Published 11/20/20
Hunter Thompson of Asym Capital Joins me today to discuss the benefits of atypical investments and using the Austrian School's economic insights to generate lower risks and higher returns for him and his investors. https://asymcapital.com/ https://iirec2021.splashthat.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Raising-Capital-Real-Estate-Credibility/dp/1712882120/
Published 11/20/20
I am excited to be joined by acclaimed author and journalist John Berlau to discuss his book out now! His Book: https://www.amazon.com/George-Washington-Entrepreneur-Founding-Business/dp/1250172608/ His organization https://cei.org/
Published 11/01/20
Norman Singleton is a rare individual with an economics degree and a law degree. Of course he ended up working for Ron Paul! Great stories from his time in Washington, D.C. His recent article http://www.campaignforliberty.org/no-small-government-party-dc Rap song mentioned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t724bHjCa-I
Published 09/30/20
After much delay in getting this episode out because of a wind storm power loss, then fire evacuation, then catching up a clinic it is finally here! Very privileged to have one of the great advocates for liberty and a crucial part of the '08 and '12 RP campaigns whether they wanted it or not. https://www.youtube.com/user/AdamKokesh http://adamvstheman.com/ https://www.patreon.com/adamvstheman
Published 09/25/20
Thank you so much to the @AfroLibertarian! Fun discussion. Competing podcast episodes that were mentioned. https://mises.org/library/reefer-madness-government-efforts-criminalize-marijuana-0 http://profcj.org/ep131/ Articles about the increase in AA votes for Trump and poor AA voter turnout in battleground states that basically accounts for the Trump presidency. ...
Published 08/30/20
Wide ranging discussion about the abysmal state of politics and how the Libertarian ticket is the only rational choice (He may be a bit biased). We throw in some thought experiments of if there was a President Ford 40 years before President Ford, if Hillary were faced with the riots and virus, what could be done to US citizens in the groups that are recently classified as terrorists based on precedent set by Bush and Obama and more. Enjoy. Links Mentioned jo20.com (http://jo20.com) (campaign...
Published 08/14/20
Please support Michael Strickland by subscribing to "Laughing at Liberals" on YouTube and consider donating to his defense fund. Story that needs to be heard and shared. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7xpS3xukOc Defense fund: Make sure to put Michael Strickland in the "tribute to" https://oregonfirearms.ejoinme.org/MyPages/DonationPage/tabid/70447/Default.aspx Twitter @LaughAtLibs
Published 07/30/20
I am honored to speak with Dr. Jorgenson about her run and her hopes for the 2020 election. We discussed her earlier run as Vice-President with Harry Browne. Here as a video of him talking about his famous book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doFSh8WM1h4 Her website: https://joj2020.com/
Published 06/30/20
The founder of DonorSee joined me to discuss one of the best ways to directly assist those in need in the developing world. Please take time to use his site and donate at www.donorsee.com
Published 06/23/20
Mr. Kris Borer joins me to tell about his new book and his self directed education inspired by Ron Paul. Links https://krisborer.com/ Books mentioned. "Ethics of Anarchocapitalism" By Kris Borer "For a New Liberty" Murray Rothbard "The Problem With Political Authority" Michael Huemer "The Machinery of Freedom" David Friedman
Published 06/14/20
Sorry for the big gap in episodes. If you have any great guests that you would like to hear from send me an E-mail at [email protected] or through Facebook or Twitter. @honoringronpaul I changed his/her name because he/she is a Federal employee and toward the end we discussed some hot topics. My mangled Spooner quote: “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been...
Published 06/11/20
A conversation with Dr. Larson of the ParaDocs podcast about what we know and what we don't about COVID-19. Is a vaccine around the corner? Who is likely to die? Is there an obvious reliable pattern to explain which cities and states are most affected? Please check out the Paradocs podcast. http://theparadocs.com/ Twitter @TheParadocsShow My episode on the paradocs http://theparadocs.com/2018/11/08/episode-027-the-opioid-crisis-and-whos-to-blame-with-dr-howard-grattan/
Published 05/25/20
Links mentioned in the episode. https://youtu.be/yGNGv384nKE (https://youtu.be/yGNGv384nKE) https://taibbi.substack.com/p/democrats-have-abandoned-civil-liberties Do you need a computer board created? A programable gate array... arrayed? Or something programed in VHDL or some obscure nerd code? Brian Grattan is your goto electrical engineer!
Published 05/18/20
I hope everyone enjoyed this crossover episode. If you have a podcast and would like me to be a guest or if you have been inspired by Ron Paul and would like to be on this podcast, please reach out. I would love to hear from you. www.facebook.com/honoringronpaul Don't forget to visit the great guys at good morning liberty! https://www.goodmorningliberty.us/
Published 05/04/20
Unfortunately, I did not get a fancy massage. Instead we just talked about Sweden's unique approach to COVID as well as a bit of Swedish history and economy. I think this is the best podcast Olof has ever been on. Much thanks to him! Interview with the Swedish epidemiologist: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01098-x Podcast with info about potential vitamin D and quercetin mechanism of action by a biomedical scientist https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/covid-19-episode-1
Published 04/27/20
Thank you for listening to another COVID episode by me, Dr. Howard Grattan. I go into Ron Paul's "Coronavirus Hoax" article and his son's infection as well as the likely outcome of more life years lost 2nd to the response than would have happened from no government response and only individual's managing their own risks. http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/the-coronavirus-hoax
Published 04/20/20
Massive list of articles that I referenced in the podcast. It would be helpful to pause the episode and scan the article as we go along. I believe they are in...
Published 03/21/20
Discussion ranges from Ron Paul to Rothbard to sugar to Woodrow Wilson. Check him out at https://profcj.org/ Articles mentioned: "What has government done to our money" "Anatomy of the state" and Free at: https://mises.org/library/what-has-government-done-our-money https://mises.org/library/anatomy-state "War is a racket" https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.pdf
Published 03/16/20
Great Talk with the Afrolibertarian. Unfortunately race didn't come up so I will have to have him back on sometime! Links to things talked about. Comedian Emo Phillips with the religious denomination joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fAcxcxoZ8 Autobiography of Malcolm X Thomas Sowell clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GklCBvS-eI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_family_structure#/media/File:Nonmarital_Birth_Rates_in_the_United_States,_1940-2014.png
Published 03/09/20
The prior episode was uploaded incorrectly and since most people have auto download, I made a new episode. ---I have a spirited discussion about Ron Paul and foreign policy with the great Scott Horton. https://www.amazon.com/Scott-Horton/e/B074V91F35/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 https://libertarianinstitute.org/ https://scotthorton.org/ Martha Mundy's article...
Published 03/02/20
I have a spirited discussion about Ron Paul and foreign policy with the great Scott Horton. https://www.amazon.com/Scott-Horton/e/B074V91F35/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 https://libertarianinstitute.org/ https://scotthorton.org/ Martha Mundy's article...
Published 03/02/20
An administrator from the Facebook page Ron Paul's Bat joins me today. Link https://www.facebook.com/ronpaulsbat/ Book Mentioned "Liberty Defined" Ron Paul
Published 02/24/20
Books mentioned https://www.amazon.com/Laura-Blodgett/e/B00LXR5DYM%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share Thomas Sowell "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" "The Quest for Cosmic Justice" Web Pages Mentioned www.Tomwoods.com www.fee.org www.lewrockwell.com
Published 02/17/20
Thank you for listening. Please recommend guests at [email protected] Book list mentioned Chaos Theory, Dr. Robert Murphy Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt Anatomy of the State, Murray Rothbard Democracy: The God That Failed, Hans Herman Hoppe Swords Into Plowshares, The Great Ron Paul.
Published 02/10/20