There’s nothing better than a summer barbecue. You can pig out on burgers and hot dogs, even make a total pig of your self and everyone there is as happy as a pig in mud. One of my friends asked me when I was going to stop eating meat. When? Well, when pigs fly, that’s when!  In the last few episodes of the Happy English podcast, I talked about hot and heat idioms. After all, it is the middle of the summer now. And summer brings us to barbecues and picnics - two kinds of events where you can...
Published 07/22/24
Published 07/22/24
I wasn't really sure what I was going to talk about here on the podcast but then, I decided to do this. This lesson is going to be nothing but expressions using, but. And, but for a short conversation it's just going to be me doing the talking, as you know, I am but your humble English teacher. I couldn’t do anything this morning but think about how to teach you these five ways to use but. In fact, I couldn't come up with anything but the following conversation. Join my Podcast Learner's...
Published 07/15/24
Last week, I took the heat for an English lesson with hot idioms. But trust me when I say that when the heat is on, I’m ready for it. I may even catch heat for this lesson...who knows!   It was close to the 40 degree mark this past week in New York and all of that heat inspired me to help you with these heat idioms. There are 8 of them all together, so let’s dive in. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my website:...
Published 07/08/24
I know that this may be a hot potato but have you been in the hot seat recently? Or perhaps you have been hot under the collar because some hot head got you all hot and bothered.  trust me I'm not full of hot air when I say this.  I love helping you learn idioms because they make your English conversation sound much more natural and interesting.  for today's English lesson we're going to look at six idioms that contain the word hot.  Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 07/01/24
When I found out that the company picnic was off, I drove off from the park and went to the library to study. Since I was off today, I thought I could make good use of my time. Plus, I was a little off yesterday and couldn't focus on studying. Off is one of those interesting words in English that has a number of meanings and uses, just like what I mentioned at the beginning of this episode. So don’t turn this off, because today I’m going to show you 7 ways we use off.  Join my Podcast...
Published 06/24/24
I went through a rough time when I had to go through with a speech last week. Of course, before I went on stage, I went through a couple of cups of coffee while going through the notes for the speech. That’s a lot to go through! Have you ever gone through a tunnel with your car? Or maybe a train you were on went through a tunnel. Well, when you go through a tunnel, you start at one end come out the other end. It’s a process of moving from one point to the other. Think about that as you listen...
Published 06/17/24
I am gonna go to the store in order to buy milk. I am gonna go to the store to buy milk. I am gonna go to the store and  buy milk. I am gonna go and buy milk. I’m gonna go buy milk.  Go is a pretty basic verb in English, and I guess because it’s so basic, there are a lot of different phrases with go and different ways to use go. Today let’s look at some of the common ones.  Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my...
Published 06/10/24
I finally got around to cleaning out that garage. Let me tell you something, that is not a job I look forward to doing at all. I guess I'm more used to messing it up. Yeah I definitely can admit to doing that.  You'll notice in all four cases, there's a there's a verb followed by TO followed by a gerund,  you know the ING.  But wait Michael, to should be followed by a base verb!  Yes, that's true, but there are cases where TO is followed by a GERUND and that's what we're going to look at...
Published 06/03/24
I guess you know that NYC is known as the Big Apple. But did you know that the Big Apple is known for it’s pizza? As well, the City is known for being the city that never sleeps.    I know that prepositions can be tricky and sometimes we can pair a word with a few different prepositions. Crazy, isn’t it! Today, we are going to look at the word known, which can be paired with 5 different prepositions and phrases with prepositions. Let’s dive in! Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 05/27/24
Don’t listen to this podcast unless you like learning English. Yeah, as long as you are a fan of learning English, I am sure you will enjoy this episode, that is provided you find this kind if thing interesting.  We’ve talk about using IF to talk about a condition a few times before, right? Well, have you ever wondered if there are other words you can us to talk about a condition? If so then you are in the right place. By the end of this podcast English lesson, you’ll be able to use unless,...
Published 05/20/24
Do you like to stay in bed late on the weekends? What time are you usually at work until? Have you ever been on a farm or in the mountains. Oh...maybe you see where this conversation is going, huh?   Last week, in  Episode 721, we talked about using at and in to talk about location. Today, I’d like to get into how we use in, at, and on in some set phrases, also to talk about location. Let’s get the ball rolling. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 05/13/24
Are you home or at home? In the office or at the office. Are you listening to this podcast at your house or in your house. Those tricky English prepositions always cause trouble - until today.  Among the various aspects of learning English, prepositions seem to cause more problems than anything else. In particular, a lot of listeners to the podcast have told me that understanding when to use in and when to use at to talk about location tends to be confusing. Well, today I’m going to help you...
Published 05/06/24
I advise you listen to this whole podcast. I know that I have suggested this before, and I often recommend listening to podcasts as a way of improving your English. Well, I today I would like to propose you grab a pen and a notebook, and listen up! When you have advice that you want another person to consider, there are 4 verbs you can use. These are advise, propose, recommend, and suggest. Interestingly, these verbs can be used with three different grammar patterns, which is what we’re...
Published 04/29/24
Do yourself a favor. Stop studying English. Yeah I said that. Me, your humble English teacher. In this podcast English lesson, I’m going to explain why I suggest you stop studying English and what you can do instead to practice and improve your English.  Today I want you to rethink what you do in English. I want you to move from the “I study English” to the “I use English” mindset. Let’s jump in! Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit...
Published 04/22/24
Even though I was up with the chickens this morning, because of a train delay I got to the office just in the nick of time. I’m using the trains for the time being, but in the meantime, I’m looking for an apartment closer to the office.  For this English lesson, let’s take a look at 6 phrases that you can use to talk about time. These are common phrases that you can use in your everyday spoken and written English.  Let’s dive in! Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 04/15/24
As you may already know, I’m a huge music lover. But as for sports, frankly, I couldn’t care less. For all I care, all the local teams could lose and it wouldn’t bother me! Would you care to know why? The verb care is an interesting word in English because it has a number of uses as well as idioms that are common in everyday English conversation.  Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my website: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
Published 04/08/24
Have you ever heard of Louis Armstrong? Did you ever listen to jazz? Among all jazz musicians, Louis Armstrong has probably the most unique voice ever. I’m sure if you listen to his music, you’ll be ever so happy!  The adverb ever means at any time, and that could mean at any time in the past or in the future. For today’s English lesson, let’s look at all the different ways we use this versatile little word. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 04/01/24
I'm not trying to let the cat out of the bag, but I have to tell you, I am dog tired.  I'm going to guess that you're going to want to know why, but keep in mind curiosity killed the cat. Yup, today is all about cats and dogs. For today's English lesson let's have a look at idioms that deal with cats and dogs. I really love helping you learn idioms because they do tend to make your English conversation and writing more colorful and more natural sounding.  Join my Podcast Learner's Study...
Published 03/26/24
When I was younger I could play the piano a lot better than I can now. You know? I'm glad I was able to tell you that. Knowing modal verbs like can and be able to is not only important for your everyday English conversation, but using this grammar correctly will give you an edge in English exams like IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC.  Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my website: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
Published 03/18/24
Day in and day out, I try to come up with topics to talk about here on the Happy English podcast. Most of my ideas come from questions or problems my students have. At the end of the day, it’s always best to keep trying new things. In this day and age, I think most people are interested in learning something. That’s plain as day, no? Today, let’s look as 10 idioms and expressions that relate to time and day. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 03/11/24
Wouldn't it be nice if we could learn another language quickly and easily? Oh, don’t worry, this isn’t a commercial, just an intro to this lesson. Isn’t that why you’re here? Negative questions are questions that begin with the negative forms of the be verb and other auxiliary verbs. Like their cousins, tag questions, negative questions are often used to check what we think is true. Let’s go! Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my...
Published 03/04/24
I’m sure you have a lot on your plate, so thanks a lot for checking out my podcast. Today I have something special for everyone working in an international environment. I’m not saying that I have the silver bullet, but I think this episode is going to be a game changer for you. For today’s English lesson, let’s have a look at 8 phrases that you can use in the workplace and in your daily English conversations. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here:...
Published 02/26/24
American English pronunciation is interesting. A lot of English learners tell me that Americans talk to quickly. But I would say it’s more the style of speaking than the speed. One interesting feature of spoken American English is the fact that We. Do. Not. Like. To. Stop. After. Each. Word. In. A. Sentence. Quite often, the end of one word links with the beginning of the next word. For this English lesson, we’re going look at one particular sound that happens when one word ends with a vowel...
Published 02/19/24
For this English lesson, We’re going to look at nine different ways that we use the verb have. Have is one of those interesting words in English that has multiple meanings and uses, as well as a number of different grammar patterns. By the way, have is an irregular verb, and the three parts are have, had, and had. Let’s get the ball rolling! Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcript Visit my website: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/
Published 02/12/24