Apparently T2 supplements are all the rage and the marketing will get you good. "Take this and burn fat, feel better".  The people selling these things are making a ton of money off of your hope that this will truely make you feel better. And they are selling it to you based of animal model research that doesn't always translate to humans and forget about long term human studies to see if there are any negative side effects! Well I found a study that discusses potential side effects and they...
Published 05/02/23
So many people are using supplements to fix problems they think they need to fix. High blood sugar, take something to fix it. High cholesterol, take something to fix that. Thyroid problems, everyone says take selenium (even I've said that at one point) so take that.  Understand that you probably need very little in the way of supplementation. And I'll help you understand why that is.  Download The Definitive Guide To Hashimoto's here...
Published 04/06/23
I teamed up with my friend and mentor Tiffany Flaten of Rock Bottom Wellness https://rockbottomwellness.com/ to talk about gaslighting. The kind where your doctor makes you feel like you are in the wrong or crazy for being in their office. Know you are not alone and we have your back!  Get The Definitive Guide To Hashimoto's here.  Get your free 3-Day Anti-inflammatory Meal Plan here Join the Rock Bottom Wellness thyroid facebook group here  Find Tiffany on TikTok, Instagram  
Published 03/21/23
We are ultimately responsible for our own healing journey. Hiring a nutritionist as a guide is wise and needed in many cases saving you time and ultimately money because when you hire the right one, you only need one.  Download my free Definitive Guide to Hashimoto's here  https://mailchi.mp/0e5555d60258/the-definitive-guide-to-hashimotos
Published 03/14/23
If you have food sensitivities that you can't seem to heal or fix, it could be because your immune system is creating a problem called lack of oral tolerance. 
Published 03/07/23
Allison Miller of https://thewildbloom.com/about talks about how yoga can calm the central nervous system and help us better manage our thyroid conditions.  You can also find her on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaUat6KAK8hTqTiZHxOuIkA   For the yoga session mentioned in the podcast, you can get the link at www.helpforhashimotos.com then search episode 117. 
Published 02/27/23
In this episode I break down this popular hair health supplement and invite you to critically think about how you spend your money. 
Published 02/21/23
Hypothyroidism can cause really heavy periods. This episode explains what a healthy period looks like and how hypothyroidism can cause problems. 
Published 02/14/23
This episode talks about how your immune system attacking your thyroid can also contribute to intestinal permeability or leaky gut. 
Published 02/07/23
A listener writes in about her busy life and how to get help with fatigue, achiness, weight gain and menopause. 
Published 02/02/23
Can you put Hashimoto's into remission? Is it fixable? This episode discusses all the things that need to be considered when wanting to put your disease into remission or to fix it. 
Published 01/12/23
This episode answers a listener question about the potential challenges of losing weight after menopause. Everything changes in this stage of life and some of those changes make it really hard to lose the weight gained because of the change in our hormones. Add in a thyroid problem too and it can be even more challenging. I discuss many of the things that need to be addressed in order to prevent fat gain and promote it's loss. 
Published 12/16/22
Answering a listener question about intermittent fasting for thyroid conditions. 
Published 11/29/22
Every organ or gland in the body uses sugar (glucose) for energy production. If you don’t have glucose getting into your cells, you will suffer with low energy. Low energy for your cells but also low energy for you. If your cells can’t be fueled, that will definitely affect your overall energy levels.
Published 11/21/22
No blood test needed. Test your thyroid at home with this simple test. 
Published 11/15/22
A short episode discussing how stress affects a down stream cascade of health problems. 
Published 11/03/22
A study shows that the month you were born in might play a role. 
Published 03/16/22
If your doctor says you need them, you may want to take their advice. Some antibiotics are worse than others when it comes to destroying the population of gut bacteria. Long term use can make some species extinct. BUT. Sometimes you get sick and it requires antibiotics and there are measures you can take. In this episode of the Help For Hashimoto’s podcast I discuss what to do if you need probiotics
Published 08/17/21
An overview of your immune system so you can better understand how your body works. 
Published 06/03/21
It might not help you. New Research says it may not be needed or recommended for autoimmune thyroid patients.
Published 05/03/21
A listener wrote in wondering if she can be vegan and manage her Hashimoto's diagnosis. 
Published 03/29/21
A discussion of PCOS. What is it, how can you work on it holistically, and its relationship with your thyroid.
Published 03/05/21
In this episode I discuss a study on gluten free diets and how they may help autoimmune thyroid disease. 
Published 02/12/21
The myth of adrenal fatigue
Published 01/22/21