Joe Rogan length episode this week with Nate Thurston and Charlie Thompson of the Good Morning Liberty Podcast. We have a wide ranging discussion about most things in the world. Let me know what we missed. A significant amount of the discussion was healthcare and the ridiculous US system that the government has given us and how it will be even worse if the government gets more involved. There is a way to cheaper and better care. That is freedom. Links to things...
Published 01/27/20
I was joined today with Alan Mosley who you can follow on Twitter and Facebook. Check out his new podcast. Twitter: @alanmmosley facebook.com/tgsalanmosley (http://facebook.com/tgsalanmosley) thegoldstandardpodcast.com (http://thegoldstandardpodcast.com)
Published 01/20/20
Peter Quinones of the Libertarian Institute and the Freeman Beyond the Wall joins me today to discuss his multitude of projects that forward the freedom message. He was first inspired by Ron Paul during the first debates of the 2007-8 campaign and that has blossomed into a multi-pronged career of podcaster, author, and now filmmaker! We discuss his upcoming movie called "Monopoly of Violence" slated to come out in...
Published 01/13/20
Welcome to by first solo episode discussing the basics of voluntaryism also known an anarchocapitalism as a moral and political philosophy. I mentioned several books, people and videos so I will take up most of the show notes with those. Thank you so much for the listen. Philosophy of Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I Peter Schiff was right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgRGBNekFIw Larken Rose, If You Were King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0HtWSlFCAQ Interview...
Published 01/06/20
Jimmy Morrison was just trying to make a living by being a house painter and film maker in 2007 until the bottom fell out of the housing market taking his painting business with it. Searching for answers took him to www.mises.org where he read a free copy of Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt (https://mises.org/library/economics-one-lesson). After that whet his appetite for knowledge, he became a self taught student of Austrian Economics. He searched out those that accurately predicted...
Published 12/30/19
This is a wide ranging discussion about the current state of US medical system, Ron Paul's campaign, the few good congressmen that followed Ron Paul and Eric Larson's hard work and effort to keep liberty alive. He and I discuss the improvements in society that are ongoing and the positive things we see in the future. Find him at www.theparadocs.com and keep his podcast going at https://www.patreon.com/theparadocs
Published 12/23/19
Great discussion ranging between psychedelic use, Michael's one man successful effort to decriminalize marijuana in his town and the philosophic conflicts between Hayek and Mises that is still felt in the Libertarian party today. This one went a bit longer. Buckle up!
Published 12/16/19
Links mentioned in the podcast https://www.facebook.com/groups/amagientrepreneurs/
Published 12/06/19
What a busy guy! List of the webpages and projects he has created after being inspired by Ron Paul! https://libertasutah.org/ https://tuttletwins.com/ https://freemarket.tuttletwins.com/
Published 12/06/19
I am joined by the two hosts of the Actual Anarchy Podcast!
Published 12/06/19