欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周英语直播分享 提高听力 发音 口语 全程干货!!! A: Whatever we do, we should do it aboveboard.  不管我们做什么,我们都应该正大光明。 B: You are right, we shouldn't do anything under the table.  你说得对。我们不应该偷偷摸摸地做事。 A: Well, since you agree with me, we should put the issue aboveboard instead of talking about it through other channels. 嗯,既然你同意我的说法,我们就把事情摆在桌面上来,而不是通过其他方式对此进行讨论。 aboveboard 光明正大的;公开的;诚实的;没有欺骗或秘密的 /əˈbʌvˌbɔːrd/ The transaction was totally aboveboard, so there was no reason to question...
Published 04/22/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周英语直播分享 提高听力 发音 口语 全程干货!!! A: Whatever we do, we should do it aboveboard.  不管我们做什么,我们都应该正大光明。 B: You are right, we shouldn't do anything under the table.  你说得对。我们不应该偷偷摸摸地做事。 A: Well, since you agree with me, we should put the issue aboveboard instead of talking about it through other channels. 嗯,既然你同意我的说法,我们就把事情摆在桌面上来,而不是通过其他方式对此进行讨论。
Published 04/22/24
关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五早上的英语主播分享 干货多多,不容错过~~ A: Why did Tom quit the job?  为什么汤姆辞职? B: He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley.  他说他现在的工作没有发展。 A: If he does not change his attitude towards his work, I don't think a new job can make any difference. 如果他不改变对工作的态度,就算换份工作也不会有什么不同。 Blind alley The thief ran into a blind alley and was cornered by the police. 小偷跑进了死胡同里,被警察逼得走投无路。 The team spent weeks working on a solution that turned out to be a blind alley, and they had to start...
Published 04/07/24
关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号回复:节目 长按自动弹出图片上的二维码 即可参与该节目口语跟读练习 A: Why did Tom quit the job?  为什么汤姆辞职? B: He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley.  他说他现在的工作没有发展。 A: If he does not change his attitude towards his work, I don't think a new job can make any difference. 如果他不改变对工作的态度,就算换份工作也不会有什么不同。 The thief ran into a blind alley and was cornered by the police. 小偷跑进了死胡同里,被警察逼得走投无路。 The team spent weeks working on a solution that turned out to be a blind alley, and they had to start...
Published 04/07/24
关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五早上的英语直播分享 告别哑巴英语 告别不会说的尴尬 免费学习 不能错过! A: I haven't got enough evidence for prosecuting him. 我没有足够的证据起诉他。 B: Why don't you find someone who is in the know? 你为什么不找个熟悉内幕的人呢? A: I'm just thinking about that. But the trouble is, I do not know who is well in the know.  我正在想这个呢。但问题是,我不知道谁了解内幕。 B: Did you ask his former secretary Lora? She knows a lot about him.  你问过他以前的秘书,劳拉吗? A: Thanks for reminding me. She's the right person to help...
Published 03/25/24
关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五早上的英语直播分享 告别哑巴英语 告别不会说的尴尬 免费学习 不能错过! A: I haven't got enough evidence for prosecuting him. 我没有足够的证据起诉他。 B: Why don't you find someone who is in the know? 你为什么不找个熟悉内幕的人呢? A: I'm just thinking about that. But the trouble is, I do not know who is well in the know.  我正在想这个呢。但问题是,我不知道谁了解内幕。 B: Did you ask his former secretary Lora? She knows a lot about him.  你问过他以前的秘书,劳拉吗? A: Thanks for reminding me. She's the right person to help me. 谢谢你提醒我。她是能帮助我的人。
Published 03/25/24
一定要关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 每周五节 两小时直播 非常多干货 不能错过! A: Who did the stupid thing?  谁干的蠢事? B: Maybe it was dick. 也许是迪克。 A: I don't think so. Dick has been on the ball and he never does things like that. 我不觉得。迪克向来出色精明,从来不干这事。 B: Then it must be a naughty boy who did it. 那么一定是哪个调皮鬼干的。 on the ball 警觉的;精明的;能干的 描述一个人警觉和能干 You need to be on the ball if you want to succeed in this competitive market. 如果你想在激烈的市场竞争中成功,你需要保持警觉。 描述一个人对细节非常在意 Make sure you're on the ball during the presentaion—pay attention to...
Published 03/14/24
一定要关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 每周五节 两小时直播 非常多干货 不能错过! A: Who did the stupid thing?  谁干的蠢事? B: Maybe it was dick. 也许是迪克。 A: I don't think so. Dick has been on the ball and he never does things like that. 我不觉得。迪克向来出色精明,从来不干这事。 B: Then it must be a naughty boy who did it. 那么一定是哪个调皮鬼干的。
Published 03/14/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五的英语直播分享 A: Does your wife work?  你妻子上班吗? B: Yes, she does. She works at home.  是的。她在家里上班。 A: Oh, I understand. She cooks, cleans and takes care of the children. Is that right?  噢,我明白了。她做饭,打扫,照顾孩子,是吗? B: Oh, no. Most of the time I do these things. She is a writer. 噢,不。大多数时间是我干这些活。她是一位作家。 A: You are really a hen-pecked husband. 你真的是妻管严。 01 hen-pecked husband 怕老婆的丈夫;妻管严 My uncle is a hen-pecked husband. 我的叔叔是个妻管严。 The hen-pecked husband always obeys his wife's orders...
Published 03/10/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五的英语直播分享 A: Does your wife work?  你妻子上班吗? B: Yes, she does. She works at home.  是的。她在家里上班。 A: Oh, I understand. She cooks, cleans and takes care of the children. Is that right?  噢,我明白了。她做饭,打扫,照顾孩子,是吗? B: Oh, no. Most of the time I do these things. She is a writer. 噢,不。大多数时间是我干这些活。她是一位作家。 A: You are really a hen-pecked husband. 你真的是妻管严。
Published 03/10/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五的英语直播分享 A: Bob refused all his classmates' invitation.  鲍勃拒绝了班上所有人的邀请。 B: I really could not understand him.  我真的不明白他这个人。 A: He's surely a hard nut. Nobody likes approaching him.  他真是个脑子不开窍的人,没人愿意接近他。 B: We'd better also leave him alone. 我们最好也别惹他。 01 hard nut 难对付的人;顽固不化的人;不容易了解的人 He's a hard nut; he won't back down easily. 他是个硬汉,不会轻易让步。 hard nut to crack 难对付的人;棘手的事 This math problem is a hard nut to crack. 这个数学题很难解。 He is a hard nut to crack, but we managed to...
Published 03/03/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周一到周五的英语直播分享 A: Bob refused all his classmates' invitation.  鲍勃拒绝了班上所有人的邀请。 B: I really could not understand him.  我真的不明白他这个人。 A: He's surely a hard nut. Nobody likes approaching him.  他真是个脑子不开窍的人,没人愿意接近他。 B: We'd better also leave him alone. 我们最好也别惹他。
Published 03/03/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号回复:节目 即可获取节目句子跟读练习 A: Doesn't she have any friends? 难道她没有朋友吗? B: If she has, they must be fair-weather friends.  如果有,也一定是不能与她共患难的朋友。 A: Such friends are even worse than enemies. 这样的朋友甚至比敌人还要糟糕。 B: She'd better keep away from them. 她最好离他们远点。 01 Doesn't/Don't/Can't...? 难道...不... Don't you know who you are talking to? 你难道不知道你在和谁说话吗? Can't you come a little earlier? 你就不能早点来吗? Don't you have a pet? 你没有宠物吗? 回复: Yes, I do. 不,我有宠物。 No, I don't. 是的,我没有宠物。 Can't you...
Published 02/25/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号回复:节目 即可获取节目句子跟读练习 A: Doesn't she have any friends? 难道她没有朋友吗? B: If she has, they must be fair-weather friends.  如果有,也一定是不能与她共患难的朋友。 A: Such friends are even worse than enemies. 这样的朋友甚至比敌人还要糟糕。 B: She'd better keep away from them. 她最好离他们远点。
Published 02/25/24
想学习地道美语发音技巧,口语表达,听力技巧 欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 每周定期英语直播分享 干货多多~~ A: Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not.  杰克不知道琳达是否喜欢他。 B: Why doesn't he ask her? 他为什么不问她? A: He's too scared to ask her.  他害怕问她。 B: He's a chicken guy. 他是个胆小鬼。 01 Whether...or not 是或不是;是否 I'm going to take the day off whether he agrees or not. 不管他是否同意,我都要请假。 You have to finish your homework whether you like it or not. 不管你是否喜欢,你都得完成你的家庭作业。 We are going on our picnic whether it rains or...
Published 02/21/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可获取该节目句子跟读练习 A: Jack wonders whether Linda likes him or not.  杰克不知道琳达是否喜欢他。 B: Why doesn't he ask her? 他为什么不问她? A: He's too scared to ask her.  他害怕问她。 B: He's a chicken guy. 他是个胆小鬼。
Published 02/21/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 即可参与每周一到周五的英语主播分享 干货多多~~ A: He has a girlfriend already. 他已经有女朋友了。 B: You're kidding. He just broke up with Ann. 开玩笑吧。他刚和Ann分手。 A: His new girlfriend is a far cry from Ann. She's like a breath of fresh air.  他的新女友与Ann完全不同。她就像一股清风,令人心旷神怡。 B: I hope I will meet her soon. 我希望我能很快见到她。 01 a far cry from 大相径庭;相去甚远 The movie was a far cry from the book it was based on. 这部电影与原著相差甚远。 The hotel was a far cry from the pictures on the websites. 这家酒店与网站上的图片相差甚远。 The apartment is a far...
Published 02/17/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可参与本节目句子跟读练习 A: He has a girlfriend already. 他已经有女朋友了。 B: You're kidding. He just broke up with Ann. 开玩笑吧。他刚和Ann分手。 A: His new girlfriend is a far cry from Ann. She's like a breath of fresh air.  他的新女友与Ann完全不同。她就像一股清风,令人心旷神怡。 B: I hope I will meet her soon. 我希望我能很快见到她。
Published 02/17/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可参与本节目的句子跟读练习 A: I do not know how John can put up with his son who fools around without working.  我不知道约翰为什么能容忍他的儿子整天不工作瞎混日子。 B: He's out of John's hands. Nothing he can do about such a black sheep.  约翰也管不了他。他管不了这个败家子。 A: If I were him, I would give him a good talking-to. I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that. 如果我是约翰,我会好好教训他一顿。我一定坚持不让他再这么瞎混了。 01 put up with  忍受某人/某事 I can't put up with her any more. 我再也无法忍受她。 I can't put up with working...
Published 02/01/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可参与本节目的句子跟读练习 A: I do not know how John can put up with his son who fools around without working.  我不知道约翰为什么能容忍他的儿子整天不工作瞎混日子。 B: He's out of John's hands. Nothing he can do about such a black sheep.  约翰也管不了他。他管不了这个败家子。 A: If I were him, I would give him a good talking-to. I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that. 如果我是约翰,我会好好教训他一顿。我一定坚持不让他再这么瞎混了。
Published 02/01/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可获取节目句子跟读课程 A: I have never heard you mention this friend. Are you on very good terms with him or her?我从没听你提过这个朋友,你和他/她关系很好吗?B: We have been on good terms. She's a very nice girl, but she got in Dutch with her boss. I don't have the heart to see her pounding the pavements. 我们关系很好。她是一个非常好的女孩,但是她总是跟她的老板过不去,我不忍心看她自毁前程。A: You must be stuck on her, or you would not use your elbow grease.你一定是迷恋着她,否则不会这么费力。B: Well, we hit it off with each other. 我们相处的很好。 01 on good...
Published 01/28/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:节目 即可获取节目句子跟读课程 A: I have never heard you mention this friend. Are you on very good terms with him or her?我从没听你提过这个朋友,你和他/她关系很好吗?B: We have been on good terms. She's a very nice girl, but she got in Dutch with her boss. I don't have the heart to see her pounding the pavements. 我们关系很好。她是一个非常好的女孩,但是她总是跟她的老板过不去,我不忍心看她自毁前程。A: You must be stuck on her, or you would not use your elbow grease.你一定是迷恋着她,否则不会这么费力。B: Well, we hit it off with each other. 我们相处的很好。
Published 01/28/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 参与每周定期英语直播分享 干货多多~值得关注~ Steven meets Lucy in the gym. She's a yoga trainer, so he consults her about yoga. 史蒂文在健身房遇见了露西。露西是一个瑜伽教练,所以他咨询了一些关于瑜伽的问题。A: Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽很流行。B: Yeah, especially among young people. 是的,尤其是在年轻人当中。A: But is it for women only? 但是不是只有女的才可以练呢?B: No. Men can also do it. As a matter of fact, yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise. But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing...
Published 01/22/24
欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 在微信公众号回复:节目 参与免费句子跟读练习课程 Steven meets Lucy in the gym. She's a yoga trainer, so he consults her about yoga. 史蒂文在健身房遇见了露西。露西是一个瑜伽教练,所以他咨询了一些关于瑜伽的问题。A: Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽很流行。B: Yeah, especially among young people. 是的,尤其是在年轻人当中。A: But is it for women only? 但是不是只有女的才可以练呢?B: No. Men can also do it. As a matter of fact, yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise. But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing...
Published 01/22/24