E15. positivity | 常在心中留一缕阳光【早】
视频版→B站:洛夫古德德 positive 积极乐观的 positivity The book had a positive influence on me. 这本书对我有积极的影响 optimistic 乐观的 optimist 乐观主义者 I'm feeling optimistic about our chances. 我对我们的机率感到乐观 upbeat 积极乐观的,愉快高兴的 How is it possible for you to always be so upbeat this early in the morning? 你是怎么可能大清早总是这么愉快高兴的? always looks on the bright side 形容某人总能看到事情积极的方面 We try to hire people who always look on the bright side. We don’t want people’s negativity affecting our work. 我们试图雇佣能够看到事情积极一面的人。我们不想要消极的人来影响我们的工作 see the glass half full 形容常怀希望,积极乐观的人 have a glass-half-full attitude Like many entrepreneurs, Gina had a tendency to see the glass half full. 正如许多创业家一样,Gina倾向于看到事物积极的一面。 see things through rose-colored glasses 形容用乐观的态度看待事物的人 She's always looked at life through rose-colored glasses. 她总是乐观地看到生活。 ...