Today you will finish the course by learning what it means to become the hero of your own story, why this is the most important thing you can do in life, and how to continue living a life of purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/27/22
Published 08/27/22
Today you will learn what creating a community around your purpose means, why having a community of support is important to your purpose, and how to begin building your community from a small group of intimate supporters into a movement. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/26/22
Today you will learn what the failure feedback loop is, why failure is the most information rich data stream there is, and how to use failure to your advantage in reaching your purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/25/22
Today you will learn what an empowering mindset is, why it relates to pursuing your purpose, and how to control your thoughts and create an empowering mindset for pursuing your purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/24/22
Today you will learn what a daily practice is, why it's important to purpose, and how to create a daily practice of pursuing purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/23/22
Today you will learn what mastery is, why mastery is important for achieving your purpose, and how to master this skills necessary to achieve your purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/22/22
Today you will learn what strategies are, why autonomy is required for choosing strategies, why choosing strategies is important. and how to choose strategies for achieving your purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/21/22
Today you will start putting your purpose into practice by learning what goals are, why they are important to purpose, and and how to set 3 types of goals that lead to achieving your purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/21/22
Today you will learn what path to purpose is, what the hero's journey is, why you would want to take your path to purpose, and how to start walking your own path to purpose. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/19/22
Today you will learn about the third moment of revelation on your path to purpose: you have a choice. You will learn about the types of choices you have, why choice is important, and how to evaluate and make choices for careers that are meaningful and allow you to implement your solutions. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/18/22
Today you will learn about the second moment of revelation on your path to purpose: you can make a difference. You will learn about what it means to make a difference and the next steps in Solutionary thinking to devise solutions and plan for implementation. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/17/22
Today you will learn about the first moment of revelation on your path to purpose: that problems exist in the world. You will learn about Solutionary thinking to explore why those problems exist and how to research their causes and consequences. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/16/22
Today you will learn what communities to start observing in order to help, why should you seek understanding of these complex social structures and the people within them, and how to go about doing so. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/15/22
Today you will begin learning how to take your passions and expand them beyond yourself, taking responsibility for your life and those around you. You will learn what responsibility is, why you should expand your responsibilities to others, and how to begin the process of taking on more responsibility.
Published 08/14/22
Today you will learn about what a passion is, the two key requirements for something to be a passion, and how you can identify a passion from your interests. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/13/22
Today you will learn about what exploration is on the path to discovering your purpose, why exploration of interests are important for developing your purpose, how we foster exploration at Plato University, and how you can begin exploring interests in low investment, low risk ways. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/12/22
Today you will learn about the power of having a WHY, why it is central to your purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your own WHY. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/11/22
Today you will learn about the stories you tell yourself about yourself, why you must understand the way they effect progression towards purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your own stories. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/10/22
Today you will learn what dreams, hopes, and aspirations are, why they are important to have for living a life of purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/09/22
Today you will learn what values are, why values are important to have for living a life of purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your values. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/08/22
Today you will learn what strengths and weaknesses are, why discovering your them is important for developing a purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your them and improving them. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/07/22
Today you will learn what personalities are, why discovering your personality is important for developing a purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your personality. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/06/22
Today you will learn what interests are, why discovering your interests is crucial for developing a purpose, and the how to process for uncovering your interests. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/05/22
Today you will learn the secret definition of happiness presented in the Declaration of Independence, why you should pursue this particular type of happiness, and how to reach happiness in your own life. Enroll in the course for FREE at plato.university/courses/purpose
Published 08/04/22