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英語で仏教!の第5回は、「悟り」とは何かをテーマにしました。お釈迦さまが悟ったこととは一体何か?その一端をすこしお話しさせていただきます。 ●チャプター① Enlightenment, or satori, is a translation of the Indian word bodhi, which is transliterated as bodai in Japanese, hence enlightenment and bodai are synonymous. This is the absolute understanding of the composition and the truth of the universe and human beings. ●チャプター② The Buddha thought that human beings are originally beings which bear suffering. Every human eventually has to grow old, experience illness, and die. That is suffering. One has to part from who loves and may be unable to obtain what one wants. This, too, is suffering. ●チャプター③ Why is it that we must suffer in this way? It is because human beings have desires and attachments. Humans suffer because they grow attached to life despite the fact that they have to die, and because their desires expand from one to another and they are unable to attain satisfaction. ●チャプター④ How are we be released  from such suffering? The Buddha thought that since attachment and desire were the causes of suffering, if we could cast attachment and desire aside (or at least control them), suffering would also disappear. He also conceived a means of practice whereby one could control attachment and desire. ●チャプター⑤ The Buddha seated himself beneath the bodhi tree and entered meditation. He comprehended the makeup of the human mind and the nature of the universe and awakened to the truth. This experience is called “enlightenment”(satori) and is referred to as bodai.
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一般には、「頭の回転が速い=物事がよく見えている」ように思われている傾向があるように思います。 私も頭の回転が速い方を見ると羨ましく感じます。 一方で仏教では、頭を含めた色々な感覚を、静かに止めることで「物事がよく観える」のだと説きます(これを止観といいます)。 その喩えとして「六窓一猿」を今回はご紹介いたします。
Published 12/28/23
私たちは、情報を聞いただけで、分かったような気になってしまうことがあるようです。やはり百聞は一見に如かず。実際に体験することで、聞いた情報が「本当だった」と納得できる形が最も良いように思いますし、そうすることが情報を本当の意味で活かすことになります。 今回は、仏教の「指月の喩え」と「ラーメン屋さんの喩え」をお話しして、そのあたりを味わってみたいと思います。 指月(しげつ・しがつ)の喩え 「われは指を以て月を指し、汝をしてこれを知らしめんとするに、汝は如何指を看て、月を視ざる」 (『大智度論』) 佛が涅槃に入られるとき、諸の比丘に語られた 今日より法に依って人に依っては...
Published 11/19/23