1. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. 2. There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst. 3. Humor is almost always anger with its make-up on. 4. The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them.  Words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they’re brought out.  But it’s more than that, isn’t it? The most important...
Published 03/08/21
1.forest fires 森林火灾 Forest fires can burn out of control and create hazy weather conditions. 森林大火会烧到无法控制的程度,并且造成烟雾重重的天气情况。 2.acid rain 酸雨 The acid rain ruined the soil for the next three generations. 酸雨会毁掉接下来的三代人的土壤 3.global warming全球变暖 Burning fossil fuels is a major cause of global warming. 燃烧化石燃料是全球变暖的一个重要原因。 fossil fuel 化石燃料(石油、煤) 4.climate change 气候变化 Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth. 气候变化会对地球产生灾难性的影响。 5.greenhouse effect 温室效应 The destruction of forests is...
Published 03/02/21
1.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. 恐惧会将你囚禁,而希望会还你自由。 2.There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst. 期待最好的结局是没有坏处的,只要你也准备好了迎接最坏的结果。 3.Humor is almost always anger with its make-up on. 幽默几乎总是化了妆的愤怒。 4.The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them.  最重要的事情往往是最难说出口的。它们是让你感到羞耻的事情,因为语言会削弱它们。 Words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more...
Published 03/01/21
You're so thoughtful. 考虑周到的,关怀别人的。 你真的考虑很周到。 You're more helpful than you realize. 有帮助的,乐于助人的 你比你想象中的更有帮助。 You have impeccable manners. 无可挑剔的 你的礼仪举止真的是无可挑剔。 I'm grateful to know you. 感恩的,感谢的 我很感谢能够认识你。 You have a great sense of humor. 你有很好的幽默感。 Your smile is contagious. 有感染力的 你的笑容很有感染力。 You light up the room. 你很有活力,很有感染力。 You are really courageous. 勇敢的,无畏的 Hanging out with you is always a blast. 爆炸;乐趣 跟你一起玩总是非常有趣。 You bring out the best in other people. 你能带动出别人最好的一面。 You're a smart...
Published 02/25/21
1. A dream, all a dream, that ends in nothing, and leaves the sleeper where he lay down, but I wish you to know that you inspired it. —Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities 一场梦,全是一场梦,到头来一无所有,只留下睡着的人还躺在原地。不过,我希望你知道,这场梦由你引起。 ——查尔斯·狄更斯《双城记》 2. “Dear God," she prayed, "let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry...have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere - be deceitful....
Published 02/24/21
春节 Spring Festival  Chinese New Year Lunar New Year lunar 阴历的,形容词 阴历 lunar calendar traditional Chinese calendar 生肖 Chinese zodiac zodiac 星座 牛年 the year of ox The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs.  myths 神话 customs 习俗 中国新年和许多神话和习俗相关。 The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. deities 神明 ancestors 祖先 这个节庆传统上是用于拜神祭祖。 It is a two-week festival beginning on the first day of the lunar year. Each day honours something different,...
Published 02/21/21
DM Direct message 私信 给某人私信 DM sb slide into someone’s DMs Thanks for responding to my “roommate wanted” ad. DM me for more info and photos of the room. 谢谢你回复我的找室友广告。私信我获取更多房间的信息和图片。   TBH To be honest 老实说,实话说 TMI too much information 信息量太大 BTS behind the scenes 幕后 The whole set has been rotated to reveal what it looks like from backstage, and we see what really goes on behind the scenes. 整个布景都被旋转过来,用于展示它后台的样子。我们就能看到幕后发生的事情了。  NSFW Not safe for work 工作不宜,公共场合别看 Here’s the link to the music...
Published 02/07/21
B站:洛夫古德德 1. Hold your horses 别着急,稍等一下 = wait a minute= be patient Please hold your horses. Three people are already in the queue before you.  请稍等一下。在你之前已经有三个人在排队了。 2. Head in the clouds 心不在焉;不切实际地胡思乱想 He has his head in the clouds if he thinks he can pass his test without studying. 他简直就是在白日做梦如果他觉得不学习就可以考试过关。 3. Piece of cake  小菜一碟,小事一桩 She was nervous about her driving test, but it ended up being a piece of cake. 她非常担心她的驾驶证考试,但结果发现小菜一碟。 easy peasy easy peasy lemon squeezy 4. Out of the...
Published 01/31/21
B站:洛夫古德德 1. Get in shape  健身,恢复体型 2. Start eating healthier food, and less food overall 开始吃更健康的食物,总之更少的食物 3. Get more quality sleep  获得更高质量的睡眠 4. Improve your concentration and mental skills 提高你的集中力和心理技能 5. Reduce stress 减少压力  6. Learn to control your emotions 学会控制你的情绪 7. Face your fears and insecurities  直面你的恐惧和不安 8. Learn to let go of grudges and avoid moping 学会放手过去积攒的怨气,不再郁郁寡欢 9. Learn to be happier with your life 学着更快乐地生活 10. Spend more time with the people that...
Published 01/04/21
b站:洛夫古德德 detail-oriented 细节导向的,专注细节的 She's so detail-oriented that she almost never makes mistakes in the work she turns in.  她非常的专注细节,她从来没有在她交上来的工作中犯过任何错误。 goal-oriented 结果导向的,专注结果的 In fact, our staff share similar traits with the athletes, notably goal-oriented and performance-driven. performance-driven 业绩驱动的 事实上,我们的工作人员和这些运动员持有类似的特征,非常专注结果且由业绩驱动。 enthusiastic 热心的,非常感兴趣的 I am enthusiastic over a project for building a new bridge. 我热衷于修建一座新桥的计划. motivated 积极的,有动力的 I am working with...
Published 12/29/20
B站:洛夫古德德 Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? 你从天上掉下来的时候疼吗? Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile. 你是一个相机吗?因为每次我看向你的时候,我都会笑。 There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it. 我的手机有问题,因为你的电话号码不在里面。 If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together. 如果我可以重排字母表的话,我一定会把U和I放在一起。 Did you just come out of the oven? Because you’re hot. It’s a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out. I was...
Published 12/07/20
B站:洛夫古德德 have a crush on 暗恋 Joe is the athletics champion of our school, and many girls have a crush on him.  Joe是我们学校的体育冠军。很多女孩儿都暗恋他。 flirt 调戏,搞暧昧 I think it is so cute the way you two flirt with each other. 我觉得你俩互相调戏的样子太可爱了 hit on sb Miranda laughed at this boy's latest attempt to hit on her. Miranda笑这个男孩最近调戏她的举动。 pick up line 搭讪、调戏开场白 You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pick up line. 你太好看了,都让我忘记准备好的搭讪台词了。 blind date 相亲 We arranged a blind date for you, but we wanted it to be...
Published 12/03/20
B站:洛夫古德德 binge-watch  煲剧,刷剧,一集连一集不停歇地看剧 My sister is coming over to binge-watch Netflix shows and eat popcorn for the rest of the night.  我的妹妹今晚会过来一起边刷网飞的剧边吃爆米花。 addictive 使人上瘾的 Netflix has become a master of releasing their own TV series, and all of them are so addictive. 网飞已经成了出品自家剧集的大师,而且这些剧都很让人上瘾。 release 发布 episode 一集,集数 The most popular episode of Friends was when Chandler and Monica got married. 老友记中最受欢迎的是Chandler和Monica结婚的那一集。 finale大结局 season finale 季终集 During the reality tv...
Published 12/01/20
When we Are Feeling Good content 满足的,开心的 He is content living in his hometown because his whole family and his best friend live there too. 他住在自己的家乡非常满足,因为他全家和他最好的朋友都住在那里。 elated 兴高采烈的,欣喜若狂的 I was elated when I won $100 for first place in the art competition. 我因在艺术比赛中获得第一名而赢了100美元欣喜若狂。 ecstatic 狂喜的Maria was ecstatic when she found out her parents were taking her to Paris this summer. Maria高兴到了极点,当她知道这个暑期他的父母要带她去巴黎。 eager 热切的,盼望的Rebecca is so eager to learn English that she practices her...
Published 11/13/20
befriend someone  与某人交朋友 You learn more about your kids from whom they befriend than anything else. 你从看你孩子和谁做朋友这一点,会比其他任何一方面都能更多地了解你的孩子。 develop a friendship with  与某人发展一段友谊 He is developing a friendship with his new roommate. 我正和他的新室友建立友谊。 be close with someone 与某人亲近 She’s very close with her colleagues. They have been working together for years. 她和她的同事关系很亲近。他们已经在一起工作好多年了。 form a bond with 与某人建立联系/连接纽带 In order to form a bond with my new colleagues, I always offer...
Published 11/04/20
视频版→B站:洛夫古德德 message man You don't know my brain The way you know my name 你不像知道我名字一样知道我在想什么 You don't know my heart The way you know my face 你不像知道我长相一样知道我的心 lane boy But I know a thing or two about pain and darkness 但我或多或少了解一点苦痛和黑暗 If it wasn't for this music I don't know how I would have fought this 如果不是为了这音乐,我也不知道该如何抗争 Regardless, all these songs I'm hearing are so heartless 不管怎样,我听到的这些歌都那么无情无感 Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless, 不要相信一个完美的人,不要相信一首无瑕无疵的歌 ...
Published 09/27/20
视频版→B站:洛夫古德德 As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. 当我真正开始爱自己, 我才认识到, 所有的痛苦和情感的折磨, 都只是提醒我: 活着,不要违背自己的本心。 今天我明白了,这叫作真实。 As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I...
Published 09/24/20
视频版→B站:洛夫古德德 1. be swamped 忙得不可开交 “All the accountants I know are swamped right now. It’s tax season.” 我知道的所有会计现在都忙得不可开交。现在时纳税季。 2. be slammed 相当忙碌 “Two people in my department quit this month. I’m totally slammed with work right now.” 这个月我部门有两个人辞职了。我现在因为工作忙得不可开交。 3. have a lot on one’s plate 手头上有太多的事情要处理 “Greg is only taking 14 credits this semester. He says he had way too much on his plate last semester with 18 credits.” Greg这学期只准备修14学分。他说他上学期修了18学分,要处理的是实在是太多了。 4. have one’s hands...
Published 09/21/20