Good but wish it went more in-depth
I’ve only listened to season two on the topic of Bethel because someone recommended it. I used to be very into bethel and their music, along with ihop (international house of prayer). I’ve been deconstructing now but what is leading me to believe that it is cult-like is not because they believe and practice signs and wonders, speak in tongues, believe in miracles, but more so on their allegiance to trump and Christian nationalism, how people in the LGBTQ community have been hurt by Bethel, racism, and wanting to take rights away. It makes me wonder how bethel got so political. Even in 2013 Kris Vallaton was upset that there was going to be bathrooms for transgender individuals. Other things that make me believe bethel may be a cult or cult-like is it was mentioned in this series students attending BSSM stopped talking to their family or if members left, they were shunned by bethel community. To me if this is isolation from family and you are shunned by members after leaving, that screams cult. The last episode was my favorite. Although I felt like it wasn’t biased like other videos about Bethel, to be honest, I wish the episodes were longer. She would interview people and then it was already the end. I felt like the episodes could’ve been longer and in more depth. I understand it was during Covid so she couldn’t actually go to bethel and I’m bummed she didn’t get an interview with Bill Johnson because she seemed truly curious. But it seems like none of the leadership wanted to talk to her. Maybe she can do another segment in the future where she goes to Redding area and get more interviews from students, businesses, or talk to people that were shunned or were isolated from family and friends. Maybe talk about how bethel became so political over the years, their stance on female pastors, the gold dust and grave soaking (without a biased leaning on either side). I don’t know what I believe about satan, demonic possession, signs and miracles now. I don’t like that bethel seems to be anti medication for mental health and blame it on demons. Many evangelical churches have called so many things demonic and therefore has been weaponized. I also wonder if the stories students told are real or are they making it up when it comes to miraculous healing. I think maybe God can still heal supernaturally but he also can heal through doctors and medication. But I have been disappointed how bethel handled Covid, using the excuse God will protect them instead of thinking of those vulnerable. I’m disappointed in their support for trump and infiltrating everywhere instead of separation of church and state. I’m disappointed on how they have outed and treating members of the LGBTQ community and instead of just saying they have to remain celibate (I don’t agree with that) they believe their sexuality has to change to straight. And it’s so disappointing how they are taking rights away from those on the margins including the LGBTQ community. I also hope they are using their money to help others and there is no criminal acts going on, including molestation, assault, physical abuse, sexual abuse. Especially with this culture of honor I can see how dangerous it can be. It’s sad BSSM students have to pay money and do labor for free. Bethel seems to have a lot of money so why don’t they pay their students or cover their schooling? So in short, it was enjoyable but wish the episodes were longer and went more in-depth. It is not extremely biased in that bethel is a cult because they believe in signs, miracles, laugh in the spirit but talked about other topics that have bothered me for some time that seem cult-like to me.
sarapink7 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/05/23
More reviews of Heaven Bent
Very likable host, well-researched. I am thrilled that this podcast discussed topics I had only pondered in my head.
Lee_Lee92 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/12/20
Great series. Well researched. Even handed.
giannaoo8 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 06/28/20
It made sense till it got to the catheter story.
whatever1122 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 06/10/20
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