Stories of human experience in a more-than-human world
If I have to be in traffic or in a city, being able to listen to stories of others' experiences in the more clearly more-than-human parts of the world is the next best thing.Read full review »
Jefgodesky via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/29/17
More reviews of HumaNature
I love this podcast. I get excited every time I see there a new one. I found this podcast because I won a T-shirt and thought I would check it out. Now I am addicted and I tell people all the time to check out this podcast. I wear my shirt all the time and people always ask about it. I hope I...Read full review »
p3lover23 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/19/17
Imagine, a New Yorker found this podcast originating from Wyoming, and can’t wait for the next episode? Lost in the wild, hunting for a lost elk, helicopters going down, trailblazing to Oregon by a once-teenage pilot that crisscrossing America by air in a piper cub, a lost family dog in the...Read full review »
Ssisok via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/19/18
Perfect (and clever) title for my new favorite podcast. Compelling stories of many different kinds--those that made me laugh out loud (Ep 8: Row Row Row Your Boat. Or Not) and those that made me weepy for days (Ep 11: Hoofprints on the Heart). I love that you let your subjects tell their own...Read full review »
db from Maryland via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/19/17
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