“Digestible yet compelling story about hikers having an accidental bear spray incident in their tent, they can't see because of the capsaicin effects and then they come across bears.... what are the odds? I found it to be positive and engaging.... their sense of adventure felt very real!”Read full review »
The Real Aunt E via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Excellent podcast! I hope that more people discover the great work you are doing. I am Canadian, but once lived in Melbourne, so I especially enjoyed Episode 17. Thanks for making HumaNature!”
Dustin Wall via Apple Podcasts ·
Canada ·
“This is such a terrific show- each production is individual and seems lovingly crafted. Hope it keeps coming and thanks to the production people AND the people they intervie.”
mdvmcr via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·