, you are an Ambassador unto Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit goes with you. Sometimes people look at the difference between the fruit of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit. What does it mean to possess the fruit of the Spirit? How does it grow, and how can you share it with others? If you don’t have love for others, the Bible says the presence of God is not in you.
Published 06/02/24
If you refuse to forgive another person, God will not forgive you. The road to peace of mind begins with forgiveness, which is first an act of your will, not an emotion. You will never be happy until you forgive those who have hurt you, but forgiveness demands a change in conduct. To forgive without demanding change is to make the grace of God an accomplice to evil.
Published 06/02/24